Monday, September 28, 2015


     It's a conspiracy. I am sure of it. We can have no plans ever again.

     Way back, when there was still snow on the ground, I booked a trip to the Adirondacks for our upcoming 17th anniversary. It was also going to double as the honeymoon we never took. We were going to stay at this Bed and Breakfast that had rave reviews about breakfasts that are evidently hand delivered by 6 angels strait from heaven every morning.
     We were going to hike up TWO mountains at the peak of the colorful fall leaves.
     We were going to have three whole days without the kids.
     I even had a dress for dinner.

     But: Kids.

     Don't get me wrong, I adore my kids. I have come to the conclusion, however, that, we will be unable to have plans again for the next 12 years. At least.
     Every time we  have attempted to plan something WITHOUT the kids for the last year, Kaila in particular, has something that trumps it. We have resorted to occasionally going grocery shopping together, and stopping at roadside stands for guilt ridden ice cream, to count as any sort of date these days. We cannot even stay out long: the groceries would spoil.

     Anyhow, back to our anniversary trip. Or lack of. Because, it's canceled. Which is just not a good subject for me at this time. Follow along here:

15 days before the trip:

     We had a five day heads up that Swim tryouts are coming up. And the expense that comes with it.

     2 Scout Camping trips were announced.

     The Scout chicken BBQ was announced - also - please sell 50 tickets to said BBQ - also - it's the same weekend we planned to go away.

     Kaila mentions that she will be playing in the Powder Puff Football game for Homecoming.

     Kaila also mentions Homecoming.

     Turns out: Homecoming is the same weekend we will be away. (All on a holiday weekend)

    Also, we all now have 2 weeks' notice to procure a Homecoming dress. Thank you, for the excellent notice, Franklinville Central School, that, not only do we have all these activities on a holiday weekend, but, there is also next to no notice for any of them.

     Kaila then gets selected to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Homecoming football game.

     Also, the washer is not working - again.
     Also, Joe has decided to take up the drums in the school band, Good Lord Help Us, and, needs money to rent the practice pads.

     Also, school pictures.

     Also, the kids all, across the board, out grew their clothing within the last 2 weeks, and all needed jeans.

     The trip had to go. There went the budget, there went the time.

     "Okay. Well, we can at least do dinner, even if it's just locally in Olean, on the 9th, the day before our anniversary." says Bearded Man.

     "Powder Puff football game."

     "No, Mom, I think that's the Homecoming Game. I have to sing in that one. I don't know when the Powder Puff Game actually is." pipes up Kaila.

     "Umm. Okay, what about ON our anniversary?"


     "What about the week before, on Saturday?"

     "Kaila has to babysit all day, then volunteer at the Beer and Cheese Fest, for volunteer hours for church to get her confirmation. Also, Joe has a Scout trip to the Scout camp in Pennsylvania."

     "How about the Saturday after that?"

     "Kaila has that appointment, and I think, babysitting."

     "What about Comedy Night at that place in Olean?"

     "Same night as the beer and cheese fest and Joe at Scouts."

     "Ummm. Lunch?"

     "Which day? Kaila is babysitting Saturday, we have Sunday school Sundays....Hey, while you're at it, the Olean something or other is putting on 'Handel's Messiah' November 14th. I really would like to go. Can you put it on the calendar for me, please?"

     "Yeah. So. We can't do ANYTHING for our anniversary?"

     "Not looking hopeful. We COULD try and go look at washers, just the two of us.... let's see if Kaila can watch the - oh, there she is, Kaila, could you -"

     "Mom, I don't feel very good...."

     "HOW does she KNOW we were going to try to leave???"

     This morning, while I signed a check for Joe's drum practice stuff (whimper. Drums!) I noted a schedule of events.

     November 14th, the date of Handel's Messiah: Kaila has a school concert.

     On the "up" side, I get to pick up my new washer tomorrow. Which is good, because the laundry situation is getting dire. Attempting to wash more than 3 items at one time results in the washer stopping. It's only 5.5 years old, however, we have had to tear it apart and fix it at least twice a year since we bought it.
     Washer shopping went as such:
     My list of desires was fairly short, "Please show me the biggest washers you have."
     There were 3 that fit my requirements. The one I ordered will be in Tuesday, I was told.

     "Jasin, do you want to bring the truck down to get it Tuesday evening?"

     "Well. I will probably have to borrow a truck from work..."

     "Why? You own a pickup truck!"

     "It has a hard cover over the box - it doesn't go up high enough to accommodate it. Also, the truck at work has a lift gate..."

     "You brought the stove home in your pickup truck and it's the same size!... just saying."

     "Lift. Gate."

     "Okay. If I come to pick it up with my minivan, will you guys assist me in getting it loaded in my vehicle?" I finally asked the sales guy.

     "Oh yeah! We'll even load it into your vehicle for you, Ma'am."

     "Jasin. You just got out - hauled by a minivan. Ha!"



1 comment:

  1. when they're all grown up, you'll actually miss this stuff!!
