Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Therapy Brownies

     I am going to knock this one out quick while the "Therapy Brownies" cool.

     Every year at this time, according to my social media memories, I get sick. Not the cute "curl up in coordinating jammies on the couch delicately dabbing my nose with a tissue while sipping tea" sick. I mean, the "OhMyGodIAmGoingToDieAnyMinuteNow Nothing cute or loveable about it sick, sick.
      This year, I have the added bonus of a tooth that keeps infecting, as well as a "stress ulcer" on my gum that was huge, and, according to the dentist: "Wow! People get those when they are really stressed in life! What is going on??!!!" "Oh, you know. Stuff."

     Anyhow. My root canal is scheduled for Valentines Day. And, I nicely scheduled it for afternoon, so I could work half day and then drive an hour and a half to the dentist, so as to not inconvenience lots of people. Because I am an idiot.

     Anyhow, it must have all caught up, because, even after ten hours of sleep last night, I found myself getting unreasonably irritated at an email signature that was ridiculously, pompously long today. It even included the email address of the email sender in the email signature.
     It wasn't even from anyone of any significant position.
     The more I looked at that email, the more irritated I became. I realized I should probably walk away from my desk, because I was obviously in need of a breather, and that these are not things anyone has any business getting that worked up about.

     I would have come home and poured a Therapy Drink, but, Wednesdays are also "GI/Liver Doctor" day, and, I spent all morning with patients that were largely sitting in my office because of too much therapy drinking.

     The kids came home from swim night at the school, and commented that the house smelled delicious.  I explained it was Therapy Brownies. It seems they all had reasons to need Therapy Brownies too.

     "I have to sit with a 7th grader at lunch, who eats paper. Including his homework."

     "The High School Principal came to our class today, and, since too many kids have been out of school for whatever reasons: we have been told we can only be out three days between now and June 6th, or, we will not be allowed to go to the Prom or Jr./Sr. Banquet." (Just what I want to hear from my daughter with the chronic health issues...)

     "There was a bunch of girls from Lexi's class who kept picking on me today."

     "I just like chocolate."

     So. Super Mom here is being a terrific example, and, we are all going to drown our stress in Therapy Brownies tonight.

     The "up" side of being sick, was, I did get a break from Sunday School this week! With no voice and a cough that began in my toes, I had to send in the Bearded Man to deal with it. Everyone survived, I am told. But, he was so exhausted that he came home and slept all afternoon.

     Which brings me to the dishwasher.

     Recently, a friend of mine was re-modeling her kitchen, and selling all her appliances. I asked her if she planned on replacing her dishwasher as well, but she had already given it to her mother. She did let me know of someone else who was getting rid of a dishwasher, so we decided to go take a look. Honestly, I have four dishwashers, but, every so often I think about getting a working dish washing appliance that I haven't given birth to, and which would get the job done without me personally being responsible for the entire village of Franklinville's yearly employee bonuses because of my water bill.
     Approximately 4 weeks ago, we went and got the dishwasher. We hauled it home and before even thinking about installing it, realized it had issues. So, there was no point in replacing the non working dishwasher with an updated version of a non working dishwasher.
     It's been nearly four weeks, and that dishwasher is still sitting in the kitchen. Bearded Man has sworn he will take it to a guy he knows, who accepts these things as scrap, but, whenever there is time, Bearded Man sees the "nagging glint" start to shine in my eyes, and manages to need to be elsewhere.
     So. I threw a table cloth on it, and decorated it with a plant, a tea pot and a pumpkin from October that hasn't died yet. Bearded Man ignored this. Yesterday, I cut out all different colored hearts and we decorated it for Valentine's Day. Which has also been ignored. I figure I will eventually have to fold down the seats in my van and just take it to the local dump and be done with it. I can't deal with this thing in my already too small kitchen. Or, I will decorate it for St. Patrick's Day next. It could go either way at this point. Which is just another reason to consume Therapy Brownies.

     Around here, we are all pretty much sick of the snow. I am of the firm belief that, the only time feet should be wet is when they are in the shower, walking thru the surf of the beach, or, willingly during the summer when watering flowers or dangling them into the local town pool. Anything else isn't tolerable, really. That being said, we all slopped our feet to work and school today and lived through it, but, the snow is just anther reason for therapy brownies. Even George is wishing for green things to grow again.

     Hopefully Springtime will arrive sooner rather than later, and we can spend more time outdoors and on the porch. Which is even nicer than therapy brownies!


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