Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Over Tired Mama

     Not sure about the rest of  you out there, but, when I am over tired, nothing makes sense. With that thought, I am going to attempt to put something here that is somewhat clear and unconfusing.
     The other day, I told bearded Man that I think I need to go away for just a night, to get some uninterrupted sleep. You know that point you can get to, where, you are cold from the inside out, with chills, and slightly nauseous, due to lack of sleep? And EVERYTHING is the FUNNIEST thing ever, and you laugh till you cry at the most inappropriate things? I am so there.

     Part of this is due to the psychotic puppy, and part of it is due to a sick Ninja. AKA, George. It isn't much more than a mild cold, but, it's enough for him to be whiny, and in my lap at all times when I am at home, and up and down all night fussing off and on. If it isn't the puppy, it's the George. If it's the weekend, and the opportunity to chuck breakfast at the kids and go back to bed presents itself, it only means that one child or other will be hanging in the bedroom doorway or hovering over my bed with some urgent need or other approximately every 2 minutes. So tired. Please tell me I will look back on these days with a smile and be all misty eyed and miss it. Tell me in person, so I can accidentally kick your feet out from under you, and sic the puppy that likes to chew on people with razor like teeth, onto you.

     The other day, my little sister dropped off a bag of Christmas gifts from assorted family members. It included a package for Joe, from my youngest brother Malachi, who is also Joe's Godfather. Joe unwrapped it, and thought it was the coolest most perfect gift EVER. I was so tired, that I laughed so hard I cried. It was a 10 hour documentary called "War Machines" in a handy 3 DVD set. My weapons and explosions fanatic thought it was wonderful. "Submarines. The Silent Killer" he read out loud. "Mom! I think we need to start with this one." What my brother was thinking, when he bought that for my 8 year old, I will never ever know. I honestly wondered if maybe he meant it for my Dad, who had accidentally received a Disney movie. Who knows? Joe thinks it's wonderful. He is hoping for a 10 hour marathon to watch it all at once.

    I have also found that this special brand of tired has completely removed that brain to mouth filter. The other night, Lexi came downstairs with a Barbie Doll that she had received for Christmas. One of the legs had broken off at about mid calf. Eyes full of tears, she handed the parts to me and I was all "She isn't BROKEN! She's now Amputee Barbie! Lots of people have amputations, and manage to have full and wonderful lives."
Didn't matter. My kid ran back upstairs crying, Kaila was howling with laughter, and Lexi is probably scarred for life. So so tired. When I inevitably go to hell, I don't think it's hot. It's probably full of guilt and no sleep for eternity.

Anyone who does not live in a cozy little cave someplace, is probably aware of the Blizzard that hit Buffalo last week, and the weather that seemed to shut down half the country. We did not get the snow, but, all of Western New York was hit with freezing temperatures and wind chills. (If  you live someplace that does not include the words 'Wind Chill' in your regular forecast, I kind of don't like you. I will probably like you again around Springtime. When weather like this, not unlike labor pain, is forgotten.) Anyhow, it was cold last week. The Niagara Falls, and the inside of my kitchen window both froze. Bearded Man baked lots of bread, including a trial run at cinnamon bread, but, it didn't unfreeze the kitchen window. In all seriousness, we were lucky overall. The cold caused a lot of damage everywhere. The quick warm up caused even more damage in the form of flooding.

The crazy weather, on the heels of the  holidays, and Christmas Vacation from school, meant that the kids didn't know if they were going to school or not. For almost 3 weeks, there was no routine in the household, which caused cabin fevered kids, and a slightly crazy mom. I don't yell much, so, when I do, it's usually a doozy. Shortly after yelling one morning, (And we all have those times, don't we?) It was of course one of those days when lots of people post things on Facebook about how wonderful their lives were, and how much better their parenting is, and their relationships with their kids are, now that they don't ever yell. Then there was the post from one mother, about how her neighbor called the police and CPS, because they thought something was terribly wrong at her house. Turns out she had been yelling at her kids.
When the inevitable October baby boom happens, post blizzard, it will likely be couples that didn't currently have children.

Honestly, As far as fun chatty stuff - I have nothing. Once again going to point out that I am tired. And, these breaks at work are not nearly long enough to be terribly coherent. Esp when a person is tired. And I kinda really am. Tired. Not coherent. At all. Anyhow, next time will probably be better.

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