Monday, September 30, 2013

I'm a Good Girl, I Am!

Recently, there was a series of Facebook messages, that went along the lines as such:

"Dear Moriah

     Please accept my Facebook friend request. I saw your picture, while looking for an old friend, and it intrigued me. You have look like such a kind and humorous person, that I just had to ask you for friend request. I am from Brussels, Belgium, but I live here in United State now. I am Independant Civil Engineer.
     Hope to hear from you soon, but if I do not, I understand.



Wow. All that from my profile picture, in which I am half covered by two of my kids? Okay.

"Hello Daniel,

     Wow! Thank you! Welcome to Facebook!


"Dear Beautiful Angel,

Thank you so much for accepting my request! You have such beautiful eyes! I feel such connection to you! I am widower. My late wife and my 2 children dies in a terrible Christmas season plane crash over Sweden, where my wife was from. They were visiting my wife's family. I had a boy and a girl. John, 9, and Melissa, 7. I am ready to move on now. I am born in 1960, but age is just number, yes?



Oh my goodness.


     How very tragic. And during the Christmas season, too. So sorry for your loss.


"Dearest Pretty Angel,

     I think we have so much in common together! I am heading out for a contract on the Gulf of America, and will be gone for 10 days. Please pray for me and my crew. I am very Godly man, and God has become such big part of my life. I thank him for bringing  you into my life. He has answered my prayers, after years of such grief! God is my reason for living. He has saved me. I will need to go by helicopter to the oil rig. I do contracting for mostly oil rigging. I think you may be my soul mate. I will be praying for you, my angel.

Warm Regards,


     I am very much a married person, with 4 young children. I am pretty sure the Lord would frown upon anything more than friendship....

"Dearest Morial

     The Lord will find a way! It is meant to be. I am falling for you. Let me tell  you about myself. I am 6 years old in 1965, my mother dies giving birth to me. I live with my wealthy father and his brothers. I am only child. I grew up with my cousins and nephew, as if they are brothers and sisters. When my father dies 10 years ago, my uncles took his estate and sold it all, leaving me, his son, nothing. They even tries to kill me!
It is in the past now. I grew up Catholic, in that we went to church on Sunday and said prayers, but no God the rest of the week. I am now so much closer to the Lord. I teach youth ministry classes now. Do you like kids? Yes I like kids. But, they must go home sometimes, so I can enjoy my spouse, if I had one. I would be a good and Godly father to kids. I demand respect from them. It keeps them good and respectful. You will make wonderful mother.
I cannot wait to hear from you! I enjoy these e mails! I am so happy I joined this dating site! The Lord has brought you to me!
Warm Regards and Prayers that you have an awesome day,


     I continue to be married. We are celebrating our 15th anniversary next month. I am already a mother of 4 children, and am unable to have more. I think, as a Godly man, you would understand that the Lord REALLY does not approve of married women running off with other men....
Also, Facebook is NOT a dating site. It's more of a 'hang out with friends' site.
Are you referring to your own children returning home? Where are they now? Also, I cannot find you online at all. Do you go by another name? You have such a fascinating life!

"Darling sweetheart,

I am obsessed by you! I cannot wait to read your mailings! We have so much in common! We think the same ways!  My late wife and my 2 children dies in a terrible Christmas season plane crash over Sweden, where my wife was from. They were visiting my wife's family. I had a boy and a girl. John, 9, and Melissa, 7. I am ready to move on now. I am born in 1960, but age is just number, yes? Please send me your personal cell phone number, that we may communicate more frequently.
Do you know I have an accent? And I speak fluent Spanish? I will teach you. You will have to show me how to play soccer. I do not know how. Smile. Also, I agree with your thoughts to some extent, on abortion.
I tell you about my education? I went to University of London for Civil Engineer degree. I have traveled all over the world oil rigging. I live in Columbia Maryland now. I will live anywhere, to be near you! I need to be able to come home to you, or you come home to me! I have fallen so hard for you! I love to snuggle and cuddle and kiss. I also cook and clean and do chores. The only thing I expect from you, is to be happy! I am humorous man. I will bring humor and commitment to relationship. I do not believe in frivolous flirting with other people, and will not do so. And I expect the same in return.
Cannot wait to hear from you, my soul mate. May the Angels keep you wrapped in their wings today


