Sunday, November 27, 2016

Popcorn has WHAT??

     Normally, I write these Blogs during scattered breaks at work. However, my blog specifically, has recently been blocked. No other blogs, just mine. Everyone's a critic, I suppose. So, I bought myself a Notebook. I am now on my fifth attempt at writing this while using a tiny purple keyboard. It has self-deleted four times now. I will give it one more try, I suppose.

     Thanksgiving was hosted at our house this year. The highlight of which was George. During dinner, he slipped away from the table, and dug out a recent school project I hadn't seen. It was a folded piece of construction paper with a piece of popcorn he had colored and glued to one side, and on the other side, the following was glued: "The Native Americans believed that a little demon lived in each kernel and when he got hot... He would burst!" Upon opening the card, there was a little black demon with blood pouring out of it's mouth, that George had drawn.
   George read it out loud, before passing it around the table to my slightly horrified and slightly amused Catholic family. "Brianna," I said to my sister, handing her my glass, "I will be needing you to fill this with wine." I have no idea why that, of all traditions, was chosen for a First
 Grade school project. Nor do I know why George chose that one, out of the many many things he does at school, to pass around the Thanksgiving dinner table. I DO know, however, that I will probably never look at popcorn the same way again.

     This holiday season is probably one of the busiest in recent memory. Because of the projected crazy schedules, the Christmas decorating was done earlier than usual this year. with the exception of the tree. (We will get that next weekend.)
     The decorating pretty much ruined the resident teenager's entire life. Dramatic texts were sent to her friends, bemoaning the travesty of decorations before Thanksgiving. She survived the trauma of tinsel, however, and seems to like them now.

     Thank goodness for Lexi. She has been my right hand though the decorating, baking and planning. If we didn't have Lexi, the Christmas lights would probably never get turned on, truthfully.

     With the business of the season, I decided to take a day off in December, to get things done. Bearded Man informed me he might be laid off for the season, and maybe he could stay home and do Christmas stuff, too. I told him he is going to work regardless if he is laid off or not. Half the day will be spent reveling in the thrill of being alone.

    Once again the tradition of approximately four million sugar cookies happened the weekend before Thanksgiving. This year it included my kids, my sister and her kids, and three neighbor kids took part in the craziness that is Sugar Cookie Day. We are still sweeping sprinkles from every crevice of the house. Every year my sister and I get all excited about Sugar Cookie Day. Half way through, we wonder why we visit this insanity on ourselves every year. The kids love it though!
     Okay. I don't think I can top George's Thanksgiving story. I am also found that trying to type and concentrate with children running about is this side of impossible... Hopefully me and my purple notebook with tiny keyboard will bond soon!

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