Saturday, February 25, 2017

World Wide Witches What???

     I've often said, that I would love a week home alone, so that I could clean, purge and organize all those big projects at my house.
     Apparently I needed to specify that I would like to be healthy at the time. Because, last week, I had my wish of a week home alone. But, I spent most of it sleeping. Whatever bug is going around is pretty brutal.
     It *did* get me out of an interview for that second nursing job I mentioned in a recent blog. I vaguely recall sending a very nice email explaining that I was still very ill, and unable to make it to the interview, but thank you for the opportunity etc. And they sent me an equally nice email back thanking me for letting them know, and success in any future endeavors (presumably elsewhere.) and then I went back to sleep again. Pretty much, I accepted and declined a job all from the confines of my couch, and mostly unconscious.
     On my last day at home, I had to take the girls to another orthodontist appointment. Essentially we sat in a small office, while the orthodontist, who is very passionate about his job, orthodontia and teeth in general, explained at great length and in great detail, what we can expect, what he expects from us, why we need orthodontia, and probably many many other things. It was all I could do to stay upright for the appointment. It was my first time dressed, out of bed, and out of the house for nearly a week. Finally he sent in an assistant, who slid a folder across the table at me, along with a box of tissues, and, at my request, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and I signed all sorts of papers, the content of which I do not recall, but I think I agreed to pay them lots and lots of money for the next several years, and to not allow gummy bears or corn on the cob, and possibly look into Lexi having tonsils and adenoids out, and then I dragged them all home again and went back to bed.
     I suspect I will find out more about this when I hand them a check that would have also covered a nice tropical all inclusive vacation with the addition of daily massages, and schedule their first actual appointment involving the beginning process of whatever I agreed to let them do. That last appointment when it was all explained is pretty much a void in my head, truthfully.

     I was really trying to decide what I wanted to write about. And then I read today that witches around the world will be casting a spell on President Trump every month during the waning moon, until they can get him out of office. Since I only saw that this was scheduled for the next four months, in the version I read, it seems they might be pretty confident in it's ability to work quickly. Possibly if it doesn't, they could be at this for awhile. What on earth could I possibly write that could top that?

     Since we had Monday off of work this past week, I spent it getting caught up from a week spent sleeping, and letting the chores lapse. While I was at it, I also cleaned out my van. Referring back to past posts, some of  you may remember that I am this side of unreasonable about the condition of my vehicle. If the inside of it does not look spotless, I am not a happy person. Since I am in it by myself more often than not, I can usually keep it fairly clean. There is a very strict carry in carry out rule in my household, and Bearded Man needs to do everything but sign a waiver in blood, to be able to drive it without my watchful presence. Even so, it rarely ends well. Listen. I am more than reasonable in every single other aspect of my life. If I am going to be forced to pay a small fortune every month for a vehicle that I never would have bought unless essentially forced to - you're going to have to put up with my completely ridiculous OCD about the condition of it. I need to keep that thing running smoothly until Kaila, Lexi and Joe all have their licenses and own vehicles, so I can trade it in for something in the non mini van category.
     Anyhow, I scrubbed my van out on Monday, and it was spotless. Just as I like it.
     Then I got a phone call from Bearded Man, informing me that while replacing the brakes on his truck, something else was broken. He would need to  borrow my van to go pick up more parts later that evening. Oh! And he had told a local farmer friend of his, who also owns a gun shop, that he would be up later to visit. Oh! And, since that farmer's little girl has decided that George is the man she will eventually marry, George was coming too. George is all for this, because, the farmer apparently has some pretty good fishing on his property, and, he'll do what needs to be done to continue fishing access.
     Bearded Man came home from work, and prepared to enter my vehicle with George. Reminders of it's freshly cleaned status were given, and, in resignation, I watched it pull away.

     Tuesday morning, I entered my vehicle to go to work and was on the phone with Bearded Man immediately, and in outrage.
     The interior of my van was covered in mud. It looked like every single farm animal had toured my minivan. I didn't even bother to mention the radio stations changed, the mirrors moved, and the seat adjusted.

     It was not good. So, I came home from work yesterday, and cleaned it out again. And then announced I did not want to make dinner, and no one wanted to eat whatever I was going to make anyhow. So, Bearded Man took us out to dinner. I figured it was an even trade, when all was said and done.
     I didn't realize how fanatical I had become, until I got out of my van after work yesterday, and Joe greeted me with "You are going to be SO MAD at George!"
     "Why this time, Joe?' I asked in resignation.
     "Because, he just peed in that mud puddle and now the tires of your van are disgusting from driving through it, and it's completely his fault. You need to discipline him severely immediately."
     "Oh Em Gee, Joe."

     I began this Blog yesterday during a break. This morning I have to assist with the PTO book fair at our local library, so, I figure I will finish it today, before I go check out the new releases. Complete confidence in my ability to deal with the cash and credit card machine was faked, and, I am currently surrounded by book fair apparatus and the sincere hope I can continue to fake my way through this, should actual customers appear. It seems simple enough, but, the simpler things seem, the more difficult they end up being, I think. Also, I want to buy pretty much all the books at the book fair for my kids currently, so, it's for the best for my bank account that I just sit and type, instead.

     With unusually warn weather the last week or so around here, most of the snow has melted, and, the trees and bulbs have decided it's time to bud. Not really a good thing, as, this could adversely affect all the plants and trees, however, the kids have all been out and enjoying the rare good weather around here. With good weather, comes the husky demanding walks. After dinner last night, I took the dog out, and we enjoyed a nice leisurely stroll around town. We stopped at every tree, and investigated everything a dog thinks it's important to investigate. It was so nice. And then, I came home. My house was full of children. My living room was a mess, and I realized I did not know some of the kids running around my house. I suppose the season of this has begun. Once you realize that it's inevitable, it makes it much easier to deal with. So, I sat on the porch, as children banged in and out of the house, and ran around in the dark, and figured all the kids would straighten themselves out and get to where they needed to go eventually. They always do.

     Honestly, I really don't think I have anything that can top the world wide witches casting spells on the President. I am not even kidding, when I say that the supplies for the spell include "An unflattering picture of the president." So, enough for now - I need to go check out the "New Releases" section.

     Till next time!



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