     I continue to remain married. I do not recall discussing abortion with you, but, I am very  much against it.... Also, I do not know how to play soccer. One of my kids played soccer one summer, but, all I can tell  you about it, is that you kick a black and white ball up and down a field, and try to get it in a net....
It is refreshing to hear of a man who is willing to do all the housework! With humor and an accent! You didn't mention... do you have another name?

"Darling Morial,

     Your pictures is my computer screen now. I tell you more about myself, yes? I went to university in South Carolina, for Civil Engineer. I am Independant engineer. Sometimes it is hard to get contracts. I do construction when I have no contracts for oil. I live in Cross Hills South Carolina. I have owned homes in London and in Netherlands. My late wife was my first love. I grew up when I was 24, in 1980. She was very successful, but we had very little time for each other, with our careers. I will never again allow a relationship to grow so complacent! I cannot wait to hear from you and your mails again.

There were several more along the same lines....


Okay. I do not have the time or patience for this any longer. It's been fun, seeing how this progresses, but, I am ready to be finished now. Let me tell you what you did wrong:

- Your profile says you were born in 1964. You have written that you were 6 in 1965, and 24 in 1980.

- You are nowhere. I searched. No Daniel Robert, no Daniel Robert Civil Engineer. And you were unable/Unwilling to account for that.

- There was no Christmas season plane crash that killed a mother and 2 children anytime in the last 6 years.

- You should not kill off your wife, kids, mother AND come up with your own family trying to kill you. It takes things to a very unbelievable level.

- Copy and paste. Don't do it. Ever.

- Pick an address and stick with it. You told me you lived in Maryland and South Carolina.

- Tone down the God stuff. I am pretty sure there is a direct path to hell for people who use His name to try and do wrong to others.

- Learn how to spell your mark's name correctly. Constantly mis spelling it is not very professional.

- try to keep track of who you are writing to. It was obvious that you were confusing conversations with me and someone else.

It has been truly fun, and extremely entertaining. It is always nice to have someone say these things, regardless that you are so obviously a scammer. Good luck in your future endeavors. I am probably going to have to report this to Facebook. If a woman is dumb enough to fall for this, however, she almost deserves it.



And that is how I dealt with what is called a "Romance Scammer" You can google them. The Internet is a wonderful thing.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Rest of the Story

     After my last post about the ghost in my window, my sister had taken the picture I posted on Facebook to a psychic friend of hers. Remember? The one that was able to flip tables with her mind? The psychic has decided that it was indeed, a ghost. Specifically a woman. I looked at the window, saw it was dirty from the dog's nose and the kids grubby fingers, and decided that it was definitely a filthy window, and I am a lousy housewife. Which saves the time and trouble of moving and/or burning the house down. As long as it's a dirty window and not a peeping tom ghost, we're all good. My sister, however, was convinced.

It's a ghost. A woman. My friend the psychic said so! AND, she has 'powers'.

I want those powers! Seriously! I would never again have problems getting my point across to Bearded Man, if I could flip a table or two! AND, maybe he will shave his beard!

Moriah. Seriously. We don't mess with that stuff. It's bad.

But it's okay to utilize these people to decipher my windows?

That's different! You have a ghost. But, she is probably a GOOD ghost, and so, I would just leave her alone.

It is a dirty window, Ange.

It's a ghost! She SAID so!

OMG. I am a bad house cleaner with filthy windows, and obviously not nearly as tough as I always thought I was. It is a dirty window!

Fine. Turn all your lights out, light the same candles, and take it again. I have all these people at the bar (She tends bar on the side), who want to see it. Take another picture!

No. I let the girls stay up to watch the Hallmark Channel Movie.

What is it going to take?

Serious begging in proportion to all the nagging.

How about a whole bottle of Captain Morgan?

