Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dead Turkey = Earth Mother Resurection

     The Earth Mother seems to be back. All it took was a dead turkey, to resurrect her. And take my kids' dislike of all things homemade to an entirely new level. Maybe some day they will appreciate home made dinners. But for now, my kids who rarely get fast food, only want pizza. That's about it.
     Anyhow, after Thanksgiving, I had the remnants of our 22 pound turkey in the fridge. So, I made an enormous pot of broth with it.

     "Mom. What are you doing to the turkey bones?"

     "Making soup broth."

     "With bones."

     "Yes. With bones."

     "That. Is disgusting. Why would you DO that? You expect us to EAT this??"

     "Did you not eat the meat that was ON these bones, just the other day?"

     "This is different. This is disgusting."

     "We aren't eating the BONES! They just help flavor the stock!"

     "You are making bone soup. That's just wrong."

     "OH EM GEE. Go find something to do."

The other day, Kaila was complaining of a sore throat, so, after work, I came home and made a nice pot of chicken noodle soup, using my homemade broth. This soup looked like it should be photographed for magazines. It looked PERFECT. It tasted AMAZING. It was the most wonderful chicken noodle soup every created in the history of chicken noodle soup. And the broth! The most soothing coating ever, over the throat. Doctors should be able to sell this in pill form, because it was magical.

     The kids. They hated it. They refused to eat the bone soup. Not having it. Kaila has a doctor appointment for her throat first thing tomorrow morning.

     Meanwhile, while stirring this huge pot of simmering broth, I decided that I should start making my own bread. We go through ungodly amounts of bread every week. Almost a loaf a day. (100% whole wheat, of course. Because white bread is bad. All bread is bad. Anything made with flour, sugar, and any wheat not cracked with stones in the great outdoors 100 miles away from civilization and subsequent pollution and smog, is bad. Pretty much, unless it is something you haven't grown yourself, using only pure seeds, in pure dirt, with pure water - it's bad. No pressure. You're just killing your kids, pets, selves, we're all gonna die.)

     So, last time I went shopping, I bought some yeast. And flour. Because, all the recipes I have found on Pinterest, state that white bread is a good starter bread. I can get all healthy with oats and honey and whole wheat after I master a decent white loaf. Besides; comparing bread made with only a few ingredients, to the ingredients on the loaves from the store, I can't imagine this white bread will kill as as quickly as the wheat bread from the store.

     First things first. Bread pans. I have a few. I use them for meatloaf. Those will do for now.
     Ingredients. Check.
     Wondering how to store it? Where does one get bread bags? Or, since they are smaller than loaves of bread from the store, maybe just large plastic zip lock bags?
     Time. Well, The weekends. That I don't work.
     What if I need to make more than two loaves? That will last us only till Monday.
     Worry about it later.

This weekend, I have every intention, of trying to make homemade bread. Which makes me wish I had made homemade jams this past summer. Which makes me wish I had learned how to can things. Which also makes me wish we had picked more berries, and frozen more things. Which makes me all determined to do it all next year.

     I suspect the makers of Captain Morgan will have healthy Christmas bonuses next Christmas, because, I cannot make it at home, and I am bound to drive myself into drinking large quantities.

     Speaking of Christmas, The halls are decked, the stockings are hung, and the sugarplums all bought and tucked away. And daily, I hear "I WANT IT!!!!!" Bouncing off the walls of my home every time a commercial is on the television. George is pretty upfront about it. He hopped right into Santa's lap at the store last weekend, and shrugged "Oh, I just want everything." Which speaks eons about my parenting abilities. My kids seem to have missed the entire point of the season. I'm working on it though. I am determined to do away with the 'gimmies' somehow.

      This year we have the prettiest tree ever. It's on the list of all time favorites for me. I did note, with some alarm last night, that it seems to be shedding at a faster pace than I am okay with. At this point, I am just hoping that it still has some needles on it Christmas morning. Or, I could take the beautiful fire hazard down, and tell them they were all bad. No presents means no need for a tree, right? (Calm down, for heaven's sake! I wouldn't REALLY do that.)

    That's about it. I am still recovering from my recent 11 day vacation. I didn't go anywhere; just got things done around the house. And realized that, my being home meant Bearded Man took it to mean he could sleep in daily and have frequent naps and hang out in the neighbor's garage. And that we have been married long enough that, not speaking to him does not bother him. It only means that those long periods of rest were uninterrupted. Obviously I need new tactics. I will have to think on this.

     Till next time!

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