Sunday, February 24, 2013

Date Night

     This weekend, I had taken Saturday off, so I could help out at a benefit for friends of mine. We decided to have the sitter come, so we could make a day of it. The possibilities were endless! It is rare anymore, that I wear anything more than scrubs. On my non scrub days, there really isn't any reason to get terribly dressed up, so, it wasn't until I attempted to take the kids to Buffalo for the day on Friday, that I realized, I have NOTHING to wear. Nothing. No jeans, a few sweaters I have had since before Kaila was born, and some odds n ends from here and there over the years. How many mothers out there, when thinking about buying themselves something extravigant, like, say, socks? Immedietely think of at least 92  things the kids need? So, here we were, going to go go out, for the first time since last August, and before that, last March, and I have a pair of kahkis, and no jeans. Enough was enough. I bought some clothes. It was awesome. I was even happy, (Who am I kidding?? If I could do cartwheels and backflips, they would TOTALY have been done!) to see the jeans I tried on were LOOSE! This was the best day ever. (Except for all the other 'Best Days Ever'...). Anyhow, after a blessedly uniterupted lunch at our favorite Mexican place, we were off to the benefit, back in Franklinville. Rocking new jeans, AND earings!
     The benefit was a huge success, and people were shoulder to shoulder, and having a great time. All night it was "HI!!!! I haven't seen  you in FOREVER!!!!", and, "Where's George?" My voice still hurts. But that's okay, because, for a few scrub free, kid free hours, I felt like a person, and not just "Hey Mom!" and "Hey Nurse!". Kinda nice. Until after.
     We had already recieved a text from the sitter; "When are you coming home?" Ugh. I swear, I have more guilt and restrictions over staying out late (All of 7:00 PM), now, then I did as a teen. I responded "Dunno." because, it was only 7PM! We were out, and kid free! The possibilities were endless! I even ran into my neighbor from across the street. After the usual, "HI! We haven't seen you in FOREVER!" It was inquired as to what we had done on this rare day off. "Oh my gosh!" exclaimed myself and the Captain Morgan swishing about inside me; "I bought NEW UNDERWEAR! You have no idea how epic that is. It's been YEARS!!! You have noooo idea, how exciting this is!" I probably would have still said it, even without the Captain Morgan. Lots of Moms out there will totaly understand.
     After leaving the Benefit, we sat in the parkinglot, eating our Chicken BBQ from said Benefit. Mostly because, we knew that taking it home would decrease our chances of getting ANY of it, considerably. The kids would have totaly pounced all over that. The cold dinner conversation consisted of

"So, what should we do now?"

"I don't know. I cannot have anything more to drink, I have to work in the morning."

"Yeah. Me either. I have to get up with the kids in the morning."

 (Okay, STOP right here. I had exactly 5 drinks, as did Jasin. Over a 6 hour period. Before I make us out to be irresponsible alcoholics...)

"How about a movie?" At this point, we both whip out our phones, to look up movies. Nothing till 10PM.

"Well, that's a long time to have to kill time. And, I have to get up at 4:45...."

"Yeah. So...... any other suggestions?"

"We just ate, so, there's no point in driving anywhere for anything to eat. The  movies are too late. We have established we should not drink anymore....."

"It's only 7:30!!! We haven't been out in over 6 months! We have a sitter!"

"And new earings. *SIGH*"

"I know! How about we go to Olean to Tops, and go grocery shopping!"


"ANY suggestions at all?"

"Ummmmm. No. I got nothing." At this point, we are idling on the road in front of our house.

"Nothing? Because I really don't want to pull in the driveway right now. It will probably be another 6 months, before we can do this again."

"Nothing. I have no ideas at all. We cannot drink, I have to get up early for work, so we can't really go Buffalo way, I think the poor sitter wants to go home...."

"Hell. Fine. I will pull in."

We were home before 8PM. Upon entering, I handed George new underwear I had bought him. The kid was so overjoyed and excited, he could hardly believe it.Yeah, son, I completely understand......
Responsible adult that I am, I was tucked into bed by 10PM, with the realization that I will not have another opportunity to wear any of my new clothes until Tuesday..........

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