Wednesday, February 12, 2014

When Mama Gets Stressed

     Today, on the way to work, we discovered it was a balmy -20 outside. -31 at work. And that, is pretty much how this entire miserable winter has been. I am so done.
     I think this winter has gone into the record books as one of the worst in awhile. And, of course, we decided it was a splendid time to get a puppy. You know, the one that was too little to be really potty trained? The Husky one, that thrives in freezing temperatures and snow? THAT one.

    Between the snowed in kids, the teething, potty training puppy, and the the bug that hit our house hard for almost 2 months - this Mama is stressed.
     And there is the constant wet feet, due to slopping through snow, slush and misery, that gets slopped through the house, or collects in puddles near anyplace footwear is kicked off. The only time wet feet are not a miserable inconvenience, is when they are standing on a nice sandy beach with waves rolling over them. Or dangling in a pool.

     Yesterday was a rough day. It was one of THOSE days at work. On the way home, Colleen (the lady I car pool with) and I were discussing how much more stressful our jobs are in the rural clinic, then they ever were in a busy hospital full of acute patients. We never vented as much after work at the hospital, than we do after work in a clinic.
     I just KNEW I was going to end up snapping at my kids, because I was frazzled over the day in general. And half a night of hauling the puppy outside in freezing temps. I would just love ONE day by myself, to give my poor house a good scrub down. And sleep uninterrupted.
     It happened. I walked in the front door, found all four of my kids crowded around the ipad, and the house just a miserable mess, dinner burning on the stove, and the puppy in dire need of outside time.

     The fuse was officially blown. And this parent freaked out. Technology was officially banned for the rest of the week. They were told I need to be seriously impressed, of they want any access to it next week during Winter Break. (You know, after all the time off they just had with Christmas, sickness, and snow cancellations? We get MORE time cooped up in the messy germ infested house with which to get on each others very last nerve.)
     Dinner was somewhat salvaged, I was too tired to clean, or over see cleaning. The boys were allowed to pretend the bathtub was a hot tub for an hour - not sure if soap was involved or not, but, it passed for a bath in my book last night.

     I called Bearded Man, and vented some more, yelled at him too, for good measure, and hung up, still stressed.

     "Mom?" Kaila says casually, "Do you want me to get you some Pepsi, from Dad's hidden stash? you can have a drink!"

     Wonderful. I rarely drink as much as I talk about. I don't think I have had any alcohol since the week of Thanksgiving, truthfully. And the one drink I had was immediately followed by several glasses of water. My kids must totally think I am an alcoholic.

     "Okay." I sniffed

     "Here you go.... just go ahead and make a nice drink, Mom!"

     "And I will get you a straw!" pipes up Joe.

     "Thanks, guys."

I poured a drink figuring I would deal with the thought that my kids obviously think liquor is the way to fix bad moods, which is probably not ever a good thing, and sank into my recliner. I had decided that maybe a good workout would be a perfect stress reliever, but, once I hit that chair it wasn't happening.

Which really just started the train of stress on a whole new railroad. Because it reminded me of my sister's wedding. And the four zillion pounds I need to lose in 3.5 months.
For awhile, I had her convinced it would be so much better if they just took off and had a nice elopement/destination wedding someplace tropical. I even gave her the name of a resort in the Dominican Republic that would suffice nicely.

There was a change of heart. The wedding was back on. It began as a casual affair, in the Groom's back yard, wear what you like, pig roast.

Then she bought a dress. A beautiful formal dress.
And decided we needed definite colors. Maybe turquoise and silver. Perfect for the end of May!
And then there was the "Kyle says you need to wear red" text.
Red. Okay. I can look like an apple for the day. "Long or short dress?"
"Whatever you like."
Several days later: "Hope you don't mind... I gave so and so your phone number. She wants to go dress shopping with you. You will really like each other a lot."

Several days later: "Please don't kill me, but I also gave your number to Kyle's sister. I know you two didn't hit it off at the bridal show, but, she wants to go dress shopping with you and so and so. Also, I know that your girls are going to be flower girls, and I said they could wear whatever, but now they need to wear white and red. Also, we added another flower girl, and they all need to match...."

I now have less than 4 months to lose a zillion pounds, or be forever immortalized in my size 2 sister's wedding album as the Matron of Honor who looked like a big red apple. In a dress that will undoubtedly make me look pregnant. Awesome. Ah well.

     The only thing getting me through this week completely, is that we are headed to Erie PA kid free on Saturday. The first time we have been out kid free since last September. Probably we won't do anything in Erie that we couldn't have done in Buffalo, but, the change of scenery will be nice. My big plans are to buy new scrubs and a teapot. Because, I am just soooo exciting these days. I was thinking about re-stocking the liquor collection, but, maybe it isn't such a wonderful idea, what with my kids thinking that is the best way to calm Mom the heck down and all....
     When I mentioned needing a sitter to my friend Jen, and inquired if her daughter was available, the message was "And you tell her, that, I will pay VERY WELL, but the first, and every subsequent 'When will you be home?' 'do you think it will be soon?' message will dock $10. from her pay...." (which would have applied to any sitter, by the way.)

     Here's to weekends! May they be long and plentiful!
     And to bleach! What bleach is to messy houses and germs, is what antibiotics are to humans, I suspect.


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