Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Oh, where to start? I have so many ideas rolling around in my head, along with a headache. This should make for an interesting ramble today. Or not.

     Lately I have been thinking about tolerance. What am I supposed tell my kids about tolerance? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of it anymore. But, everyone is expected to tolerate everything. Whether it's something objectionable or not.
     Trolling Facebook, I have noticed that, when news sites, or very public sites post anything, be it something nice, tragic, illegal, political, religious, weather.... the commentary that follows is generally unkind, rude, mean, sarcastic, full of spelling and grammar errors, intolerant and offensive. While preaching tolerance.
     It was interesting to see the outrage over the Superbowl Coca Cola commercial. The one that featured several different languages and nationalities singing 'America the Beautiful'. I raised my eyebrows, and knew on the spot, that Facebook and every social media outlet everywhere, was going to have a heck of a debate going on.
     Reading Facebook was more interesting than the Superbowl. I had friends on both sides of the debate. Name calling began, taunting, sarcasm, superiority, condensation, and ugliness on both sides happened.
     On Coca Cola's website, an American soldier chimed in his thoughts on the matter, and was immediately attacked in the most horrific way, slandered, hatred spewing, vicious nastiness, and all around filth was shot back at him.
     All by tolerant people.

     Would people be this horrible, if there was no social media? It's a lot harder to say these things in person, than it is to type away with relative anonymity online. It's made me dislike society as a whole, lately.
     We preach against bullies. But it obviously isn't practiced much. If it's acceptable for adults to say such horrid things, why should our kids think it's wrong? Every other pre teen I know, has a Facebook account. They aren't idiots. They see how people respond to everything. Sometimes there are nice things, but, the greater percentage anymore seems to be negative.

      I thought about maybe taking a break from social media. That's just putting one's head in the sand though. It's still there. People of all politics and religions, beliefs, orientations, are still going to be out there, posting offensive things regarding anything in opposition of their opinions and orientations, and ranting about tolerance because anyone who thinks differently is obviously UN tolerant and just WRONG. "Haters, bigots, racist, phobic, unaccepting" words I see regularly........ what sort of message is this sending to the next generation?? WHAT am I supposed to tell my kids? I could write at this point, about how I HAVE been answering. But, that would send who knows how many into a tizzy, and seriously, that isn't the point.

     We go to church. We used to go more regularly, but, our parish employed a new priest a few years ago. He doesn't seem to be very tolerant of anyone. His contempt of his parish is evident in every scathing homily. Several families have re-located to different parishes. My own children hate church, and it is a fight to get anyone ready Sunday mornings.
     In this world of so much bad; I want my kids to have a foundation of good. Everyone practices their faith their own way. I don't particularly care what religion anyone is; I figure my kids all love me in their own way - the Lord probably feels the same about his kids. So, do what you gotta do. I think actions outside the church matter almost more than actions inside it. That being said; We are Catholic. I grew up as such, and have always loved it, found peace in in, and wanted my kids to have that same love for it. I don't  bash other religions, and don't like when people bash mine. I want my kids to have some sort of moral foundation for their struggles with this crazy world we live in.
     At this time, we are researching other local parishes. Because, I NEED for my kids to have a place they can go to get re centered and have some sort of convictions, growing up. In this world of increasing meanness that is acceptable by society, I need them to have some good. And see some good.
     Maybe to some, church or faith isn't an answer that works for them. I see lots of people who post (Usually those that are preaching the most tolerance...) objectionable things about my faith on Facebook. Do what works for you. My offense at their opinions would probably spark sarcastic commentary, and "If you don't like it, delete me - it's my wall!" posts. And, that's just not what I want my kids to learn. I don't want them to learn that it is okay to say, write, post, things that could hurt people. Things that poke fun of other's beliefs. Things that are deliberately sarcastic, rude, cruel, and posted or said with the certainty that someone will be offended, hurt, angry, and unable to respond without immediate attack from several people. All in the name of tolerance.
     The old adage "If you can't say something nice, you shouldn't say anything at all" seems anymore, the most appropriate response I could possibly teach my children, for anything they may encounter, in person, or online.


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