Thursday, February 7, 2013

Dino's and Monsters and Ghosts, Oh My!

     We had a meeting yesterday, regarding one of the kids, at school. No worries - it was a GOOD meeting! We are delighted to report, that the school loves our kids, and they are all doing wonderfuly. Amazing grades, amazing kids. We were told that it is obvious they come from a good home with good parenting. I told them it was mostly dumb luck, and we truly have no idea how we ended up with these exceptional children. If there is a magic formula, I haven't found it. I yell sometimes. I threatan to beat them a lot. (But I don't actually beat them. Not even George.)  I veto most extra curricular school activities, and make them play outside. It keeps the house cleaner. I make them do dishes. Mostly because I hate doing dishes. And, as I tell them all frequently - "You need to learn how to do these things now, and be independant. The ability to take care of yourself and get things done, does not magically happen, the day you move out! And, you certainly aren't staying here forever. We have plans for your bedrooms." Lexi accuses me of already having plans for the "The Kids Are All Moved Out!!!" party. Truthfully, I am sure I will cry very hard, the day the last one moves out. I will sob uncontrolably all over the cruise planner's desk. In all seriousness, I cannot imagine the house with no children. But, those years are a long long way off yet.

     Meanwhile, after the meeting at school, we decided to go to Sears, on a quest for a new oven. It is a neccesity at this point, and I really cannot nurse the current stove along for much longer. Not going to lie - I cringe a little, when I hear it finaly "WHOOSH!!!" to life, after an hour of begging it to light. I half expect to blow up each time. It needs to go. I may need to buy a new teapot for the top of the new stove. Just because. And, I saw cute teapots at Target, and any excuse will do.
     We had George with us, on this treck 25 miles away to Springville. And, as Jasin pulled onto the road to go to Sprinville, we hear from the back; "This is not good. This is going to be bad. Dad's going to flip this truck." At which I snickered a little. "OH NO! There's a hill! DAD! Don't drive over the hill! We're going to go off! Great. He's driving very fast, up the hill. This is very bad." (head in hands, shaking it in resignation.) "Dad! You're going to flip the truck over! This is not good! We should just go home."
     This went on for miles, and I was laughing hystericly. The kid was sure we weren't going to make it.
     "This is YOUR fault!" Jasin glares at me.
     "Of course it is. Cannot wait to hear how."
     "Because you hate my driving, and the kids know it."
     "Pay attention to the road, before you flip the truck, Jasin.
     Several miles of getting chased by dinos later, even I was convinced they were out there. It was very realistic. Luckily we turned onto a different road, and breathed a sigh of relief, as the dinosaurs evidently stayed on the other road.
     "Oh no!!" moaned the little back seat driver. "The monsters are after us now. Big, scary ones." He sounded so resigned to certain demise. "WHY did you have to drive this way, Dad?"
     Luckily, we survived the monsters, did not flip the truck, or drive off a hill, and the dinos never caught up. We even made it past the ghosts on the next road. It was exhusting. But, totaly worth the possibility of a new stove. I am hoping to have it within a month. Maybe a kitchen redo this year, as well? That also, needs to happen.

     In other news, Lexi turns 9 this coming Sunday. Not sure how it happened, as I usually work every weekend, but, I have Friday thru Sunday off! All of which, Lexi has planned a 3 day Birthday celebration. Beginning with a sleepover, and decorating cupcakes. Ending with ice skating on Sunday, shopping and dinner out. (If my children were blown away by dinner via delivery, I can only imagine what a non- McDonalds dinner out will do to them.) The ice skating should be interesting. The entire family of 6 of us, will be wandering out onto the ice, with myself being the only one to ever don skates. Once, when I was 15. So, dinner is contingient upon all of us making it thru the skating intact. I figure we still could hit up Burger King on the way to the ER, if neccisary. And, I am ashamed to admit, I may have voluntarily bought her a Justin Bieber CD. The thought of the what the cohabitant of her bedroom, and owner of the Carrie Underwood CD is going to think of this makes me cringe.

     That mostly sums up the exctement in our household  for now. It's rarely dull, so I'm sure there will be another update soon. Have a great weekend!

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