Thursday, January 15, 2015

How Many Me's Are There?

     A certain young man in our household will be turning FIVE on Monday.

     All he wants is a Max Tow Truck. The truck that will pull up to 200lbs and do everything but clean your room.

     I became vaguely aware of this truck shortly before Christmas, when the kids were talking about seeing it on a television commercial. Since my children are every advertising exec's dream, who tend to want  need every single thing they see on TV commercials, I tend to ignore them.

     The truck would not go away, however, and by the time I realized that this was the only thing in the whole wide world that my son wanted for Christmas, it was too late. Evidently every kid in America ALSO wanted the Max Tow truck, because they were all sold out everywhere.  I totally threw Santa under the bus, and said that Mom would come through for him, and he would get the truck for his birthday.
      The truck continues to be sold out. They ARE available on Amazon and EBay for ridiculously inflated prices from unsavory dealers. Advertising the truck with no pictures of it.
     His friend down the road has one.
     His friend at school has one.
     He thinks he does not have one, because maybe he was bad, so Santa did not bring him one.

     At this point, I am the worst mother EVER. So, this morning, we snuggled in my chair for 15 minutes before we got ready for work and school, and I tried to explain that the truck is still sold out.

     "Is there ANYTHING else you would like for your birthday?"

      "Yes. Mama. I need my own pet. I would like a dog, please."

      "George. We already have two dogs! That's enough for our house and our small back yard."

     "You could get me my own dog, and a book called "How to train your dog". I will train it to behave. I really need a pet. PLEASE, Mama?"

     "Honey. You can't read yet."

     "Get one with pictures!"

He is actually getting an aquarium, and then he can go pick out fish. It isn't a dog, but, I am hoping it will do. Also, if I bring one more dog into the house, the cat will probably kill me in my sleep.

   In other news, I honestly can't tell you what my house looks like at this point. I am seldom in it and awake. My requirements at this time are that it stay standing and that I have clean laundry and a clear path from the front door to the shower to my bed. That's really about it.

     Bearded Man has been busy drawing up plans for a new kitchen. This year, I am determined to finally replace the miserable kitchen. I am even willing to drive the temperamental beast that I own for another year, if I can have a new kitchen. The plans include: All new cupboards, counters, floor, another heat source, a window on the back wall, moving the stove, and turning the back store room into a deck. I am hoping for a brighter, warmer, more welcoming space than the current cold dark kitchen full of cold dark aggravation.
     And windows. We really need to replace the windows. I may need to step up the waitressing game.
     Waitressing continues to go well. I have lost 9 pounds in the two weeks that I have been doing it already, so, is essence, I am getting paid to lose weight. And eventually buy a kitchen that I have no time to cook in.

     As far as I know, I think the kids are all doing okay. When I was leaving for work this morning, I saw that Lexi had donned: A neon pink tutu with silver rhinestones, knee high neon pink socks with hearts on them, black leggings, bright pink sweatshirt, and florescent orange sneakers. She pulls it off well.
     I haven't seen much of Joe lately. He wakes up extra early and eats a calm, quiet breakfast while watching Pokemon on TV, and wakes the girls up for me while I shower every morning. Our communication consists of peeking into the family room and saying good morning, and then hollering into the family room 'Good Bye and Good night!!!! Love you!!!!" As I run out the door in the morning.
     Kaila keeps in touch all day through emails and texts, so I think I'm pretty up to date on her world.
     George sent his stuffed chameleon to work with me the other day, and solemnly requested that I feed it pretend grapes, play hide n seek with it, give it a checkup and roll it's ball gently to it occasionally. I took pictures of all the activities requested, and even found myself feeding it fake grapes throughout the day. Because, I am probably this side of crazy.

     I found out via an ink blot test online today, that I have multiple personalities. The results urged that me and all my other Me's all seek immediate help. We truly don't have the time currently, so, my immediate world is sort of stuck with all of us as is for now. So sorry for any confusion we may have caused to date. I could use this to my advantage, and blame all poor parenting on one of the other Me's. Could work!

     That's pretty much it for excitement at this time. For those of you that happen to live in the WNY area - stay warm!


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