Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Rest of the Story

     After my last post about the ghost in my window, my sister had taken the picture I posted on Facebook to a psychic friend of hers. Remember? The one that was able to flip tables with her mind? The psychic has decided that it was indeed, a ghost. Specifically a woman. I looked at the window, saw it was dirty from the dog's nose and the kids grubby fingers, and decided that it was definitely a filthy window, and I am a lousy housewife. Which saves the time and trouble of moving and/or burning the house down. As long as it's a dirty window and not a peeping tom ghost, we're all good. My sister, however, was convinced.

It's a ghost. A woman. My friend the psychic said so! AND, she has 'powers'.

I want those powers! Seriously! I would never again have problems getting my point across to Bearded Man, if I could flip a table or two! AND, maybe he will shave his beard!

Moriah. Seriously. We don't mess with that stuff. It's bad.

But it's okay to utilize these people to decipher my windows?

That's different! You have a ghost. But, she is probably a GOOD ghost, and so, I would just leave her alone.

It is a dirty window, Ange.

It's a ghost! She SAID so!

OMG. I am a bad house cleaner with filthy windows, and obviously not nearly as tough as I always thought I was. It is a dirty window!

Fine. Turn all your lights out, light the same candles, and take it again. I have all these people at the bar (She tends bar on the side), who want to see it. Take another picture!

No. I let the girls stay up to watch the Hallmark Channel Movie.

What is it going to take?

Serious begging in proportion to all the nagging.

How about a whole bottle of Captain Morgan?

Bigger than the sample size?


Fine. Next commercial break.... Here is your picture. And, Lexi wants chocolate now - specifically a Hershey's Symphony bar, to make up for the paranormal trauma I have just exposed her to.

Fine. It's the same. Hmm. So. When are you going to wash your filthy windows?

I will add it to the eventual to do list.

And that, is how the ghost saga ended.  In other news, I am home nightly for dinner now. Not tonight though, I have to work my second job shortly. Trying to do the whole psych myself up for it thing. The back to school bug has hit our house, and I now know why dragons are so miserable. Every time I cough, it feels like there is fire coming up my throat. How miserable! No wonder they are so angry. I have a whole new respect for dragons. Anyway, I am home for dinner now, and the nightly conversations are always memory making. And, Joe still hates just about everything that I set on the dinner table.

You KNOW I hate this! You don't know anything about me! You have  spent over half of my life at work! You don't even know me at all!

Joseph. Seriously. I have not worked away over half of your life. And, if I didn't work, you would starve to death.

The way you keep cooking stuff I hate, I am going to starve to death anyway!

Joe. Honey. I am home now. I am working the new job so I can be home more. And every night. Except on the weekends when I have to work the other place. And then, Dad will be home. Okay? The rest of the time, you are going to be mostly at school.

If you loved me, you would cook stuff I like. Maybe you should work hard enough to hire a cook!

Well. Besides those guilt inducing moments that make you feel like the worst parent ever, things have overall been going well with the new routine. I suppose as a parent, you can only do you best. And hope that, in the adult years, your kids will understand.

There was also the nail in the ice cream incident. Recently Kaila found a nail in vanilla ice cream that I served with berry crisp. I sent a nice calm 'heads up' E mail to the company that sold the ice cream. And received a form letter back. After going round and round, they sent me a $5.00 check and asked me to send the nail to them. At which I discovered the nail was gone. I have no idea where it went, nor does anyone else in the household.  That's the end of that story, too.

And, If I ever discover how to flip tables with my mind, I am pretty sure that the Bearded Man would be more amendable to shaving. So, that is added to my list of things to practice. If I figure it out, I will update you to that, as well.

That's all the current excitement in the household for now. Hopefully there is more excitement next time.

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