Wednesday, January 4, 2017


     I have taken a break from Facebook. I suppose I could get all preachy and self righteous as to my reasons for it - but - preachy and self righteous pretty much ARE my reasons for it. I just can't deal with the constant judgmental negativity I see. It's exhausting.

     Anyhow. Who knows how long the break will last. Meanwhile, what has anybody missed lately? Not much! We stayed home most of the Holiday Season. I think we all needed to recuperate after the craziness of our lives over the past few months.

     With the exception of George, we all managed to stay up for the New Year Ball Drop. George looked at me smugly at 9:30 pm and said "See Mom? Still awake. Messing around wide awake - just like I do every night an hour after bed time. I will make it." Fifteen minutes later, Bearded Man was carrying him up to bed.

     We did take the kids sledding over the New Year Holiday. There is a large sledding hill a few towns over that lots of people visit. We hadn't been there in awhile, so, we decided to head out. In the middle of the hill, there was a hump. Inevitably little kids would hit that hump with their sleds and the sled would go flying one direction, and flailing little bodies would launch into space with sickening thuds to earth amidst horrified gasps and cringes from onlookers.
     After three out of four of my kids ended up with heads slamming against the hard packed hill, they decided they were finished sledding for the day. Concussion checks determined they were all okay, and we took them for hot cocoa instead. Incidentally, I think that's the same place my youngest brother broke his arm, years ago.

     Also of note lately is my latest hair appointment with my little sister. Brianna does a fabulous job with my hair, and in no way should ever be blamed for how terrible it chronically looks. It is due entirely to my own inadequacy and not hers.
     That being said, I was at her salon last evening, getting my hair done, when she mentioned the Bills. "Oh! Yes. Bad time of year for bills. I hear ya." I sympathized.

     "NO! The BUFFALO BILLS!!!!"

     "Brianna. What. Did you do to the Buffalo Bills." (Because, seriously. There is nothing my sister can do that will surprise me at all at this point.)

     "I had ordered all this stuff from Dick's Sporting Goods online. Only, the packages were delivered when I wasn't home, and left on my front porch. It was really windy that day, and they all blew away. So, I had to go to the store after work one day, to re-buy everything. By the way, that place is crazy over priced, and I will never go there again!" to which we all nodded in agreement "Anyhow, there was this guy standing by the doors. And I only noticed him, because he had the WORST HAIR EVER!!!! I mean, I was trying to decide if it was a bad perm, or if he just had terrible hair, but why on earth was he letting it STAY that way??? I was in a really bad mood, I had worked all day, and my back was killing me and it was really busy there and I was so tired and had a million things to do, and I was mad about how expensive everything was. When I was getting ready to get into the line to pay, I noticed the guy was STILL standing there, and he was staring at me like I should KNOW him or something. I DIDN'T. Trust me, I would have totally remembered that hair. It needed HELP. And, he was on one of those little leg scooters, you know, like you kneel a leg on when you hurt your foot? So, this guy is just standing there, and I am in a mood. And he's staring and I am so tired. And, on the way out, he's looking at me like I need to remember who he is or something, and without meaning to, I looked at his hair and said "UGH!" and shuddered, and kept on walking. Because I am a hair dresser, and it's all I could SEE! Anyhow, I went home, and was watching the news and GUESS WHAT???? I don't know how I didn't get caught on the news being all rude, because HE WAS A BUFFALO BILL AND HE WAS THERE SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS!!!!! And his hair STILL looked bad on the TV!!!!! And then, Phoenix (her all about sports, son) started to cry because, not only did I NOT get an autograph, but, I INSULTED ONE OF THE BUFFALO BILLS!!!!!!"

     Well. Only my sister. Things are never dull in her world. I don't think I have ever gotten my hair done, and not laughed so hard I couldn't breathe at some point.

     Seriously. Nothing else of importance has happened. It's been so nice having extra down time at home during the last few weeks! The kids were given a pile of board games, and have spent many evenings in hotly debated allegations of cheating - some substantiated and some not. All electronics were forbidden for the entire Holiday break from school, and the television was on at a minimum. There was one day, however, that I arrived home from work and found two feet of snow in my driveway, and the house a mess after my kids had been home all day. All shovels were buried in the snow, after one of George's adventures. So, I made the kids all go outside, find the shovels, and shovel the driveway. I did feel pretty guilty about it though, as I snuggled into my recliner under a blanket. But, it didn't kill them, so, I suppose it was all good. I tell them it's a life skill, and they will appreciate me someday, but, I don't think they believed me at the time.

    Now the holidays are over, and we are getting ready to head back into the crazy routine of things, as well as  George's upcoming 7th Birthday, and Lexi's 13th!

     I will add this to Facebook, but, honestly, I am not checking it. I tried to check earlier, and the first thing I saw was a rant about something or other, so, I uninstalled it from my phone.

      Take care, and stay warm!



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