Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Weepy and Tempermental

     It's been awhile. Let's see where the keyboard takes us today!

     Things have been busy around the Dick Establishment. Over the last week or so, I have been informed by a neighbor I am a lousy mother; She tripped over the kids' bike ramp, and further, does not approve of "That poor sweet little blond boy that lives here, riding a two wheeler. It is inappropriate. And the bike ramp is completely negligent, and none of these kids should be jumping it!!" Yeah well. It's been raised twice already. The ramp has been put on furlough, and The Poor Sweet Little Blond Boy is not giving up the bike. She is welcome to try....
     I did, however, make the kids take her flowers, and apologize. Neither of which was graciously received. Ah well, you can't win them all, right?

     Also, in the past week or so, I took my 12 year old to go buy a Home Coming dress. We had heard about this wonderful new place in Olean that sells dresses, and headed out, on a rare day that I didn't have to work. It was fun, but bittersweet. Where the heck did my baby go? Wasn't she just born? And, the realization hit me, that, I am done with babies! No more sippy cups, Disney princess toys, toddler dress up clothes and big plastic beaded jewelry. No more tea sets or baby dolls or baby swings or high chairs or diapers or bottles or cribs or strollers. Wow. When did this all happen?
     I sat in a velvet covered chair, in front of a dressing room, and watched this pretty young lady hesitantly peek around the curtains, and ask if I could check out her dress, or zip her up, or find more. I watched her look at herself in the mirror, only slightly shorter than I am, and wondered where time went. Now my kid is getting ready to go to her first "Real" dance, and I am almost the mother of a real, honest to goodness teenager.
     The dress was not allowed to be frilly, princess-y, ruffly, pouf-y, glittery, sequin-y, sparkly, or pink. Preferably, it needed to be camo, but, in the absence of that, it could be brown, green or orange. Which just about killed poor tag along Lexy, who is all about big, frilly, ruffly, swirly, poufy, sparkly princess dresses. In pink.
     We did find the perfect dress, in mostly brown, with teal blue satin around the waist. It was absolutely the right dress for her, and everyone was happy. (Except Lexi, who's eyes sparkled with tears she tried to hide, as she didn't get a dress.....poor kid. It'll be her turn soon enough...) Everything was perfect, including the fact that, Kaila had actually been asked to the dance by a boy. I know, I know. "WHAT?? YOU ARE LETTING YOUR 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER GO ON A DATE WITH A BOY??? WHAT THE HECK KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU??!!!!!" Out of your system now? Good. You should have let me finish. Anyhow, this boy has had an on and off crush on Kaila since the 3rd grade. They rarely can think of a thing to say to each other, but, I have admire his persistence and spine. For Valentine's Day this year, he even bought her a Hallmark Valentine card. And gave it to her in person. The ENTIRE school knew, from the staff, to the student body.
     That he was able to ask her to the Home Coming is really sweet. I figured they would be extremely uncomfortable, and spend the entire 2 hours no able to talk much to each other. And think it the best night EVER.
     However, possible tragedy has occurred. The boy in question is on the school football team, and they made it to the Playoffs. Saturday night. No date for Kaila. Oh no.
     She took it like a champ though, and there is the possibility that (a) the game time may be changed, or, (b) another dance may be planned, to accommodate all the players and cheerleaders.

     The point of the story being, that, my kids are growing too quickly, I am getting old, my child is, thankfully not dramatic, and okay going, with or without a date, and my child is completely NOT a girly-girl. She was actually overheard saying she would rather be in jeans and a tee shirt, practicing with her bow in the woods. Not that they get to the woods very often. Which calls to question once more, my parenting, but, we do what we can.

     In other news, the weather around here is unsure if it wants to be hot or cold. Bearded Man has announced that the house, (which is 3.5/4ths  scraped) will probably get painted next year. The weather just is not steady enough to try it now.  Or maybe we should think about siding it. So, apologies to the neighbors, who probably talk about the trials of living next to this crazy unsightly house, with the loud children who are doing inappropriate things, like riding 2 wheelers and jumping a 5 inch wooden ramp. Please take note, however, of the corn stalks decorating the porch, and the hay bale that I tramped through my older sister's boyfriend's father's creature filled farm to procure. In scrubs and work sneakers no less. And the Mums. I have beautiful Mums this year. So, just admire the cornstalks, and please don't look at the house...

     There isn't much more excitement. I have been busy working at the VA during the week, and working for a nursing agency on the weekends. I never know where I am going to end up, or what I will be doing from one weekend to the next. It adds to the adventure, I suppose. I think it's getting to me though. I have had this chest cold for the last 3 weeks, that seems to have decided my body is a lovely property with lots of potential to grow, thus, seems to have signed a lifetime lease. Yay. That being said, this past weekend, I was tired and achy and miserable, and not in the mood to go to work. I ended up as the only nurse on a 20 bed dementia unit. And, as tough as I am, almost burst into tears. People were screaming and crying and someone had just attacked another person, and I was informed I would have to deal with the fall out from the family. I had never been to this floor, knew no one, and, one of the 2 aides I had, was new. I was tired and overwhelmed and had come to work unprofessionally stressed out, to begin with. Added to, the fact that my GPS had decided not to work, and I had gotten almost lost on the way there. Good times. However, it all went fine, everyone lived through it, including me, and eventually everyone calmed down. I did receive a message from Bearded Man, inquiring as to how my evening was going. I have to admit, I shot back a text stating that I didn't like anyone I hadn't given birth to, currently....
     The big adventure came on the drive home. Thank God my family never ever reads my Blog, because I would never live it down.... but I got lost. In Buffalo. Which is absurd, because I learned how to DRIVE in Buffalo! All the Fishers know Buffalo! But, Sunday, I got lost. Lost lost. I knew the roads, but couldn't remember where they went. It was humiliating. I could imagine my brothers all laughing at me. It was dark, I was tired, and once again, almost in tears.
     I finally found my way home, and stomped through the house, past Bearded Man, asleep in my recliner, and got ready for bed. I'm a girl. I can have the occasional weepy spell, or tantrum. I thinks it's in the female handbook someplace.

     Okay. Now that I have told you all essentially that, my neighbor thinks I'm a lousy mom, I am getting old, and, it seems, weepy and temperamental,  that I cannot drive without a GPS - and my house looks awful - I suppose I have created enough damage. Till next time!

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