Sunday, January 13, 2013

Can I Tell You a Story?

Recently, I met a man, who said, "Can I tell you a story?" "Sure! I like a good story. Talk to me." and he began;

     "In the 60's, I was at a bar, with some friends. We were having a good time, but, I kept hearing the most wonderful laugh. I finally figured out it was coming from this girl, across the room. Her back was to me, and I couldn't see her face. Her friends caught me staring, and told her. She turned around, and looked at me. Then turned back. A moment later, she turned toward me again, and I went to her. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her name, was Grace. We talked for hours, as if we had been best friends forever. I didn't want the night to ever end.
     Finally, it was time for her to leave. I asked her, how she was getting home, and she told me she was going to walk. So, I said, with her permission, I would walk her home. And she agreed. Once we arrived at her doorstep, I inquired if I could call her. She didn't have anything to write with, so, she wrote her number on my left arm, in lipstick. I walked home, in heaven.
     After that night, we were inseparable. We could hardly bear to be parted. We were together constantly, for a year and a half. Then, Vietnam happened. I signed up for the Navy, and realized, I had no idea if, or when I would be back. So, deciding it was the fair thing to do, I broke things off with her, before I left. I never told her why; I just didn't want her to feel obligated to wait around for me. And, with heavy heart, I left for the war.
     "How long were you gone?" I asked as gently as possible.
     " I was gone 2 years. I came back in August. And, found she had been married in July. I moped around for awhile, but, eventually got married. It just wasn't the same as my Grace, though.
     Shortly after I was married, her husband died, of an aneurysm. She remarried, right after I divorced my first wife. We just couldn't get the timing right. I remarried as well eventually, but, not a day went by, that I didn't think of her.
     I saw her once, as I was driving. She was standing on a sidewalk corner, waiting for the light to change, so she could cross. I stopped my car, stepped out, and went to her. We were both married, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt either marriage, but, I hugged her, and told her how much I still cared, and how much I missed her still. We both cried a little, and, I didn't see her after that. I heard that she had 3 kids, and that, shortly after her third baby, she had a massive stroke. I heard several years later, that she eventually had a heart attack, and passed away.... give me a moment, please?"

     "It's okay. Take your time." I encouraged.

     "Whew. So, Time went on. I eventually divorced my wife, on good terms. We remained friends, had two children together. It just wasn't right for us.
     In time, my elderly mother moved into my home, and I took care of her there. It was very difficult for me to leave, unless I had an appointment at the Doctors', and then, my sister would sometimes come and sit with her, so I could leave for a few hours.
     After some time, I received a letter in the mail. I did not recognize the name or address, but, I knew it was close to my Doctor's. The letter read, that the sender had some pictures of myself, and my brother and sister, and my mother. If I would like them, I could contact her sometime, and she would give them to me. I truly did not know who it could be. So, the next time I had an appointment, I found the address, and knocked on the door.
     A woman answered the door, but, I couldn't see her, as she was back-lit. I introduced myself, and told her about the letter I had received. She answered that, yes, that was correct, and that she would go retrieve the photos immediately. So, I stood at the door, and waited. Shortly, she came back to the door, and opened it. And I almost collapsed. It was HER! My Grace! Standing right there in front of me. And, we both just started to sob, and hold on to each other! I couldn't let her go! I cried that I was told she had died, and she looked at me, with tears streaming down her still beautiful face, and begged to know why I had dumped her all those years ago. And, I told her. And felt terrible, for making her hurt, by not telling her why all those years ago. She had never gotten over the broken heart. And we had never stopped loving each other.
     My mother passed away shortly after that, and I found myself spending every spare moment with her. At first, staying very late, until she told me I may as well spend the night. After that, she said, I should just move in. I told her I would have to think about it. Then said abruptly, that I had to leave. She was crestfallen. "Why? Did I do something, or offend you by asking?" She was almost in tears. I told her, no, I had to go get my things.
     I went home, and packed my clothes, and a few sentimental things, and told my children they could have whatever else was in the house, and then I sold it. We haven't been apart since. We spend most every day in contact, holding hands, touching, holding each other. It has been the most wonderful two years of my life.
     "How beautiful!" I sniffed mistily.

     "However. I was not wrong, when I heard she had a heart attack all those years ago. She had a few. And, she is on her seventh pace maker now. I go with her, to her doctor visits. I don't think she understands, when they tell her, she is not physically able to get another pace maker. And that the current one will only last another two to three years. She just does not get that. So, I will only have my sweet Grace for a few more years. And we spend every moment together, grateful we finally have our chance. I have my own health problems, and probably have about the same time-line. I hope so. I couldn't survive losing her again. She is my everything.
     She gets along beautifully with my second wife. As a matter of fact, is with her now, as my ex wife has just gotten a pacer of her own. They have become good friends. My children like her, her children like me. It has been perfect. She is perfect. I love her so much, and hate spending any time at all apart from her.

     That is my story. I love to tell it. And now, I need to go home to her."

There really is no reply, or comment I could possibly make, to top a real life Nicolas Sparks story.

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