Monday, December 30, 2013

Turbo Speed

     Friday I didn't feel well. So, I decided to take the day off from work - I had no patients scheduled anyhow - and just rest. Which is like saying "I am going to go to a heavy metal concert, sit front row, and read a book. In another language. And understand it. And leave feeling peaceful and calm." Because, I am a mom, and the kids are on Christmas break, and I have a George, and a Ninja, and yeah, the whole "Let's sit here and rest up and feel better" thing wasn't going to work.
     So, as I was sitting on the couch pouting over the fact that it was nowhere near bedtime for the kids, I was scrolling through Facebook, and I see my friend, Justin, has just posted a picture of a cute little Husky puppy. This puppy was part of a Husky rescue operation that had just taken place, where 16 puppies and 11 adults were taken from a breeder who couldn't care for them anymore. (Well, actually the breeder's girl friend. The breeder for some reason or other was MIA.)
     Anyhow, the puppy was all cute, as most puppies are, and I thought about Joe. And Joe's brains, and Joe's super energy activity level. And that Joe has been desperately trying to win over Buster, the current dog. Who just looks at him clearly communicating that, in the general order of the kids, if there was ever an emergency, Joe would be last on his list of which kids in our household he would be saving. Joe needed a dog. A loyal dog, who can grow with him, and who will love him absolutely, and be something he can pour all these brains and energy into. Joe NEEDED a dog.
     So, I contacted the person who had this puppy, and, before I knew it, we had the okay to come and get him.
     We loaded the kids up, went out and bought the puppy a collar, (blaze orange. With a matching blaze orange leash) and went to go get the doggie. Through all this, a name was decided on by the kids. (Disclaimer: I had NOTHING to do with the naming of this animal.) And the puppy was named "Turbo Speed Dick". Which is right on level with the Guinea pigs a few years ago - Sweet Tiger and Chocolate.

     Turbo was just the cutest little husky puppy ever. A perfect gentleman on the way home. All snuggled up to Joe. Kaila, the animal whisperer, was told that this was to be JOE'S dog, so, try not to let the dog get too attached. Easier said than done. All animals flock to Kaila like she's Snow White. It's crazy.

     Once inside the house, Buster, the current dog,  looked at us with devastated betrayal written all over his face. Flashlight, the cat,  was completely insulted, and refused to let even Kaila touch her. She just sat there scowling at everyone with her tail swishing in rage.
     Buster seemed to be willing to at least give the puppy a try, and the cat decided this was fair grounds for leaping into the kitchen counters and trying to eat stuff.

     Turbo ran and played, and chewed on everything, and chased George around, and discovered he can not run on hardwood floors, and flopped over like Thumper on the ice, in the Bambi movie. Which just made the entire household go "AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!' Except for the cat, who clearly wished he would spin right out the front door, or find a nice electrical cord to teethe on.

     Eventually, it was bedtime. The girl we had gotten the dog from had warned us that this doggie should probably be in a crate, and would probably fuss. We were to ignore it, or he would learn to just fuss till someone rescued him.
     The directions with the crate stated that, doggies needed to be eased into the crate over a period of time, yadda yadda yadda.
     After half an  hour of the finest example of howling EVER, I decided the poor thing was either in pain or distress, and made Jasin go rescue him. At 10:30.

2:30, Jasin puts puppy back in crate.
3:20, I decide I cannot listen to the howling and crying anymore, and haul him back out of the crate.
3:30 I am standing in the back yard in whipping snow, wearing my housecoat.
4:30 Kaila is up, insisting she cannot possibly sleep, and offers to take the puppy
4:45 I decide that's a good idea, and go back to bed for an hour.
5:15 Both boys are up. And fighting.
5:30 Kaila and both boys are in the backyard with the puppy, wearing pajamas in the whipping snow.
5:45 Arguing over who gets to sit in my chair with the puppy ensues.
6:00 The alarm goes off.
6:20, Banging on the bathroom door as I am in the shower, with the announcement that everyone is going back outside again, to play with the puppy in the snow.
6:45: Sitting over breakfast, reading  how huskies are the "Houdini of the dog world" and WILL escape everything anyone attempts to contain them with. Fences, of every kind. They dig, tunnel, climb, and jump. And, if they get loose, they run, likely never to be seen again. Well, that's comforting. The realization set in that, my kitchen remodel has just been put off for another year, as we are going to need a new fence, set in. But he is cute!

     Someday, I am going to print off my Blog, and share it with an adult Joe, and tell him that when he is rich, I want my OWN private island. Till then, this Mama just got her kid a dog that should hopefully keep him busy, and give him something to pour all his brains and energy into.

     Anyhow, that's Turbo's introduction into the family, and the Blog. This tired nurse is sitting on break typing this with memories of having newborn babies at home, and thankful the patient load is low at work today. I'm sure there will be updates, as I am pretty sure our adventures with Turbo have just begun!

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