Friday, January 24, 2014

Birthday Fail

     Last night I was informed by my eldest child that I was slacking, and really  needed to get a new Blog post up. No pressure or anything.

     This past weekend was George's Birthday. We have managed to keep him in one piece for 4 years now. Which is nothing short of amazing, when it comes to George.
     I was so excited about George's birthday present, hidden away for several months now. I could hardly wait to give it to him. Last summer, when we were at the Buffalo Museum of Science, George had gotten engrossed in the museum's wooden train set. He was so into it, that I started looking for one for him. And, this past fall, stumbled upon one mostly by accident. And this train set was the Cadillac of train sets. It included an enormous table, every wooden track piece imaginable, trees, houses, wooden people, cranes, bridges, signs, trains, a limited edition "Silver Thomas" train Polar Express, a conductor's hat, and a wooden train whistle. It. Was. Amazing.
     We decided to not give it for Christmas, and instead, hang onto it until George's Birthday. I could hardly wait.
     Birthday morning dawned, and George came tearing down the stairs, and set upon this huge train set, taking up a large portion of the living room, and was so happy! We had set up a basic track, and I had put trees and signs all over, so he could see how amazing this train set was. State of the art, and all that.
     He unwrapped the trains we had bought as an addition to the existing set. And then looked at me in confusion.
     "Mom! Where are the other presents?"
     "What? What other presents? This one takes up half the living room, and has about 2 million pieces! This IS your birthday present!"

     "Ohhhh!!!!! Haha! You hid them in the Family Room!" He announces, and runs out of the living room. And then back. "Mom. Where are the monster trucks?"

     "What Monster Trucks? You got a train set!"


     "George, do you LIKE the train set?"

     "Well, yes. I do. Thank you so much! I can make a whole town for my  monster trucks, and drive them on it!"

     "What?! It's a TRAIN set, George! I mean, you can play Monster trucks on it if you want, but...."

     "Oh good! I will just put all this stuff away..." he breathed in relief, and began dismantling the entire set, and putting all the trains, all the tracks, the trees, the signs, away. In their many many bins, that fit under the set. He trotted off, found his basket of Monster Trucks, and used the train table for a monster truck track and town.
      I feel as if this was a complete failure. Joe seems to like it. And they play with it after I tuck them in at night. So there is that.

     The new puppy continues to thrive. Having a Siberian Husky in Siberian weather is rather inconvenient. He LOVES the cold and the snow. Every morning between 5:30 and 6:00 am, I am standing out in my back yard with this dog that thinks this is the perfect time to play. I have noted that, after living in my house for 11 years, more of my neighbors are outside at the same time during the pre-dawn hours, than they are during daylight. Every morning, as I stand outside in my bathrobe, nightgown, winter coat, gloves, occasionally sweatpants thrown on when it gets below -5, Bearded Man's knee high rubber boots, and my insane hair, I see my neighbors. Almost all of them. And no one talks. Once, I heard the guy who lives behind me, whom I think I have spoken to exactly 3 times ever, I think his name is Kurt, or someone from his household, gasp in shock, as I stood out back under flood lights, in my crazy cat lady outfit, with this psychotic puppy. Otherwise, no one talks. Not sure if it's because it is too early, or if it's because I am terrifying.
     I feel like I should apologise every single day, for possibly scaring the neighbors.

      Kaila went and saw "Wicked" in Buffalo with the school last weekend. She has sung "Popular" every minute of every day since. Memories of my voice lesson days, and practicing opera, opera in Italian, and show songs on top of my lungs daily for five years, came back to haunt me. Kaila has decided show business is for her, so, sing on, kiddo! In your room.

     I could write an entire Blog, on Joe's one liners. Joe continues to be a little too big for his britches. He informed me the other day that he couldn't wait to live on his private island, in a tent surrounded  by guards. (After we did our evening "I hate dinner!" "SIT DOWN AND EAT!!!!!" Routine) I asked if I could visit his island sometime. "What part of 'PRIVATE' did you not understand?" he retorted. Yeah, well. The title of this Blog indicates that I am not a perfect parent.....

     Honestly, there isn't a whole lot in the way of excitement going on. Bearded Man continues to bake bread. Honestly. It is so amazingly wonderful. Recently, I was crazy busy at work, and I get this text: "Call me. I was in an accident" Which produced strong language from me. The type ladies and non-sailors are not supposed to utter. This being the second accident in less than a year....
     The next day, someone at work came into my office and inquired as to the status of the accident, and all involved. I was in the middle of an on-line meeting, and wasn't sure if it was the kind with microphones. But, I said "UGH! I am SO aggravated! He is allergic to apricots. I am THIS CLOSE to hiding apricots in every single one of his meals this weekend! Oh, never mind. I CAN'T. Because he makes BREAD. And it is the best stupid bread ever, and I love it, and it is amazing, and and his  baking is what is going to restrain me from buying apricots today."
     And then realized I had just pretty much admitted to premeditated homicide in front of almost 300 Federal Employees. And then, with relief, realized that the microphone wasn't on for this meeting. I am not REALLY going to hide apricots in his meals. I am not all the way convinced he is really allergic to them anyway. His mother said he had a reaction to them when he was a toddler. And, there is the bread. I have been craving it all day, at work. It is so good.

     In other news, the weather continues to be freezing, and, other than the puppy, who loves it, the rest of us are in the house. All the time. I have been flooding my Pinterest boards with Garden ideas. And trying not to think about the puppy potentially destroying them. I cannot wait until I can throw my kids out the door, and order them to play until dinner time. This weekend, they will be occupying their time cleaning bedrooms. Because it needs to be done, and because it will keep them quiet, as they spend their days in their rooms quietly, hoping that I don't notice they aren't cleaning, while I enjoy the new book I have on my phone's Kindle in peace. Win win!!!

Till next time! Stay warm!


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