Bigger than the sample size?


Fine. Next commercial break.... Here is your picture. And, Lexi wants chocolate now - specifically a Hershey's Symphony bar, to make up for the paranormal trauma I have just exposed her to.

Fine. It's the same. Hmm. So. When are you going to wash your filthy windows?

I will add it to the eventual to do list.

And that, is how the ghost saga ended.  In other news, I am home nightly for dinner now. Not tonight though, I have to work my second job shortly. Trying to do the whole psych myself up for it thing. The back to school bug has hit our house, and I now know why dragons are so miserable. Every time I cough, it feels like there is fire coming up my throat. How miserable! No wonder they are so angry. I have a whole new respect for dragons. Anyway, I am home for dinner now, and the nightly conversations are always memory making. And, Joe still hates just about everything that I set on the dinner table.

You KNOW I hate this! You don't know anything about me! You have  spent over half of my life at work! You don't even know me at all!

Joseph. Seriously. I have not worked away over half of your life. And, if I didn't work, you would starve to death.

The way you keep cooking stuff I hate, I am going to starve to death anyway!

Joe. Honey. I am home now. I am working the new job so I can be home more. And every night. Except on the weekends when I have to work the other place. And then, Dad will be home. Okay? The rest of the time, you are going to be mostly at school.

If you loved me, you would cook stuff I like. Maybe you should work hard enough to hire a cook!

Well. Besides those guilt inducing moments that make you feel like the worst parent ever, things have overall been going well with the new routine. I suppose as a parent, you can only do you best. And hope that, in the adult years, your kids will understand.

There was also the nail in the ice cream incident. Recently Kaila found a nail in vanilla ice cream that I served with berry crisp. I sent a nice calm 'heads up' E mail to the company that sold the ice cream. And received a form letter back. After going round and round, they sent me a $5.00 check and asked me to send the nail to them. At which I discovered the nail was gone. I have no idea where it went, nor does anyone else in the household.  That's the end of that story, too.

And, If I ever discover how to flip tables with my mind, I am pretty sure that the Bearded Man would be more amendable to shaving. So, that is added to my list of things to practice. If I figure it out, I will update you to that, as well.

That's all the current excitement in the household for now. Hopefully there is more excitement next time.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night

     Yesterday I wrote this whole post about how I was trying to be organized and scheduled, and am now armed with (unfortunately un-color coded) lists. And the chaos I was afraid would ensue, if the list and routines were not followed.

     Well. I completely jinxed myself in a splendid way. Because, within hours of that post, everything that could mess up my neat orderly little week, absolutely did.
     I stepped out of my friend  Colleen's car (it was  her week to drive our carpool to work) to a loud clap of thunder. I should have known then, that it was going to be a rough night.
      As I was clearing dinner off the table, a new friend of Lexi's, who just moved in down the street stopped over with her mother, sister and brother. So, out I went, to introduce myself, and before I knew it, her kids and mine were all running around playing together.
     The sky became darker and darker, and I suggested to the Mother of Lexi's friend, that we bring her toddler's stroller up onto my front porch, and maybe go inside, as it was thundering and lightening, and rain was imminent. She agreed that this seemed like a good idea, and in we went. Within minutes, the electricity was out, and a strong storm, with whipping winds going all different directions, hail, rain and continuous thunder and lightening swept through. The lights around my front door were ripped off, one of the iron patio tables was thrown over, a tree behind the next door neighbor's house broke in half, and there were reports of a house fire caused by lightening, and downed lines all over the area.
     The storm didn't last long, maybe half an hour, and the new neighbor and I got to know each other. Shortly after the storm, all our combined kids tumbled out the front door, to go splash in the massive puddles at the end of our driveway, and any other puddles they could find. Children were running up and down the side walk, as more neighbors came pouring out of their homes, and over to talk about the storm and it's damage, and wonder how long the electric would be out. It was quite the initiation for the new neighbor from down the street. She got to meet lots of people last evening! Through it all, though, I saw my careful lists and plans spiral away like nothing. Lunches were not packed, laundry was not done, dishes were not done - this was NOT on the list!!!!!

