Friday, January 3, 2014

Snowed in with 4 Kids and a Puppy

     If I am remembered for anything after I die, I want it to be for giving the advice to never ever acquire a dog during winter. Especially a dog that needs to be house trained. Because, chances are, doggie is going to need to be taken outside into the frozen tundra approximately every 4 minutes round the clock. Further more, half of that frozen tundra will be tracked through your house.

     After my vacation at the beginning of December, I managed to keep the house looking amazing right up until Christmas morning. Even then, that was okay, because, EVERY ONE'S house looked like mine did on Christmas morning. And, if you have kids and your house looked amazing Christmas morning, seriously, there is something wrong with you. Relax, for Heaven's sake!
     The Saturday after Christmas, I spent the day taking all the Christmas trimmings and trappings down. The tree was completely dead, and it all needed to be done, anyway. The house was starting to look great again, and I figured I would do all those fun little odds and ends, such as laundry, on Sunday. Sunday, however, I woke up to the the message that we could go get Turbo.

     Now, it's sort of like having a newborn vampire in the house, because I am up constantly with the doggie, and he pretty much just wants to chew on people. I am hoping this is a phase we grow out of relatively soon. Sadly, I would almost rather see him chew on the kids who heal fairly quickly, than my furniture, which will not....

     Flashlight, the cat, is still completely enraged over this puppy. She sits and glares at him, clearly conveying that eventually his novelty will wear off, and he will be alone. And that she will probably cast evil spells on him, and eat him for dinner. We've pointed out to her repeatedly that, according to most web sites, Huskies like to eat kitties, but, she seems pretty sure she can take him. It's kinda creepy, how she lurks in dark places, just sitting there glaring at him.

   Yesterday, the weather, which seems to have gotten progressively worse all week, really was awful. The entire State was under a State of Emergency, and pretty much everything was closed. If it wasn't closed, it was at a standstill due to accidents everywhere. I left work early, so I could pick my kids up from their respective schools and the babysitter.
     After 45 minutes of picking everyone up and getting them into the house, I was begged to let them go outside and play. I am going to go all bad Mom here, and confess. I told them "No." Because it was too cold and windy, and I had just taken 3 hours of personal leave at work, to haul them all home so they weren't in the bad weather, and, just, No. Also, because I had a pounding headache, and seriously was not up to the half an hour required to assist with getting them all dressed to go out, only to have them trudge back in and through the house with snow covered wet clothes 3 minutes and 42 seconds later. I just wasn't up to it.
     AND, I told them they could play on all their gadgets, if they would let me and my headache lie on the family room couch for an hour. This on the heels of New Years Day, in which all TV, ipads and Kindles were forbidden for the day. We can't be awesome all the time. Now, after having confessed that, my mind is drawn immediately to all the perfect Moms I know who would never do any such things.
     Want to know a secret? I privately hope that all those moms out there that seem so very very perfect ALL. THE. TIME have SOMETHING wrong. Not something terrible, just something that would make me feel better. Like, Vodka for breakfast, or bodies in the basement or something. Nothing big. It would just make us not so perfect Mama's feel a little better about our slip ups. Ah well.

     Also, since I am here, I may as well mention that I am off the hook for training for the Mudderella. Unfortunately it is being held elsewhere now. Which was great, because I was all mentally committed to it, and not physically ready for it.
     I was slightly relieved about this, because, I really am not ready. However, my friend and carpool buddy - you know, the ex drill Sergent? - has convinced me we need to train for a run in April. Sort of a precursor to a mud run in Buffalo in September. I suppose it's a good thing the school gym opens back up next week. And, that I have a puppy that will be needing a good run every day... what better training buddy than a former Army drill Sergent?? If I survive, I will keep you updated to that project.

     That's about it. Headed into the weekend. I received a call today that my children need to be present at church tomorrow to practice a play for Sunday. I am sure they will be delighted with the news, when I break it to them later. Heathens.

     Till next time!!


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