Friday, April 18, 2014

Jelly Bean Anxiety

     Easter weekend! Good Friday and all that.The resident Easter Bunny has yet to purchase so much as a jelly bean. Easter morning is going to be interesting, if I don't get moving in the seriously near future here.

     Yesterday evening, I decided to come home from work, feed my children marginally nutritious food, and then take them to Holy Thursday Mass. Which began right about the time the kids normally begin getting ready for bed. Because, obviously, my brains were MIA yesterday.
     George is a  handful on Sunday mornings, to say the least. (Refer back to a recent Facebook comment I made, indicating George may benefit from a nice little exorcism....). Take that boy to church near bedtime, and, Mama starts to look at the wine chalice in a completely different, almost desperate light....
     We made it through in one piece, however, and, the priest at the new church hasn't requested we leave him at home  yet. (The last one did.) So, there is that. We did have an uncomfortable moment or two when I reached over to pull George away from tormenting his brother - again - and George began to scream on top of his precious little lungs that I had hurt his head, and he was no longer able to see, and probably blind, followed by some pretty convincing tears in the throes of what looked like the worst, most tortured pain EVER. One "Mom" look, and the show magically stopped, so, no authorities were called.

     In other news, baseball season begins tonight. Which means that, I will no longer have the obligation to drag the kids to Good Friday Mass after work, and George will have an entire playground to run around in, and torment his babysitter sisters. They mentioned that their prices for watching him during baseball season have gone up this year. We are still in negotiation stages.

     This week we had a meeting at school, regarding the Washington DC trip that only 10 kids in the school were picked for. Kaila being one of them. It seems that the trip begins on Mother's Day, and will require a 4 AM wake up time, in order to get the child out the door and on the bus by 5:15 AM. Happy Mother's Day!
     I completely suck as a good parent. Kaila and I were all "You are going to see SO MUCH, and have SO MUCH FUN! And meet NEW PEOPLE!!" and Kaila was all "I KNOW!!! I am so EXCITED! I can't WAIT!!!!"
     And the other moms were all "We aren't so sure about the safety of this trip....."
I look at it as: supporting my kids, and encouraging them to be independent, confident productive people. They will never leave the house, and I will never have two minutes to myself EVER, if I carry on as if terrible things will happen every time they leave me.

     We  had a taste of no kids at home last Sunday. Most of the kids went to a neighbor's house to play, and Kaila took to her room with a book. Suddenly, there was this crazy sound, and this odd feeling. I wandered through the house in confusion, trying to figure it out. I found Bearded Man on the porch, and together we figured out that; the kids were all gone and the weird sound was silence. We began to count, and came to the conclusion that it won't be too long before they really ARE all gone, and out in the world on their own. Within the next 10  years, three of them will have graduated from High School, and George will be 14! Not sure how I felt about that sobering thought, I decided to ignore it for now, and take a nap.

     My sister's wedding plans continue. In the last few weeks, I may or may not have threatened to strangle her, after a 6 AM text telling me to go pour myself a nice Captain Morgan, as plans had changed. Again. I am hoping after this wedding that sanity is returned to all parties involved, myself included. I do not have the spine to tell her that, even after an exhausting search this past weekend; I cannot find the type of dresses she and Nicole from Sears have requested my girls and one other girl, wear. The problem being that one girl is 6 years old, one wears kids' size 14, and one wears a women's size 4. Finding matching or even semi matching dresses has proven pretty difficult..... I don't know what kind of miracle I am hoping for at this point, to save me the inevitable reaction I will get from my sister. And, I haven't been able to go tanning, either. I told her maybe I would, after being told that I was too pale for the wedding pictures. I cannot even think about the reaction that trotting my unmatched daughters down the gazebo wedding path  would garner from my sister and Nicole From Sears right now. Ah well. we still have a month. I may be able to pull off the miracle of decorating her wedding, making centerpieces, and matching my kids, without strangulation or Captain Morgan involved. My poor sister. This wedding is making her crazy.

     I think that's about it. I need to make up a shopping list. This year for Easter, we are taking advantage of the fore casted amazing weather, and having a cookout, in lieu of the traditional ham. Burgers, deviled eggs, macaroni salad, and iced tea, out on the patio. Not one item of which is currently on the premises of my home at this time.
     Happy Easter, everyone!


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