Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ashes Come From Where??

     The Lenten Season has begun. Because I am constantly talking about my direct path to hell for eternity, I figured we should all go to Ash Wednesday mass. Brownie points and stuff. So, this in mind, I whipped up an off the cuff meatless meal that I hadn't pre-planned, and which everyone hated, as per the usual standard operating procedure in my house, and dragged them all to church last night.
     Because we screeched in at the very last possible moment, we rushed into the church to find it was packed, and there were no pews that would fit the entire family. So, Jasin graciously offered to take Joe, and sit a few pews ahead of us, and I, like usual wrestled George for an hour. While watching the Bearded Man take a nice nap throughout the sermon.
     As we all gathered to go get the ashes on our foreheads, Kaila whispered to me "Mom? What are the ashes made of?"
     "People who sleep through church."
     "*gasp* MOM! You are a very bad person!"
     And, just like that, there went my brownie points.

     Anyhow. We are running on crazy schedules this week, as, it seems there has been something scheduled every single evening, with no plans to stop in the near future. This has caused the laundry situation in our household to become very dire, and, we are collectively out of clean socks. Which doesn't seem like it should be that traumatic, but, when a body is rushing to get out the door in the morning, this "no socks" thing bypasses "inconvenient" and definitely borders on traumatic, as we all frantically dig through the basket full of socks desperately searching for two that at least look like they could be related in some fashion.
     I will probably just throw the basket out and buy all new socks for the household. I say this at least 4 times every year. And I also promise myself that I will keep them matched and stop my terrible "I am not matching the damn socks, seriously, things need to be prioritized around here, and they are not at the top of the list" mantra, and, make socks a bigger priority. Because, at 6:45 every morning - they certainly are on the top of that list.

     That being said, I don't have time to actually go buy socks. Tonight - it's a school concert. The elementary school did not have a band teacher for half the year, so, I imagine that we are in for a real treat, when they start playing this evening, after minimal practice. I did get a desperate call from the new band teacher, requesting that Joe attend the after school practices they were having for percussion this week. Evidently no one in percussion can percuss very well.

     Tuesday evening, it was a dentist appointment with Joe. I swear, I can not get enough of one on one conversations with Joe. They never disappoint. However, while we were in the waiting room, and Joe was playing with my phone, I suddenly realized that there was a middle aged couple seated nearby. The husband had his phone out, and was intently using it while mumbling. Turning to the woman who was next to him, whom I presumed to be his wife, but, maybe wasn't, but, was there with him, he asked if she knew this "Zack Wilcox" kid. She did not. The phone was utilized again. Several phone calls were made to various people, with queries as to this "Zack Wilcox" guy. Who may or may not work at a local pizzeria, or possibly a Country Club near by. Questions as to his character were asked, and comments like "How do you not KNOW? You are on Facebook with him!!!!" were made.
     Since it was not possible to NOT listen, I noted that several texts and phone calls were made in regards to poor Zack Wilcox, and that Zack was Facebook and Google stalked like nobody's business. It was with grudging approval that it was noted that Zack was at least gainfully employed. The impression I got was that possibly  Zack had dared ask this guy's daughter out maybe? The woman with the investigator/stalker did ask him to kindly tone it down and stop behaving like a detective on a criminal case, but, I don't think he heard her. He was dialing the phone again.  I was almost disappointed when Joe was finally called back for his appointment. Not sure of Zack will ever cross paths with the guy from the dentist office, but, may the Good Lord Bless him, if he does.

     With winter break over, and all the kids as healthy as we are going to get at this point, today, for the first time this week, all four of my children managed to attend the Franklinville Schools for Higher Learning. And, the following text was received: "I am stuck in a hell with a screaming demon watching over our tortured souls" from one of my kids. So, it seems life is back to normal around here.

     Bearded Man's Birthday is this weekend. I asked him what he wanted to do. So far he wants to "I don't know." "Whatever you like" and he wants to eat at "I don't really care where we go." We are heading out tomorrow evening for a fun filled evening of all of those things. We were going to go out on his birthday, Saturday, but, he shares it with a friend of Kaila's, who will be 16, and who is having an amazing evening filled with a limo, midnight bowling, a glow party and dinner at an amazing restaurant. So, we will work all day Friday, and then try to stay awake to go eat some "Whatever you order, I will have too." together.

     Till next time!


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