     Eventually, everyone wandered away, and we went inside to light candles. The kids were all excited, and went to sleep way faster then I thought they would. I wandered around, admiring all the pretty candles, remembering the days before kids and fluffy dogs, when I could safely light candles on an almost nightly basis. My mind wandered.... Wasn't this pretty? And so calm! And serene! And, the Amish people really know their stuff, because this was just so soothing. The Amish people ROCK. They obviously knew that electricity only makes life more stressful, and not less. Maybe I should just become Amish. Bearded Man is constantly after me to can various things. (I haven't a clue as to how to can things...) He is always saying we need to get chickens, and maybe a cow, and a pig, and have our own meat, eggs and produce. I could just become Amish and wear dark clothes (Which are infinitely more flattering to me than colors, it seems.) and learn how to can things and live off the land, and burn lots of candles. Ha! The moment I needed a decent glass of wine, or a stiff Captain Morgan, and had to wash laundry in a barrel, that would go south in a hurry!
     Either way, I decided to disappoint Bearded Man, and not become Amish. And to take pictures with my phone. Also frowned upon by the Amish. So, snapping away, I start to take pictures of all the candles. I take the last picture from my favorite spot ever, my recliner.
     And then I look at the picture. In the bottom right corner of the window over the love seat, I see a face peeking into the living room window. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I have never ever had that many goosebumps in my WHOLE LIFE. They were massive and painful, and everywhere. I am sure even the ends of my hair had goosebumps.
     Lightning was flashing ominously, and I was alone with 4 kids, and while I was sincerely hoping it was just a candlelight reflection, it LOOKED like a FACE!!
     This is the point in any good horror movie, where I was honor bound to go into the basement. I have the CREEPIEST basement on the planet. I NEVER EVER go into the basement. If I absolutely have to, I always come running  up the steps as fast as I can, and slam the door behind me. Don't judge. Even Super Man has his weakness, okay?
     But, in any good horror story, the creepy basement is the logical place to go, for guaranteed mutilation. WHY do they always go into the basement? I was not only not going onto the basement, I was not leaving my recliner. Ever again. Not even to close the front door, which was open right behind me. What if whatever was peaking through the window decided to come in for a visit? RIGHT BEHIND me? THEN what? Or, float up the stairs to the kids' rooms? Don't care. I am not getting up. I can just die right here. I wondered if I was getting extra gray hairs. Doesn't that happen? I finally decided to move enough to, of course, post the picture on Facebook, and implore people to tell me it was just a reflection. A lot of people "Liked" that picture (This was not a "Like" situation, people!!!!). A lot of people were all like "Nope. It's a little girl" and a few said it was just a reflection. I was not comforted. So, I decided to call Bearded Man. First I sent him the picture. The following conversation was a such:

Well, go get your gun.

I can't get my gun! I am not leaving this chair! And, you can't SHOOT ghosts!!!!! I would end up shooting the neighbor's house, and neither they, nor the police, nor the subsequent news channels would be impressed!

(Side note: Channel 4 seems to REALLY REALLY hate the VA. I could picture the headlines now: VA nurse photographs ghost, shoots neighbor's house. Our exclusive at 5, 6, and 11...)

Well, where is the dog?

I locked him in the laundry room, because he wouldn't stop barking at all the people that were here earlier, and I didn't want him to catch fire on all the candles.

Go get the dog.

No! I am NOT leaving the chair!!! YOU need to come home immediately!

No. I am an hour away. Just go to bed.

NO. You come home!

No. Go get the dog. You will be fine.

You suck as a knight in shining armour, and have failed me completely. Goodbye.

So. That didn't go well. I finally got up the nerve to go get the dog. Who was completely upset, panting and staring at the window from the safety of my lap. He failed me as a guardian as well.

Eventually the lights came back on, and the dog decided it was safe, and wandered off. I need a new dog.

