Thursday, January 8, 2015

Put. The. Phone. Down!!!!!

     So far, myself AND my customers have survived my re-entry into waitressing. I was hoping I would be halfway to a bikini body already.  I'm not, but It feels like I should be.

     In the short week that I have been doing this, I have noticed something that wasn't an issue 5 years ago, when last I was in this business. Between my own observation, and in chatting with other servers.


    It's crazy! I recently had a table of 11 people. They had just finished bowling, and then come into the restaurant portion of things for dinner. They were all just the nicest people, and obviously having a good time. But then, they sat down, so that the men were all on one side of the table, so they could watch the TVs above the bar, and the women on the other side of the table; all of whom promptly whipped out their phones, and stared at them. All of them. The men were quietly watching TV - some while still playing on their phones, and the women were mumbling to each other, while staring at their phones.
     Anyone out there on social media can probably agree, that their statuses went as such:

#bowling with the besties #foodfunfriends #lookatmynewbowlingball #lovethisman #lovethesegirls #goodtimes #yumdinnerlooksdelish #nightout #nokids #sofun #selfiewiththegirls!

Along with the requisite "selfie" pics. And the group pics, and the pics with the distracted men, and the pics with the surprised looking men, who had no idea they were getting attacked while they ate their (silent) dinner, and grabbed for a quick selfie shot. And the pics of the food, of course.

    I suppose I could go on and on, but, essentially; that is what we see. People on their phones, either talking or scrolling, all through dinner. While telling all of social media what a grand time they are having, and how much they love whomever they are with. It LOOKS good on Facebook. In reality, if it was THAT wonderful, and THAT romantic; you wouldn't be on your phone. Just my own opinion.

     Anyhow. There have been some adjustments at home, as well. Last Sunday, I woke up and did not feel well. One does NOT call in with the GI bug on day two of a new job. One takes lots of medication in the desperate  hope something works, and deals with it.
     I could not, however, deal with it, work, church and teaching 45 minutes of Sunday school, before cutting out for work. So.... Bearded Man had to teach Sunday School. I have to confess, when I was handed my hours for the first week, my first comment was that I wouldn't be able to teach Sunday school. The new boss started to apologize, and I laughed "Well. Bearded Man just got hit by the Karma Bus. THIS is what happens, when you volunteer your wife to teach Sunday school. HA! See you Sunday!"

    On my way to work, I receive a whispered miserable phone call. The lesson plan for that day was all about chastity and relationships. And it was just Jasin and one 12 year old girl. Not sure who I felt sorrier for, but, he still had 45 minutes to go, and they were both ready to be done. I hung up and laughed.

     On the days that I have to work both jobs, the kids know that I won't be home until they are all asleep. So, We do the "good bye" hugs and kisses, and then a round of "Good Night" hugs and kisses. You do what you have to, I suppose.

     Thus far, my family has really come through and kept the housework caught up! Bearded Man this week alone, has assigned each child one room in the main portion of the house. They were paid to keep their respective areas clean until Friday. Not sure if they had to pay him back if things weren't up to snuff, but, the system seems to be working.
     He has also cleaned out and painted the inside of cupboards the pots and pans are kept in.
      And painted the bathroom ceiling. He called me today and informed me he had just exposed himself to seriously strong paint fumes without thinking the ventilation process through very well. He was outside trying to figure out why he was inexplicably happy.

     My dog is not currently speaking to me, and refuses to even look at me at this time. When he does, it is reproachfully, and from the depths of my recliner.

     Today, I only work one job. I am headed home, to make sure Bearded Man still has some brain cells left, after the paint incident, and figure out what to do with half frozen ground beef, and then, I am going to kick my miserable dog out of my recliner, and enjoy my kids. Or sleep. Or both. I don't know yet.

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