Monday, January 30, 2017

The Worse You Look, The More People You Run Into

     This will be written while under active recovery, or possibly residuals of - possibly the flu. Or whatever it was.
     I am not sure how many recent patients have recently come into my office for unrelated matters, looked at me and said "By the way, I am pretty sure I have the flu. I will probably die soon." in whatever variation. It appears that, no matter how many times I scrubbed my office or my hands, it somehow hit me anyhow. So, here we are.

     Yesterday was the worst. We had to go teach Sunday School first thing in the morning. Loading the kids into the van, Bearded Man navigated cruddy snow covered roads while I clutched my tea and fought the nausea.
     I have 2 curriculums I have to use for Sunday School. We all particularly  hate the "Growing in Love" series, and collectively dread those days. Yesterday, I stared at the book in silence, willing myself to start reading it out loud, and just could not make myself. Sipping tea, I looked at the words on the page long enough, that one of the kids finally said, "You want me to read it out loud for you?"
     "No. .......... No. I can do this." I sighed. And proceeded to read it out loud at the pace usually reserved for the endings of new car and credit card commercials. With a few "God, I HATE this curriculum" thrown in.

     "Wow, Mom." Piped up Kaila "It's not even noon on Sunday yet, and you've already found the weekly reason you're going to hell."
     Finishing up, I told them to please just cut out hearts to decorate the classroom board, and wondered not for the first time, why on earth no one had fired me from this job yet.

     Speaking of jobs.... Friday I called in sick to work. I always feel the absolute worst guilt possible when I have to call in. It's almost worst than whatever I am sick with. Anyhow, at some point in the day, my phone rang, and, I answered it in a daze, to find that a nursing company I had put an application into years ago was on the phone. I still get emails from them regarding local employment possibilities, and never "unsubscribed" to them, because, you just never know when a second job might come in handy.
     A very nice lady asked if I was still interested, and I, of course, in my delirium enthusiastically told her "Absolutely!" and she then let me know that they had LOTS of per diem weekend nursing jobs in my area, and how about an official interview? At which point, I finally pulled into a sitting position on the couch and agreed whole heartedly. In retrospect, I have no idea why she continued the conversation, as, I don't think I was entirely professional. But, I have a vague recollection of agreeing to work weekends per diem for this nursing company, working with vent patients I think.  I have no idea what possessed me to agree to this. But then, I thought about both of my daughters' orthodontist appointment - scheduled for later today, as a matter of fact - and figured that, by the time the orthodontist was done with me, I would be needing the second job anyway.

     Being sick, I ended up lying on the couch feeling even more self guilt, after spending an entire day on Facebook. I started following it again on Inauguration Day, and, with a sort of fascinated horror, haven't been able to stop. So, Facebooking we went. Because of all the unfollowing I have done, (Sorry! I love you all, but, I just *can't* deal with the negativity!) my Facebook consists mostly of recipes anymore. So, Saturday, when I dragged myself out of the house to go grocery shopping, I bought all sorts of ingredients for new stuff to try. I trialed a brownie recipe on my kids, that I am thinking about bringing into work for "Super Bowl Party Day" and I trialed Turkey meatballs with feta cheese and spinach in them, with a Greek yogurt and cucumber sauce to go with them. (It has a name. I am not in any condition to Google the proper spelling of it. It starts with "T" and has some "z"s in it.) The kids, I think, will be pretty happy when I am back to ignoring Facebook and it's recipes. By the way - I thought the one  turkey meatball and "T" sauce that I was able to try, were wonderful.
     It should also be noted, that, since I was feeling completely awful, I LOOKED like a train wreck, and, of course, while out grocery shopping, ran into pretty much every single person I know. It was like a great big reunion at Wal Mart and Aldi's last Saturday. Observing my reflection while putting away bathroom items I had just bought, I closed my eyes and wondered why I never run into people when my hair looks decent, and I have makeup on.

     Last night, I did finally rise from the couch, and run to a local store in town, because I had forgotten hand soap, and, we needed batteries for the thermostat that was flashing red, before they finally died and my furnace shut off in below freezing temperatures. I felt pretty guilty about subjecting my kids to turkey meatballs and completely ignoring them for three days from the confines of the couch, so, I bought them candy. I think I am forgiven.
     I don't think they really cared though. They somehow procured 2 rackets and a ping pong ball, that they are pretty sure was a present at some point from my mother, and spend the entire weekend in the dining room whacking ping pong balls back and forth. Balls were zinging all over the place. Sometimes, if they didn't have a partner, they would just bang them off the walls. I probably should have made them stop, but, honest to God, I just didn't care.

     So. Here we are. A quick catch up, before I pull my daughters out of school for orthodontist consultations. By the way; it's pajama day in school for Winter Ball Week, and, I will be taking my teen and almost teen, to the Dentist in their PJs, while I continue to look as if I am going to die. I imagine this will be a fabulous first impression.

     Stay Healthy!

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