Thursday, May 26, 2016

I Got Your Back, Sis

     Super Mama strikes again. Follow along here.

     Monday, George woke up to day three of a nasty fever. It was legitimate, and he was absolutely not able to go to school.

     I was absolutely not able to take a day off of work. I had too many complicated patients to try and go through the  misery for all involved, to attempt to reschedule most of them in a timely manner. Also, there is no one else in my clinic who is able to do my job.

     Lexi woke up and announced that she did not feel well either. I squinted suspiciously at Lexi, but, in light of George's fever, and Joe's recent day full of vomit, I decided to believe her.

     "Lexi, you can stay home. Which would help me out, because, I can not. Where is your phone?"

     "I don't know."

     "Can you try to find it?"

      (Unenthusiastic pitiful wandering meaninglessly through the house ensues.)

     "I can't find it mom."

     "Lex. I cannot leave two sick kids home with no phone. Seriously. You NEED to find your phone."

     "I have a phone! I volunteer as tribute!" Offers Kaila magnanimously. "We really had nothing big going on in school today. I can afford to take a day off and help out."

     "I have no other option. Fine. BUT: You have to do chores. I mean, laundry, vacuum, sweep...."

     "Yeah yeah. Got it. Go to work!"

     Apparently, by noon, there was a magical miracle in our household, because, everyone was feeling tiptop and running around outside playing with the gleeful abandon of truants. Nice.

     Meanwhile, I was on the phone with the cable company, ordering a landline for the house.

     By the time I arrived home that afternoon after work, my front yard, porch, and kitchen, was full of every single kid on the street.
     My enterprising children had decided to hit up the after school crowd, and start a kool-aid stand. which became a girl down the street raiding her Mother's freezer for cookie dough, and baking cookies at my house, to add a bake sale to the stand.
     After an attempt to share the profits with everyone equally, one child, who had nothing to do with anything, stormed home after only making twenty cents off one sale.
     As they swarmed around my vehicle as I parked it, I had the strongest urge to put it back into "drive" and leave. It took a lot of mental fortitude, to open the door and get out.

     A quick look around my house confirmed that Kaila had spent the day watching Netflix, and not doing chores.

     Fast forward to Wednesday of this week. Both of my daughters were legitimately ill. No fevers, no vomiting, but, very pale. Very miserable. They both laid listlessly on the couch.

     "Nope. Nope Nope nope nope nope. You are both going to school. I am still so aggravated about Monday, that I have no sympathy. Get up and get ready." I announced mercilessly. Because, seriously. It has happened more than once during this school year, that my daughters have had grave illnesses that miraculously are cured before mid morning. I think Lexi's has a lot to do with the year long clash with her teacher. It's been a long rough school year. However: They needed to go to school. Where, they subsequently survived.

     It was not until I was driving home with Joe after his baseball game last night, that Joe mentioned that Lexi was in trouble with her teacher. Again. And had to call home. Again. This time because she forgot to bring her iPad to school. (I will be the happiest person alive, when this school year is over. Seriously.)

     "What? I didn't get a phone call today."

     "I know! Because she called Kaila, instead."


     "Yeah. She called Kaila, and Kaila covered."

The story goes, that Lexi knew there was no way we could leave work and bring her iPad to school. So, with a last second spark of genius, and with her teacher towering over her, she dialed Kaila's number, instead.  Kaila was hanging out in Music Theory Class, and caught on to the problem in less than 2 seconds. Kaila then mimicked my voice, and explained that she had patients all afternoon, and was unable to leave work to bring an iPad to school. Lexi thanked her, told "mom" she loved her, and hung up. Kaila's entire class, including the teacher, elevated her to complete "hero" status, and told her that was the best thing they had ever seen.

     If I was a good mother, I would have grounded them indefinitely. I would have yelled. I would have punished them. I would have done something. But. I laughed. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe. I laughed until there were tears.

     Seriously. It's been a long school year. I did come home and tell the girls to not let it happen again. I suspect, however, that the only thing that isn't going to happen again, is mentioning it around Joe. Only three more weeks of school. Lexi has been on the Honor Roll for every single quarter so far. I don't think she will fail sixth grade in three weeks. I am hoping next year is a better year for her. I also suspect that Joe will probably not be assigned to the same teacher, which will be a blessed relief to not only the teacher, but, my entire family, as well. If this guy couldn't deal with Lexi, I imagine Joe would push him over the proverbial edge.

     And that, in a nutshell, has been how this week has progressed. I think Lexi's teacher is probably looking forward to the long Memorial Day weekend as much as we are.


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