Wednesday, September 23, 2015

If Moms Charted Like Nurses

     This week has been particularly busy at work. With busy comes charting. Overloads of charting creates thinking in terms of charting.

     Along with the craziness at work, has been the continued transition of the kids back at school, and the constant and numerous Facebook posts from fellow Mamas out there, regarding the miserable sickness bugs already running rampant through the school.

     Craziness at work is not conducive to taking time off from work to deal with sick kids. There is nearly a panic as I look at my scheduled for tomorrow every day, and think "Please please do  not get sick tomorrow! I CANNOT not be at work tomorrow!"
     Which becomes complete guilt,  because what kind of mother would even THINK that way? The kind of mother who knows how hard it is to come by much needed cardiac or wound or whatever specialty appointments for my patients, who REALLY REALLY need to see the cardiologist, the wound specialist and other specialists. While recalling the near impossibility of getting someone out to my clinic to cover these appointments if I cannot be there.

     Anyhow. Kids all over town are sick, This mama is busy at work, and the best I can do is lecture about hand washing and try to keep them as healthy as possible. As we finished dinner last night, I began my hand washing lecture, which rolled into yet another lecture on the proper way to wash dishes. I am determined that my kids will be able to wash the dishes, get at least a decent amount of them clean, do so without using every drop of hot water, and to do it all in under 90 minutes.

     I was so tired yesterday, that, without thinking about it, I mentally began to compose my charting notes in my head:

     September 22, 2015  1630, Education given regarding hand washing, proper form, proper length of time, and appropriate times to wash hands. After using toilet, before and after meals, when soiled etc. Demonstration given with children stating good understanding of such. All children able to properly demonstrate proper hand washing technique and voice appropriate times to wash hands. Children understand that writer of note is available for any further questions PRN.

     September 22, 2015 1700, Dinner served, utilizing standard serving sizes and incorporating all food groups. Children consumed approximately 25% of their meal. Children noted to be dissatisfied with their meal offering, voicing refusal to eat, weeping, stating they may starve. Children educated regarding importance of good nutrition, growing bodily needs for nutrients for proper growth and development, good eating habits highly encouraged. No starvation noted this meal. Will continue to monitor intake.
     September 22, 2015 1710, Children c/o behaviors demonstrated by child #4. Children informed writer of note that child has been attempting to order cappuccino from local bank drive thru every day on walk home from school. It was noted that this is an embarrassment to remaining children, as well as a drain on time better spent at home. Child #4 demonstrating no repentance for such. Attempts at education resulted in unrepentant laughter from child. This writer attempted to assume stern demeanor, however all attempts resulted in failure. Will monitor phone for complaints from bank in question.

     September 23, 2015  0630, Children stated that they do not feel they sleep long enough. Earlier bed times offered but refused. Writer of note stated that less talking/arguing at HS (Hour of sleep) would be beneficial to refreshing sleep. Children stated that they feel early school wake up times are creating exhaustion and crankiness. Refusal to get dressed noted. Child #2 was noted to be attempting to wear her pajama top to school this date. Child highly encouraged to don appropriate clothing. Child #4 attempting to wear shorts. It was pointed out that the temperatures outdoors were at the nearly freezing mark, and longer trousers were encouraged. It was noted that child was wearing pants that no longer fit him properly in length, however, child insisted. Writer of note educated children regarding proper and appropriate school attire vs the homeless child look they insist they favor. Children denied need to change their clothes. Writer of note will monitor backpacks for any notes from teachers. Children were encouraged to brush teeth, brush hair and wash faces before departing for school.

    September 23, 2015  0815, Received notice from swim staff at school that swim team tryouts are upcoming. Will adjust Anniversary trip to the Adirondacks budget to accommodate high rates of swim team cost.

     September 23, 2015 1030, Voice Mail received from Scout Master regarding two upcoming Scout camp trips writer of note was unaware of. Additional adjustment of upcoming Adirondack trip budget once again applied. Will alert Scout Master of child's participation in upcoming Scouting Trips.
     September 23, 2015 1045, Late entry regarding incident 09/19/2015 @ 1630. Children presented to living room with puppy. Children insist that puppy is needed for emotional reasons. Request denied via Paternal insistence. Weeping ensued. Children educated as to care and keeping of puppy, puppy needing human interaction while children are at school/parents at work. Children refused all education to such. Puppy returned in good condition. Will continue to monitor emotional needs PRN.

     Welcome to my life. I am kinda glad Moms don't have to chart.

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