Sunday, January 13, 2013

Adventures! The sequel

Hi Everyone!

     People keep telling me I need to write more. Evidently Facebook is not enough for some. Although, I wonder if it's George, and not myself, that has this writing craze occurring.... I did attempt to update my Blog from forever ago, but, was just not able to get in to it. Which speaks volumes about my technical skill level.

     So, where have I been, since last I did a Blog? If you're on Facebook, you probably have a general idea. Since Nursing school graduation, and the Birth of The George, in 2010, life manages to stay very busy these days. Some days, I envy stay at home Moms. Others, I feel sorry for them. Depends on my sleep level and the children's ability to get along on any given day.
     Currently, I am working at the VA hospital in Buffalo. Not quite, but just about, 60 miles from home. On nice days, the drive is no problem. Relaxing, even. Unless the whole sleep thing is deficient again. But, we live in WNY, home of the "Snow Belt". 'nuff said. I am sure the 4x4 on my vehicle will be fixed sometime in April. Till then, we manage okay on the snow. Wont be too sad to see Spring, however. Within the next few days, I will be starting job #2, doing wound care in patent's homes. It sounds like it's going to be something I really like; wound care is endlessly fascinating to me. I must talk about it a little too much at home, however, as I was stopped by Kaila at dinner the other day, with, "Ummm, Mom, if it's going to be gross or disgusting, please just stop now." With Lexi nodding enthusiastic agreement next to her. Hopefully one of my progeny will be medical minded someday. Until then, no talk about work at the dinner table.
Work, as guilt inducing as it is, due to not seeing my children for days at a time, continues to be something I love (almost) every minute of. I am lucky enough to work with some pretty amazing people, and have learned SO much, since becoming a nurse! Someday, I may continue on in school, but for now, I am loving what I do now! I usually work on the Surgical Floor, with the occasional float to one of the other floors. I have, (in my relatively short) nursing career, met all sorts of people, and heard all sorts of stories. I've gotten to almost travel the world, listening to people describe their military travels. I have met a WWII Concentration Camp Survivor, A Vietnam Pilot, Navy people who have swam and dived all over the world, for military and for fun, I've gotten to hear stories of survival, of heartache, happy endings, sad endings, and met people who have surpassed and overcome some of the hardest things life has thrown at them. Both in Co-workers and in patients. I have seen people adapt to loss of limb, met a chef to the stars, and put discharged patients into buses, Lexus SUV's, and claptrap cars. I've been honored to hold the hands of weeping patients and relatives, and not cracked a smile, when an grouchy elderly man informed me on top of his lungs that he had had everything possible done to him over the years. Hernias repaired, and ovaries removed, Dammit! It's been the most amazing experience ever! Some days, I still cannot believe I am part of it!
     I have also found, that, being a nurse has led to treating my sick/hurt children differently. Sometimes, it's a quick fix, others, I lie in bed and think of all the terrible things that could happen with an untreated sinus infection. Sometimes, being a nurse to one's own family, at least for me, is really hard. "Should I take them to the Dr? Or is it just one of those things that should pass in a few days? What if it isn't? What if it is? Shouldn't I KNOW???" Thank God I have relatively healthy kids. It could be a disaster, otherwise.

     This past year, outside of Nursing, believe it or not, I have spent some time at Home. Over last Summer, we delt with an insane neighbor. It climaxed with her sitting on her porch, directly facing my house, from sun up, till sun down. This was AFTER she stopped sunbathing nearly nude, right next to our driveway, when Jasin was outside. At which I laughed outright. Finally, we put a lattice up over that side of the porch. In the meantime, the neighbor took his psycho girlfriend and her dreadful children camping. And then left her there. Told her not to come back, and to find another place to live. YAY! I was hoping she would find someplace VERY far away, but, it was only 2 blocks. Which is awesome, because now she isn't next door. Or walking thru my house, to make cleaning inspections.Or looking thru my mail. Or checkbook. Or the kids' report cards. I see the neighbor has a new girl friend. She has a minivan, which indicates possible children. Let's hope she is pleasant, and her children are, too. As in; they DON'T break anymore of my kids' bones, or steal their toys....

