Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm a Good Girl, I Am!

Recently, there was a series of Facebook messages, that went along the lines as such:

"Dear Moriah

     Please accept my Facebook friend request. I saw your picture, while looking for an old friend, and it intrigued me. You have look like such a kind and humorous person, that I just had to ask you for friend request. I am from Brussels, Belgium, but I live here in United State now. I am Independant Civil Engineer.
     Hope to hear from you soon, but if I do not, I understand.



Wow. All that from my profile picture, in which I am half covered by two of my kids? Okay.

"Hello Daniel,

     Wow! Thank you! Welcome to Facebook!


"Dear Beautiful Angel,

Thank you so much for accepting my request! You have such beautiful eyes! I feel such connection to you! I am widower. My late wife and my 2 children dies in a terrible Christmas season plane crash over Sweden, where my wife was from. They were visiting my wife's family. I had a boy and a girl. John, 9, and Melissa, 7. I am ready to move on now. I am born in 1960, but age is just number, yes?



Oh my goodness.


     How very tragic. And during the Christmas season, too. So sorry for your loss.


"Dearest Pretty Angel,

     I think we have so much in common together! I am heading out for a contract on the Gulf of America, and will be gone for 10 days. Please pray for me and my crew. I am very Godly man, and God has become such big part of my life. I thank him for bringing  you into my life. He has answered my prayers, after years of such grief! God is my reason for living. He has saved me. I will need to go by helicopter to the oil rig. I do contracting for mostly oil rigging. I think you may be my soul mate. I will be praying for you, my angel.

Warm Regards,


     I am very much a married person, with 4 young children. I am pretty sure the Lord would frown upon anything more than friendship....

"Dearest Morial

     The Lord will find a way! It is meant to be. I am falling for you. Let me tell  you about myself. I am 6 years old in 1965, my mother dies giving birth to me. I live with my wealthy father and his brothers. I am only child. I grew up with my cousins and nephew, as if they are brothers and sisters. When my father dies 10 years ago, my uncles took his estate and sold it all, leaving me, his son, nothing. They even tries to kill me!
It is in the past now. I grew up Catholic, in that we went to church on Sunday and said prayers, but no God the rest of the week. I am now so much closer to the Lord. I teach youth ministry classes now. Do you like kids? Yes I like kids. But, they must go home sometimes, so I can enjoy my spouse, if I had one. I would be a good and Godly father to kids. I demand respect from them. It keeps them good and respectful. You will make wonderful mother.
I cannot wait to hear from you! I enjoy these e mails! I am so happy I joined this dating site! The Lord has brought you to me!
Warm Regards and Prayers that you have an awesome day,


     I continue to be married. We are celebrating our 15th anniversary next month. I am already a mother of 4 children, and am unable to have more. I think, as a Godly man, you would understand that the Lord REALLY does not approve of married women running off with other men....
Also, Facebook is NOT a dating site. It's more of a 'hang out with friends' site.
Are you referring to your own children returning home? Where are they now? Also, I cannot find you online at all. Do you go by another name? You have such a fascinating life!

"Darling sweetheart,

I am obsessed by you! I cannot wait to read your mailings! We have so much in common! We think the same ways!  My late wife and my 2 children dies in a terrible Christmas season plane crash over Sweden, where my wife was from. They were visiting my wife's family. I had a boy and a girl. John, 9, and Melissa, 7. I am ready to move on now. I am born in 1960, but age is just number, yes? Please send me your personal cell phone number, that we may communicate more frequently.
Do you know I have an accent? And I speak fluent Spanish? I will teach you. You will have to show me how to play soccer. I do not know how. Smile. Also, I agree with your thoughts to some extent, on abortion.
I tell you about my education? I went to University of London for Civil Engineer degree. I have traveled all over the world oil rigging. I live in Columbia Maryland now. I will live anywhere, to be near you! I need to be able to come home to you, or you come home to me! I have fallen so hard for you! I love to snuggle and cuddle and kiss. I also cook and clean and do chores. The only thing I expect from you, is to be happy! I am humorous man. I will bring humor and commitment to relationship. I do not believe in frivolous flirting with other people, and will not do so. And I expect the same in return.
Cannot wait to hear from you, my soul mate. May the Angels keep you wrapped in their wings today


     I continue to remain married. I do not recall discussing abortion with you, but, I am very  much against it.... Also, I do not know how to play soccer. One of my kids played soccer one summer, but, all I can tell  you about it, is that you kick a black and white ball up and down a field, and try to get it in a net....
It is refreshing to hear of a man who is willing to do all the housework! With humor and an accent! You didn't mention... do you have another name?

"Darling Morial,

     Your pictures is my computer screen now. I tell you more about myself, yes? I went to university in South Carolina, for Civil Engineer. I am Independant engineer. Sometimes it is hard to get contracts. I do construction when I have no contracts for oil. I live in Cross Hills South Carolina. I have owned homes in London and in Netherlands. My late wife was my first love. I grew up when I was 24, in 1980. She was very successful, but we had very little time for each other, with our careers. I will never again allow a relationship to grow so complacent! I cannot wait to hear from you and your mails again.

There were several more along the same lines....


Okay. I do not have the time or patience for this any longer. It's been fun, seeing how this progresses, but, I am ready to be finished now. Let me tell you what you did wrong:

- Your profile says you were born in 1964. You have written that you were 6 in 1965, and 24 in 1980.

- You are nowhere. I searched. No Daniel Robert, no Daniel Robert Civil Engineer. And you were unable/Unwilling to account for that.

- There was no Christmas season plane crash that killed a mother and 2 children anytime in the last 6 years.

- You should not kill off your wife, kids, mother AND come up with your own family trying to kill you. It takes things to a very unbelievable level.

- Copy and paste. Don't do it. Ever.

- Pick an address and stick with it. You told me you lived in Maryland and South Carolina.

- Tone down the God stuff. I am pretty sure there is a direct path to hell for people who use His name to try and do wrong to others.

- Learn how to spell your mark's name correctly. Constantly mis spelling it is not very professional.

- try to keep track of who you are writing to. It was obvious that you were confusing conversations with me and someone else.

It has been truly fun, and extremely entertaining. It is always nice to have someone say these things, regardless that you are so obviously a scammer. Good luck in your future endeavors. I am probably going to have to report this to Facebook. If a woman is dumb enough to fall for this, however, she almost deserves it.



And that is how I dealt with what is called a "Romance Scammer" You can google them. The Internet is a wonderful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Okay. I have read this over and over. I love your response. You are amazing!!! I think you did good. (That stupid idiot) I love you mom!!! And other people, comment on her posts. She spends time to write these so show some respect and comment. Bye!!!!!
