Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snowed in Shenanigans

     My kids are on Winter Break this week. I was off Tuesday and Wednesday, and, wouldn't you know, the weather predictions weren't too wonderful. I probably COULD have taken them out and about, but, living half an hour from ANYWHERE,  if I don't have to drive in the slop, I really don't want to. Tuesday, I went out, rented movies, and made popcprn. That seemed to tide them over somewhat. And, I am excited to say, I finally was able to use my new oven that night! (Little side note here, just to get it out of my system; I was NOT the first to use it. One of the babysitters was. You may all be upset for me now. The sympathy is appreciated.) After producing dinner, the nightly arguement with Joe began. He is stick skinny, not because I do not feed him, but, because he is pretty sure he hates everything I set in front of him.

"Mom, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Homemade pizza rolls."

"I HAAATE those!! Why do you have to always make stuff I hate?"

"I have never made them, Joe. You haven't even tried them before."
"Uuggghh!!!! Can't you hurry up and put a lab in here for me, so I can get started on my time machine??"

"What the heck do you need a time machine for?"

"Because, mom!" (in the tone of voice to suggest I have the IQ of a dead goldfish) "Then I could go ten minutes into the future, to see if I like it, so I know if I should try it or not."

"OMG, Joe. Just TRY it, for heaven's sake!"

"I neeeed a science lab, Mom!"

"I neeeed a new kitchen, Joe. Guess who's gonna win this one?"

It was decided that dinner was acceptable, and I was begged to make more, which entailed a quick trip down the road to the store to get more ingredients. It is the occasional meal that is tolerable, that my kids are still upright. Otherwise, they would eat more, and I would have way  more disposable income, if I just let them eat cereal, toast and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

     Wednesday, I awakened to the sounds of bickering, arguing and screeching, wafting up the stairs. By 9AM, I decided something had to be done, before we were all insane. At this point, the kids have been cooped up at home all week, and were sick of each other, the house, the TV, and George is still getting over a cold. His constant crying and whining were beyond bearable.

"Minions, assemble!!"

"What, Mom. What do we have to clean?" They all asked miserably.

"I am going to the store, to get stuff. I will return."

"What stuff?"

"Whatever will shut you all up for the next 12 hours." They were good with that.

Off to one of the local dollar stores, I went. I bought stickers, Easter window clings, foam stickers, puzzles, trains, cars, tractors, nail polish, lip gloss, activity books, markers, games - whatever I could inexpensively find. I filled an entire cart up. Went home, set it all out, and told them to occupy themselves. It was wonderful. The house was an absolute disaster, but, they were so content! As I write this, I have neon pink finger nails, and neon orange toe nails, done by Kaila, as George took a nap in my lap. It was such a fun day. And, we made do-it-yourself subs for dinner, which met with Joe's approval. TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!! Maybe tomorrow, I can take them to do something fun. They need to get out. 

     In other news, I am completely thrilled that it is daylight again, when I arrive to work. That may not seem like anything special to some of you, but, for someone who arrives and departs in the dark, the walk from parkinglot to front door in the daylight is rather nice.
     I have also (after 2 months, because, you know I work for the federal government, and 2 months is STAT, in their terms...and, that is how long the entire process has taken....) gained access to the fitness center, at work. Because, you all know, (well, most of us, not the fanatical workout, buff friends of mine out there), that, after a few weeks of half hearted, minimal effort, and the outrage over limiting chocolate and wine intake, weight loss results are expected at the approximately 45# range, and the jeans size at about 3 sizes smaller. I would like to think that I will be COMMITED! This time is IT! I am going to get up an hour early EVERY work day (LOL!!!!) and work out! And again AFTER work! There will be work out videos at home, elliptical workouts, and morning waks/runs/bike rides. I will look like a Barbie Doll - or, at least her mother, by June. Maybe July. Of next year. Or not. Either way, I decided if I cannot make it to a gym one floor below me, at the place I spend almost 13 hours a day at, then, no other membership will be worth the money. Otherwise, there will once again, be no pics of Moriah during any summer trips we make. Like hopefully Maine. Unless we re-do the kitchen. Because that really really needs to happen. Maine would be nice, too though. Lord knows we all need it. Until then, I am going to google recipies that will make me a size 6, and keep Joe happy....


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