Morning dawned, and I was whole and intact. As were the kids. Bearded Man pointed out that there are finger prints and dog nose prints on the window, thus I was probably seeing a dirty window reflexion (You are not in a position to point out my housekeeping failures, Bearded Man...), and considered the case closed.

My older sister, however, is convinced I have a little girl outside, and has informed me she is sending the picture to a friend of hers with a gift. Evidently she is able to flip over tables with her mental energy or something along those lines. (OMG, WHAT a handy trick!!!!)

Will keep you updated!!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The List Experiment

     With a new job with all new hours, and the kids starting back to school this week, I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity, to attempt to be organized. Because, seriously, this is just going to be a mess, otherwise.

     First, the background. With working 12 hour shifts in Buffalo, usually all different days, with a widely varying schedule, including most weekends, it was very hard to get things done around the house. I would work several days in a row, and in those days, any headway I ever made into laundry or housework, was usually lost. It was extremely difficult, to maintain any sort of routine, as far as household things getting done. On my first day off, there was "The Recovery Period", during which it was very difficult to get me to do a whole lot, and then the rest of any days off, it was the "Cleaning Frenzy", in which I looked hopelessly around the house, and dashed madly around, trying to put things back to order, which cussing the other occupants of the household under my breath. It was a vicious cycle. And it never seemed to vary.

     Now, I have this job, where I work Monday through Friday, and am home by dinner. I officially started the same day that the kids went back to school this week. And, the thought occurred to me, that there is no way this is going to go well, unless a routine was begun at the beginning. So, all gung ho, I began going over the new plans, armed with lists, at dinner time with the kids. I was a little disappointed that the lists weren't color coded, as they would have looked that much better, but, I was happy I found paper and writing utensil.
     The conversations went as such:

"Kids! As you all know, I will be working every day while you are in school. Which means that we are all going to have to get up and get ready at the same time. I am going to get up earlier, so that I can be in and out of the shower before you all need the bathroom and - "

     "Mom. Mom? Moooooouuuummmmmm!!!!!" Interrupts George.

     "What, George?"

     "We forgot to say dinner payers" (prayers.)

     "Oh. Okay. Yes. Lets say prayers. Sorry."..... "Okay then, so, I thought that we really need to make all our lunches and lay out clothes, shoes and socks before bedtime every night, which will really help in the craziness of the -"

     "Mom! I didn't finish my turn on the ipad. Since I hate dinner anyway, can I just go play on the ipad?"

     "No, Joseph! I am TALKING! So. Where was I? Oh yes, I really think it will be just a huge help, if we all get things done the night before. That way, we aren't scrambling around all crazy first thing in the morning, while we are all trying to -"

     "Can I have more iced tea? And, I still don't think it's fair that I didn't get to have the 'King Fork'"

     "hand me your cup, Lexi, and I will fill it. And, if you would have set the table like I asked, you could have picked the special fork."

     "This is not fair!!! I NEVER get the King Fork! I try, and George cries, and then he gets it, so that no one will have to listen to him cry!" bursts out Joe.

     "Joe. Maybe tomorrow you can have the King Fork."

     "What's for dinner tomorrow?"

     "Probably slop."

     "I probably won't eat whatever it is, anyway. Unless it's corn."

     "Then you don't have to worry about the darn fork!"

     "I never get the King fork, either!"

     "OMG, Kaila, really? I swear to God, kids, I am going to throw the dumb thing out! Anyway. I have made a list of all the dinners and afternoon snacks for the week. That way you guys know what to eat after school, so you aren't all coming home and eating everything, and spoiling your dinners."

     "Let me see the list" demands Joe. Heeeeeere we go.

     "I am not eating anything except corn on Monday, or the shredded cheese on the salad on Tuesday, nothing on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Great. I will probably starve to death by Saturday. And, I hate Saturday's dinner, too."

     "Kids. Focus. I am just trying to tell you, that we really need to be very organized! That way things all go as smoothly as possible."

     "Mom. Did I tell you who my favorite teacher is so far?"

I gave up. I posted the menu on the side of the refrigerator, and broke out the crock pot for Day One's meal.

