Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Sister the Hair Master

     This has been the week of the hair. Having a sister who does hair professionally has been nothing but a Godsend for us. My sister is sort of like that Soup Nazi on Seinfeld - she decides on your hair. If you don't like it - no new hair for you.
     Saying this, I need to mention that I took my boys for haircuts last Thursday, as they resembled wild jungle beasts more than little boys. I planned to zip in and zip out. My sister, however, looked at my hair, marched into a back room, marched back out, tossed a book full of color swatches at me and told me to pick a new color, as, I was not leaving till she made me presentable again. Joe actually decided on the latest color, and my sister agreed, and added hi-lites to it, snipped away with her scissors and - BAM! New hair, just like that.
      Only, things like this take time, and I had two hungry boys with me, so, I decided to order pizza to be delivered to the salon so my boys did not die of the starvation they decided was imminent. A call was placed to a local pizzeria. My order was placed. Delivery was requested.

     "Okay. And, what's your address?"

     "Oh! Ummm. I don't know the street address here, but, we are in the Save A Lot plaza, behind the Burger King, at that salon there."

     ".............. I need the address."

     "I really really don't know the actual address. I am very sorry. But, seriously, it's really like two miles from there, in the Save A Lot plaza parking lot, in that little building behind Burger King on the Valu Home Center end of the plaza."

      "Ummmmm. I just need the address."

     "For real? Okay.  Brianna, do you know the street address here?"

     "No, sorry, I don't."

     "Route 16 Yorkshire?"

     "I just really think I need that address."

     "O.M.G. I have my hair wrapped in tin foil, and am in no shape to come pick this pizza up. You REALLY don't know where Save A Lot or Burger King are????"

     "I guess we'll have to find it. It will be at least an hour."

One hour and twenty minutes later, and  a very nice young man brought us pizza and the boys did not die of starvation. (In retrospect, I probably should have handed the boys money and told them to run over to Burger King and get something...)

     Upon arrival home, Kaila looked at me reproachfully. "Mom.  You KNOW I need my hair done. The grays are out of control." (Because, yes, my 15 year old is sporting gray hair. Not a lot, but, enough to freak her out.)
     So, she called her aunt and scheduled an appointment for last night to get her hair done too. We were smart, and ate dinner ahead of time.

     We need to backtrack for a moment here. I bought a Fitbit several years ago. It was great. I would throw it in my pocket and get on with my day. It was just always there, and really helped keep me on track. Fast forward to a few months ago when I was really sick for two months, and I, in my brain fogged haze, washed and dried the Fitbit and killed it. I didn't realize how much I would miss it, until I didn't have it. So, this past weekend, I went out and bought a Fitbit wrist model. While I am not sure I like it as much as I liked the older one, I have been wearing it to try and bond with it anyhow.  It doesn't flash creepy messages like the old one did. I miss "I love you Moriah" and, "Kisses Moriah!" and "Hugs Moriah" and "You Rock Moriah!" and stuff like that. So, I have this new one. And it tells me I need to walk 250 steps every hour. Last night, while Kaila's hair was processing, my wrist vibrated with my walking reminder, and, I kid you not, no questions asked, my sister walked laps around her salon with me in freezing weather, and never questioned why we were doing this. She's awesome that way.
     When all is said and done though, we all have fabulous hair. I need to say this because "MORIAH! STOP POSTING ON FACEBOOK ALL THE TIME THAT  YOUR HAIR LOOKS LOUSY! IT IS NOT MY FAULT YOU CANNOT DO YOUR OWN HAIR AFTER I MAKE IT NICE FOR YOU!!!! IT IS NOT GOOD FOR MY PROFESSIONAL REPUTATION WHEN YOU ARE ALWAYS WHINING ABOUT YOUR BAD HAIR!!!! USE PRODUCTS AND A HAIR DRIER FOR GODSAKE!!!!!!!" So, this is me, publicly saying that my sister is a master when it comes to hair, however, I am not.

     Also of note lately are books. As in: I have three library books I really want to read. I am halfway through one of them. It is one of those wonderful books that begs a comfy chair, a blanket, a cup of tea and a few hours of reading time. This book just rolls along smoothly and I can picture every single detail in my head. I swear, every single time I pick it up, at home or at work on a break, there is someone in need of my immediate attention for typically non emergent things. I just want to read my book uninterrupted.
     As I say this, I need to mention the new Book Club. Someone in Franklinville threw the question out there - is anyone interested in starting a book club? And there was a crazy amount of enthusiastic interest, so, a book, time and meeting place were selected. I am pretty sure half the ladies of Franklinville will be getting their Amazon delivery of the first book selection sometime today, myself included.
     Which means I have another book to read - typically good news! Except, this will require some uninterrupted time  within the next month and a half, to read it. Also, Kaila has decided it sounds like a good book, so, I suspect my new book will go the same way as my eye liner, deodorant, eye pencil sharpener, boots, and all the other stuff that has mysteriously found a new home with my eldest.

     Last thing to mention: Joe has announced he intends to get dual Doctorate degrees. One in math, and one in some sort of science - possibly nuclear, as he loves it so much. He asked me if I knew what the best colleges were for these Doctorates, and I dutifully printed off 30 pages of the best "STEM" Colleges to begin this process. I handed them to Joseph last night (before the latest hair appointment) and he looked at me and said these were nice, but he needed STEAM colleges, as, he and Lexi are sticking with their college plan. Since they are only just over a year apart in age, they had decided long ago that they will attend the same college and split the cost of an apartment and share a vehicle and work part time jobs to pay for it all - which would make it all possible with both of them sharing everything. Anyhow, Joe requires a college that will accommodate Lexi's artistic pursuits as well. Also, they have agreed that since it's college, and  parties are basically expected of them, they have set responsible ground rules in which they both need to agree upon said party before it is allowed, and, that it will never be allowed to be on a school night or interfere with work obligations.
      Now that we have the basics set - majors, apartments, jobs, cars, parties - we just need to find a college that will accommodate them. Thankfully I have a few years before we need to worry about it too much. They seem to have it all under control though, so, I really have nothing to worry about at all, right?
     Also, Lexi has begun studying the Driver's Road Test handbook in preparation for her permit in three years.
     Meanwhile, Kaila, who will be 16 in less than three months has not gotten past page 7. I am told that the first 4 pages are not actually part of the book, so, she has really not gotten past the introduction as far as I know. I did hear that at one point it was under her pillow, and inquired if she had actually learned thru osmosis, but, she confirmed that no actual learning of road rules occurred in this fashion. All the children were once again reminded that they are not allowed to live at home forever, and Kaila was signed up for Driver's Ed that will be taking place this summer.

     That's pretty much it. Till next time!



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