Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The List Experiment

     With a new job with all new hours, and the kids starting back to school this week, I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity, to attempt to be organized. Because, seriously, this is just going to be a mess, otherwise.

     First, the background. With working 12 hour shifts in Buffalo, usually all different days, with a widely varying schedule, including most weekends, it was very hard to get things done around the house. I would work several days in a row, and in those days, any headway I ever made into laundry or housework, was usually lost. It was extremely difficult, to maintain any sort of routine, as far as household things getting done. On my first day off, there was "The Recovery Period", during which it was very difficult to get me to do a whole lot, and then the rest of any days off, it was the "Cleaning Frenzy", in which I looked hopelessly around the house, and dashed madly around, trying to put things back to order, which cussing the other occupants of the household under my breath. It was a vicious cycle. And it never seemed to vary.

     Now, I have this job, where I work Monday through Friday, and am home by dinner. I officially started the same day that the kids went back to school this week. And, the thought occurred to me, that there is no way this is going to go well, unless a routine was begun at the beginning. So, all gung ho, I began going over the new plans, armed with lists, at dinner time with the kids. I was a little disappointed that the lists weren't color coded, as they would have looked that much better, but, I was happy I found paper and writing utensil.
     The conversations went as such:

"Kids! As you all know, I will be working every day while you are in school. Which means that we are all going to have to get up and get ready at the same time. I am going to get up earlier, so that I can be in and out of the shower before you all need the bathroom and - "

     "Mom. Mom? Moooooouuuummmmmm!!!!!" Interrupts George.

     "What, George?"

     "We forgot to say dinner payers" (prayers.)

     "Oh. Okay. Yes. Lets say prayers. Sorry."..... "Okay then, so, I thought that we really need to make all our lunches and lay out clothes, shoes and socks before bedtime every night, which will really help in the craziness of the -"

     "Mom! I didn't finish my turn on the ipad. Since I hate dinner anyway, can I just go play on the ipad?"

     "No, Joseph! I am TALKING! So. Where was I? Oh yes, I really think it will be just a huge help, if we all get things done the night before. That way, we aren't scrambling around all crazy first thing in the morning, while we are all trying to -"

     "Can I have more iced tea? And, I still don't think it's fair that I didn't get to have the 'King Fork'"

     "hand me your cup, Lexi, and I will fill it. And, if you would have set the table like I asked, you could have picked the special fork."

     "This is not fair!!! I NEVER get the King Fork! I try, and George cries, and then he gets it, so that no one will have to listen to him cry!" bursts out Joe.

     "Joe. Maybe tomorrow you can have the King Fork."

     "What's for dinner tomorrow?"

     "Probably slop."

     "I probably won't eat whatever it is, anyway. Unless it's corn."

     "Then you don't have to worry about the darn fork!"

     "I never get the King fork, either!"

     "OMG, Kaila, really? I swear to God, kids, I am going to throw the dumb thing out! Anyway. I have made a list of all the dinners and afternoon snacks for the week. That way you guys know what to eat after school, so you aren't all coming home and eating everything, and spoiling your dinners."

     "Let me see the list" demands Joe. Heeeeeere we go.

     "I am not eating anything except corn on Monday, or the shredded cheese on the salad on Tuesday, nothing on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Great. I will probably starve to death by Saturday. And, I hate Saturday's dinner, too."

     "Kids. Focus. I am just trying to tell you, that we really need to be very organized! That way things all go as smoothly as possible."

     "Mom. Did I tell you who my favorite teacher is so far?"

I gave up. I posted the menu on the side of the refrigerator, and broke out the crock pot for Day One's meal.

     Today is day three. And, so far so good. We make lunches and pack book bags the night before, I get laundry done, housework done, and dishes all done before bed. We set out clothes and shoes and talk about schedules before bed, and so far it is working. It has only been three days though. I am so afraid that I am going to walk thru the front door, settle in my recliner, and announce that they can make pb&j for dinner, as Mama doesn't feel like it. And then all the organization will be gone, and everything will go hopelessly wrong, and I will have to be a stressed out banshee in the mornings, trying to get everyone out the door on time. And there will probably be no dinner. And the stupid King Fork (A fork that somehow made it's way into the house, that is a little larger than our normal forks, and somehow has been named the "King Fork" and is fought over Every. Single. Day.) will probably be dirty, thus starting all sorts of arguing over who is going to wash it.

     I read a line the other day that stated "He said his parents told him to 'go outside and play' a lot when he was a kid. It sounds like it was pretty neglectful'" Yesterday, I walked through the front door on such a beautiful day, stumbled over the kids in front of the TV, and announced that TV time was over, and they needed to go outside and play. I don't think making your kids fix an occasional meal, or go outside for independent, non structured play, is neglectful. I prefer to think of it as 'Fostering future independence' And fostering parental sanity. And, I hate seeing the kids parked in front of the TV.

     Hopefully this works! Hopefully I can keep the general routine going, and things continue to progress smoothly. So far, mornings have been very calm and orderly, and the kids and I even get to sit down and eat breakfast together.

     Here is to continuing to adjust, and to more calm orderly days at home! Till next time!

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