     Today is day three. And, so far so good. We make lunches and pack book bags the night before, I get laundry done, housework done, and dishes all done before bed. We set out clothes and shoes and talk about schedules before bed, and so far it is working. It has only been three days though. I am so afraid that I am going to walk thru the front door, settle in my recliner, and announce that they can make pb&j for dinner, as Mama doesn't feel like it. And then all the organization will be gone, and everything will go hopelessly wrong, and I will have to be a stressed out banshee in the mornings, trying to get everyone out the door on time. And there will probably be no dinner. And the stupid King Fork (A fork that somehow made it's way into the house, that is a little larger than our normal forks, and somehow has been named the "King Fork" and is fought over Every. Single. Day.) will probably be dirty, thus starting all sorts of arguing over who is going to wash it.

     I read a line the other day that stated "He said his parents told him to 'go outside and play' a lot when he was a kid. It sounds like it was pretty neglectful'" Yesterday, I walked through the front door on such a beautiful day, stumbled over the kids in front of the TV, and announced that TV time was over, and they needed to go outside and play. I don't think making your kids fix an occasional meal, or go outside for independent, non structured play, is neglectful. I prefer to think of it as 'Fostering future independence' And fostering parental sanity. And, I hate seeing the kids parked in front of the TV.

     Hopefully this works! Hopefully I can keep the general routine going, and things continue to progress smoothly. So far, mornings have been very calm and orderly, and the kids and I even get to sit down and eat breakfast together.

     Here is to continuing to adjust, and to more calm orderly days at home! Till next time!

Monday, September 9, 2013


     So many Goodbyes lately! To Summer, To my kids, going back to school, to my job and my friends at the Buffalo VA, to the husband of a friend, who passed away. Too many goodbyes! It is sort of like that feeling you get, after finishing a really really good book. A book that was so engrossing, that you couldn't put it down. The book you stay up late for, and read through lunch breaks, because it is not possible to NOT read it, because you HAVE to see what happens next.
     And then, suddenly, it's over. It is done. It is finished. And here you are, all bare and lonely, and sort of lost, not sure quite how normal life is supposed to resume, and why can't anyone see that this enormous trauma has taken place, and life has continued on around you, completely regardless of it. And deep down, you know that there will be other books, and everything will be okay, and there are all these other books, lives, possibilities to explore. But, still. It will never be THIS book, and, you can never really re-read it. Because it's not the same.

     That about sums up my life over the last week or so. Everything has changed. Change is good, right? (Says the woman who has rearranged her living room furniture only once in the last almost 11 years. And that was strictly because new furniture was coming, and the old arrangement wouldn't accommodate it.) Change is not always embraced by everyone, okay?

     The changes began, when I had to take my kids back to school. I hate it when my kids are in school. Truly hate it. I LIKE when my kids are around. (Usually.) And I deeply dislike having to keep track of homework, lunch boxes, backpacks, library books, shoes,  socks, schedules, fundraisers, extracurricular activities, and the thought that now, due to the new schedule, my kids are going to have to walk home from school in bad weather. And be stuck in school in the good weather. There really is no pleasing me. They were thrilled to go back. I see more work. (Every single teacher I know is now gritting their teeth, and vowing to never read this atrocious Blog again. It's nothing against the teachers; my kids have been blessed with lots of amazing teachers over the years! I just like having my kids at home. This is all irrational Mama talking.)
     I walked my kids into school last week, and actually choked back tears for the first time ever. Sending them to school has never been traumatic for me.  My youngest and last child, I will be all weepy, but, usually I march them into school, deposit them at their classrooms, kiss them good bye, and go out to breakfast. This year, with so many changes all at once, and a Summer that really never happened, I felt like I had let them down. We were just too busy to have a lot of fun. It was very much a busy, working summer, and days out were a special treat. And my amazing kids took it like champs. And were totally ready to go back to school.  I marched them in as usual, vowing to book a Summer vacation while there is still snow on the ground next spring.

