Thursday, July 13, 2017

That's a Lot of Mrs. Fishers!

     When last we left our writer, she was headed to her brother's wedding. My brother is now happily married (seriously. The pictures I've seen so far from the wedding show him smiling more than any other pictures that I have ever seen of him. Either I haven't seen enough pictures of my brother to make an educated decision, or, he really hates having them taken. Anyhow. He looked pretty happy in the wedding pics I did see.)
     There are now Three, soon to be four Mrs. Fishers in the family. My new sister in law - who has been a sister in law for as long as I've known her, only now it's official - prefers that she be referred to as "Mrs. Ben Fisher" because, just plain "Mrs. Fisher" reminds her of my mother. I did happen to be part of two separate conversations this weekend, involving Bearded Man and/or various sisters in law, asking each other what one should call the Mrs. Fisher Matriarch. None of them apparently feel comfortable addressing my mother as "Mom", "Carol" or, "Mrs. Fisher". Bearded Man shrugged and said he hasn't addressed her as anything in the 21 years that we've been together. The general consensus is that they all just establish eye contact and begin talking when it is generally established who they are talking to. It's a system that's apparently worked for 21 years, so, I think that was the agreed upon solution.

     I should mention that my half purple hair is subtle enough that very few co workers and none of my patients have noticed it. I still love it! Except; I am not a hairdresser. I happened to look in the mirror at work this morning and realized I had completely nailed the "Mom from A Christmas Story" look perfectly. I think I achieved it by not blow drying my hair this morning, which is in direct contradiction to my promise to do whatever my sister told me to do with my hair so that she will continue to do it for me. I think I am fairly safe admitting that here, because she does not have time in her life to read my blog.
     To my brother's wedding, I wore a perfectly nice Mom appropriate dress, and my hair had that "after working all day I had literally five minutes to get ready to go" look to it, and I wore comfortable sensible flats. Everybody's picture of "Mom." My older sister made a very brief appearance, and, at pushing 50, she is tall, has a fabulous figure and has hair that does NOT indicate "Cookie baking fluffy harried mom" I saw her for literally less than one minute, but, I saw enough to see that she wore jeans and a tank top and (I think) her trademark stilettos.
     My little sister rocked a pretty maxi dress, and, even after working all day, had fabulous hair and also looked gorgeous. Ah well. I have the "Mom Look" nailed I suppose. By the way: the bride was stunning as well. I took one look at her and my brother and promptly burst into happy tears. Compounded when I saw the airplane charm attached to my brother's boutonniere in honor of our Dad, and then again when he mentioned that he was wearing one of our Dad's ties. Oh my goodness. If I am this much of a mess when my brother gets married, I can only imagine the mess I will be if my children ever trip down the aisle. Less than two years before Kaila graduates. I imagine I will make a weepy spectacle out of myself then, too.

     The day after the wedding, we headed to a Fourth of July party at the home of some friends, who also happened to be George's Baseball Coaches this year. I was hesitant to go, as, I had been dealing with an overtired George all day, who was bouncing off the walls in hyper overtired state all day. But, we went anyway, and, as soon as we arrived, I knew it would be okay. George's baseball coach is literally a grown up version of George, and, their home was every little boy's paradise. They had a creek to play in, and a tree house and a tire swing and water balloons and football and lots of space to run. It was such a good time, that they can't wait to go back! Also, it was the anniversary of my Dad's passing, so, it was really nice to have the distraction.

     After another late night, we were all up early, as, we were headed off to the Bridal Shower for the future Mrs. Malachi Fisher, held up near Buffalo. Bearded Man had to work, so, I had to bring George along with us. Joe was thankful for the opportunity to stay home and read uninterrupted. Overtired George and my girls in tow - we headed out. It was a beautiful champagne brunch, and there were beautiful happy people everywhere. And; George. He enthusiastically picked up a pen, and decided - unprompted - to fill out a "How Well Do You Know the Bride and Groom?" questionnaire.   "What is the bride's favorite food? Subs!" he wrote excitedly. "What is the groom's favorite food? Pizza!" "Where did they meet? IN A BAR!" "Where did the groom propose? IN A BAR!" He scribbled. I was laughing. Until someone read those questions out loud later in the proceedings, and, George happily called out his answers. I literally had my face in my hands, as my  kid's answers rang loud and clear throughout the room, and I was unable to shush him from where I was sitting. YIKES!

     Update on the resident learning driver: She has not really gone job searching, because she is in  hot demand as a babysitter all over town. There was even a house cleaning job last week. I wish I could say she has diligently saved up her money and that her beloved car is on the road - but - she hasn't and it isn't.
     She does drive at every opportunity, and is improving every day. While she does have to wait six months before she's allowed to take her road test, I have told her that I won't allow it until she can competently drive: Back roads, gravel roads, snow covered roads, rain slicked roads, grooved pavement, the NYS thruway, the city of Buffalo, roundabouts, parking lots, curvy roads and nighttime roads. There is no point in having a driver's license, if you aren't able to drive in cities or in snow. We practice when we can.

     Update on the surgery kids: they had their post op check up this week, and are both fine. The appointment was really just a formality. I had to make George stop dancing and sit in the exam chair, so that the ENT specialist could check out his mouth.

     Update on the resident nerdling: Joe spent most of my brother's wedding tucked into whatever quiet corners he could find, buried in a book. He will be wrapping up his participation in the local library's Lego Club this morning and then hitting the computers to learn more about the recent science article that talked about a recent successful teleportation into space. His future goals are to get a Doctorate in Nuclear Science and work at a large lab located in Berkley California. He begs me frequently to please take him to Berkley, so he can check things out.
     Also, he signed up to run Cross Country this fall in school. He has been advised to start running now, so he is ready then. I won't let him back out, because, sometimes, you need to put the books down and get some fresh air. I think it will be good for him, so, he is going to stick to it. If I was a good mother, I would head to the school track with him, and run too. But, the title of this blog clearly indicates that I am fully aware that I am not perfect, so, mostly I just nag him a lot. I may be convinced to possibly do a nice sedate stroll around the track while he runs, though.

     Whew! It was a busy weekend. Till next time!

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