     The kids are all still the absolute best things in my life. The guilt of being away from them so much, and now with a second job starting, is absolutely killing me. I will really miss my morning snuggle time with George, all curled up in my recliner. Dozing thru Disney Channel atrocities such as "Jake and the Never Land Pirates" " Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and, God help us, "Choo Choo Soul, With Genavive!" The best way ever to calm my crazy toddler down, is to rock with him in that chair. Rocking has always been his Kryptonite. Nothing angers or enrages him more, than seeing anyone besides myself and himself in that chair. As evidenced by the recent pre-dawn announcement that Joe was sitting in my chair, and I needed to get up and beat Joe, and make him cry. It is the only place he has the slightest possibility of taking a nap these days. Unfortunately, out of all the kids, he is the one that keeps us on our toes the most, and sleeps the least. I wouldn't change a thing about my headstrong kid. He is so smart, whether because he's naturally so, or because he is picking so much up from the older siblings, I do not know, but, out of all the kids, he is the one that has figured out every lock, knob, deterrent, how to argue effectively, and make points, and generally seems mentally years ahead of where he should be. He is probably half the reason for the grey hairs sprouting up lately. (Which show up nicely in hospital florescent lighting....) The girls spoil him shamelessly, and he torments poor Joe mercilessly.
     Poor poor Joe. Completely content to be on his own, doing his own thing, lost in his own world. He is now a Cub Scout, and his Cub Scout book is never far from him. He is my science kid. Nothing is grey - it's either black, or white. And he has no tolerance for anything that is not exactly as it should be, in his mind. And, he can argue whatever he argues about EXHAUSTIVELY. It can last for days. It could be a tornado question, or, the fact that he wants a cookie. It literally can last days. He is my kid that reads science books under a nightlight. He received several books for Christmas. There was an age appropriate "Big Nate" book in the mix, but, he was intent on "Insects" and "Weird but True Facts". A fall trip to the Niagara Falls was spent with me on Google the entire time, trying to keep up with his questions. Who knew, I was such a moron? Because I did not know how long the Niagara River is. Or how big the boulders at the bottom of the falls are. Or how deep the water at the bottom of the falls is, or if you can fish there, (why/why not?) I also did not know the deepest and shallowest parts of the Mississippi river, either. I am constantly on Pinterest, pinning science stuff for the child. He wants his own lab in the house. I was matter of factly informed that there will probably be explosions. They tend to happen in science labs. And, if I could make a secret entrance/exit, that would be great. And, he would attempt to find a cure for George. Lord help us, if he ever decides to be an Evil Scientist.
     Lexi is Lexi. My artistic kid. She can dance like nobodies business, has the most amazing artistic talent - she loves to draw, paint, color, cut, paste; she makes some pretty amazing things! Her artistic talent constantly amazes me. And, as most artistic people, she has a flair for drama. Whether is be he sense of humor, and having us in stitches, or dramatic tears, because of some little thing that sets her off. She can ad lib with the best of them, and her timing is usually perfect. She has the perfect sprinkle of freckles, and beautiful grey eyes, and has the potential to really grow up to be a firecracker. She is a slightly tamer version of George. She shares a bunk bed with Kaila, Lexi being on the bottom. She draped blankets all around it, and recently I was invited in. OMG. I could not believe how amazing the inside of her magic little space was! She had drawn her own posters, and hung them on the walls, taken a fir tree branch, and decorated it for Christmas, strung lights around the interior, and all sorts of nifty little things all over. It was like being transported into a fairy land, it was that amazing inside. Funny enough, it is not Lexi who envies her big sister, but Kaila who envy's her little sister.
     Kaila. My pre teen. So far, for the most part, she is a calm, mature, sweet natured girl. Except when she isn't. She is my go-to kid for walking to Cub Scout meetings and walking Joe home, she tutors at school, can be counted on for watching the younger kids for a few minutes, if something comes up. She is Honor Roll, and loves to lounge on the love seat in the living room with her dog, and read. And, not unlike her mother, becomes a monster when interrupted. She is such a good kid. Her grade as a whole, has been one of the worst in Franklinville. Every year since first grade, I have heard from Kaila and teachers alike, that some pretty rough kids are in that grade. Kaila has come home more than once, in tears, and begging to be home schooled. The ratio of good vs bad kids is not encouraging. It worries me that eventually, she could "cross over" to the bad crowd. But, so far, she does her own thing, seems to have very strong moral values, and stands up for herself, and kids that cant. She gets upset, that she isn't part of any of the "popular" groups, but, I just keep telling her those groups will be nothing, in the grand scheme of life. I suspect high school is going to be miserable for her, but, I also tell her, everywhere she goes in life, there are always going to be "those" people. may as well learn to deal with them now, and adapt and overcome. I just hope she keeps that ethereal sweetness that she has, forever. Her 5th grade teacher couldn't quite describe Kaila and the quiet, special something about her. She is pretty and smart and an all around good kid. Who has always and forever destroyed Carrie Underwood for me. Santa was kind enough to even bring her a Carrie Underwood CD this year. Which is continuously played and sung to. A lot. And, if that's the worst thing I can say about her, then, things are okay :-)

     Now that things are caught up here, hopefully next time around this will be a cute, humorous Blog, (no pressure, right?) I cannot promise pictures at this time, because my laptops are BOTH here in body, but have gone to the big mother board in the sky, in spirit. So, until I find getting a computer a priority, if you want pictures, you're going to have to stalk my Facebook :-)  And, hopefully, I can fix this Blog up to look pretty, in the near future, as well.

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