     During this, a good friend of mine lost her husband, still in his 30's, to cancer. Leaving her and her baby daughter with no husband and daddy. It was a loss felt all over town, as they were a much loved couple. And, once again, I watched an entire town rally together, to support one of it's own. This is one of the perks of living in such a rural area, and watching people come together when needed. It's amazing to behold. A tragic goodbye, but a heart warming turn out of support and love. I just don't think you find that in large areas.
     Sometimes, living in a small town is mind bogglingly frustrating, as, rumors and stories run rampant. But, the benefits outweigh the negatives overall.

     A few days ago, I also said goodbye to my job in Buffalo. I arrived at work, and watched the sun rising over the city skyline for the last time, and thought about the beautiful view, one thing among many, that I will miss.
     The amazing people that I worked with, and who taught me so much. The people that I worked with were always happy to step in and help, or let anyone who needed to, tag along and watch and learn. Several of my co-workers have also moved on to different positions, some within the VA system, and some outside of it. But all of them made such a huge difference.
     And, too, I know almost for certain, that the plants in the break room will likely die from neglect now. A person can only adopt so many plants though, so, those poor scraggly things had a good run, and made a heroic attempt to survive, surrounded by all these people dedicated to helping things survive, but, I suspect that run is just about over for the poor break room plants.

     In the middle of all the good byes, I am saying Hello to the new job, however, and trying to learn as much as possible. I know for certain, however, that, the very day that I am left alone and to my own devices, things will probably go horribly wrong, and I will have absolutely no idea what to do. because, that's what usually happens, whenever it can. I have every confidence, however, that I will figure things out quickly, and be able to handle it all one way or another. Or, at least bluff my way through it, until I do know what I am doing.  And, with a new job, comes new people, and one old friend, my car pool buddy from my Buffalo days, who is also now working at the same place! Who happens to live right around the corner from me! So, there is that, too. Silver Linings and all that.

     So. Here's to the thought that life is sort of like a book. Here's to the ending of one chapter, and the beginning of another. With that thought, it's sort of like new beginnings and I feel like I should make a resolution, with all these blank pages ahead of me. And, I did! I resolved that, beginning this morning, I would start getting up ultra early, to start working out for the Mudderella! And, shortly before the alarm went off, I shut it off and went back to sleep.With the thought that, I have never ever been able to exercise early in the morning. There was a few months, shortly after George was born, that I would go walking with a friend. And, I remember not feeling a whole lot better after that. No refreshing brisk morning walk with that afterward rush here! No. I could always happily wander back to bed immediately after. So, this morning I decided it would be better for me to try and work out after work. Which, I imagine will be next to impossible, surrounded by all the kids. I am sure that I will have an even better excuse tomorrow. The possibilities are endless. I am still, however, determined to do this Mudderella, and to do the whole work out thing. We'll have to let you know the progress on that next time. I can do this, right? And, the stress relief of all this exercise will probably help  with all the changes tremendously. So, till next time!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day Out With the Dicks

     Guess what? I have a some weekend time off lately! Mostly because I was on vacation for almost 2 weeks (most of which I worked, but still...). In the spirit of things, we decided to take the kids and do "Fun Family Things"! It was a pretty low key summer, mostly spent at home, due to schedules and house stuff that needed to be done. Time to have a little fun, right?

     It was decided after intense debate, (And myself vehemently voting down the beach. It may take awhile before I can make myself go back to that sizzling hell again...) to try out mini golf and then hike Rock City Park, a family favorite.

     "Kids!" I call out cheerily from the front seat of my vehicle, "Your challenge today, is to try and eat healthy!" This on the heels of the realization that I have only 9 months to train for the Mudderella. I can only carry a mental plan and lots of research as to the best ways to train, for so long. Eventually, I will have to get a little more proactive. Evening walks, and going on active family outings have really helped with a kick start in that area. Thus the active plans we had for our Big Day Out yesterday. This announcement was met with "Yay! Okay Mom!" and all sorts of enthusiasm at the time.
     We reached our first stop about half an hour later. And the begging for pizza began. It was with resignation that I realize that my children are convinced their mother is an alcoholic, as they tried to get me to order pizza, while telling me that it goes well with alcohol. Nice.
     We ended up with McDonald's. I probably could have taken on the 5 begging people, and insisted on a healthy trip to the grocery store, but, sometimes you need to pick the battles. Why start off the trip with 5 sulking people? So, to McDonald's we went.

     On to the Mini Golf place. After paying for a round of golf for the 6 of us, we meandered out to the golf course. Where a very large group of people were stationed indefinitely at the first hole. And they stayed. And stayed. And stayed. It was suggested by Bearded Man that we begin at the end. Which was happily agreed to, and the entire family began to smack balls all over the course. Into sand traps, parking lots, water traps, bouncing them off of sidewalls, decorations, and eventually into holes. It was a complete Redneck Golf Convention. I realized we had very little control of the situation. 4 kids of different abilities, scattered all over the golf course, whacking balls everywhere, and the dawning of thought that we were running the wrong way, as people were coming toward us in the proper order. The boys were dropping their golf balls into the water, to attempt to fish them out again, and George, who had new shoes that didn't fit properly, kept falling over. Que the tears, as people looked on at the awesome parents, not even looking up from their golf balls, calling out "You're fine, George! Get up and walk it off!" "Come on, Soapy! Get up!" Kaila would yell. "Soapy?" I ask, "Yes. Because he keeps slipping. Like soap..." Good Lord. PLEASE don't let that name stick.
     Toward the end of the golf game, I look up, as I hear a man yell "Why? WHY??!!!" In complete frustration, and see George catch the man's golf ball, as it rolled toward the hole, and run off with it, throwing it into a water pond. It seems the guy's golf ball was the same color as George's, and George thought he was throwing his own ball into the water. So, with apologies, we fished it out.
     I'm sure we will never see any of those people again, thank goodness. It was a pretty unorganized trip. But, we were only half way done. On to Rock City Park

     Rock City Park is this amazing place that, at the top, looks out almost forever, over the most beautiful views, as you stand on top of boulders that are 80+ feet tall. (If I remember the one sign right. Could be off give or take a foot..) After walking down a steep iron stairway, you end up in this magical place that meanders thru the rock formations, and gives quite a nice little hike of about a mile. Shortly into the hike, Joe, who, as self appointed leader, due to his Cub Scout status, and therefore more knowledge and training than the rest of us, led us down the wrong path. Which ended up with us going backwards - twice in one day!- through the entire park. Upon finding out that Joe had mixed us all up, George chimed in "Joe. You got us lost. Now you can stay lost. We are leaving without you. Good bye." A statement that was not met well by Joe.

    After the park, with the entire family dirty, grimy and sweaty, decided to run to Wal Mart, to get George some new shoes. The other new shoes just weren't the best fit. Of course I ran into lots of people I knew... And, of course I had "Wal Mart People Hair", which, I am sure, only hastens the inevitable posting of my pic on the 'People of Wal Mart' site eventually.

  One of the conversations throughout the day, involved my Mudderella Training.

     "Hon. You should fill my backpack up with heavy stuff, and go hiking through the woods during hunting season! Just go get your hunting license!"

     "WHAT? Why the heck would you hand me your camo backpack, and send me into the woods during hunting season?!"

     "You can wear orange."

     "There are soooo many other places I could go hike. Why the woods during hunting season?!"

     'Fine. You could always ride your bike up Case Lake Hill, and then over and down East Hill Road."

     "You did that a few years ago, and almost died, coming down that hill, Jasin."

     "I think my brakes were broken."

     "No. They were not. It is a very long (miles) hill, and you almost lost control and died."

     "You should try it!"

     "KIDS! I want it known RIGHT THIS MINUTE, that if Daddy and I go anywhere alone together, and I do not come back, or don't come back in one piece, you are to all be suspicious, and call authorities!"

     "Okay, Mom" they all agreed readily.

     At the end of the day, it was nice to come  home.... we made it home right before a thunderstorm swept through the area. The timing was perfect. And, I am sure society as a whole, was happy to see us off the public streets.....