Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Kindergarten Hunger Games

     Today, George turns 6! I am ridiculously proud that we have kept that child whole and in one piece this long. The rest of my kids, we celebrate their Birthdays the typical way. Every year on George's Birthday, I breathe a sigh of relief that he made it another year without any major catastrophe.

     For his birthday, George decided that he wanted to go to the Buffalo Museum, of Science, and to Build a Bear. So, entire family in tow, we spent Saturday at the museum and the mall. While walking thru the mall, we did happen to pass Victoria's Secret. Looking away in indignation, George informed us that he "Can't even look at that. That is SO inappropriate!"
      Also, for his Birthday, George begged for a "Matchbox Treasure Tracker" treasure tracking truck. Evidently his friend down the road has one and claims he found an entire box of treasure buried in his back yard. Hoping the novelty wears off before spring, or I will likely be frantically buying a wooden treasure box and filling it with all my spare change to bury in the back  yard, come spring.
     For school, George wanted to bring in cupcakes "with the rings in them? You know what I mean, mom?"
     Sunday evening, I was out grocery shopping, just as a nasty snow storm hit. My van does so/so in the snow, and I was worried about getting back home in one piece. I grabbed one dozen cupcakes - with rings - on my way through the store, and continued on my way, thinking about the drive home and all the sliding we had done on the way to the store.  Upon my arrival home, George looked at the cupcakes and said "But Mom. There are 17 kids in my class!"
     Yesterday, I drove to the local grocery store, as I needed to fuel up my van for the week (I had to do this, because I was absolutely not filling up my vehicle the night before as I should have, because I was not putting all that money into it and then risking wrecking it on the way home. Does anyone else think that way?) Anyhow, I ran into the store after filling the van up, and fingers crossed, headed to the bakery. Where there were cupcakes. None of them with rings though. So. Today, George will take 18 cupcakes to his Kindergarten Class. Only 12 of which have rings. I am officially the worst mother ever. In hindsight, I should have just bought 18 ring-less cupcakes, and kept the others at home. I didn't, however. Therefore, I will now spend the entire day feeling like a jerk. May the odds be ever in your favor, kids!

     Next month is Lexi's Birthday. She had originally planned to have a tea /garden party birthday with a bunch of friends. There was going to be tulle and twinkle lights and tea sandwiches, a dessert table and lots of fresh flowers, including miniature rose bushes that everyone could take home. There would have been tulle covered balloon trees and amazing crafts to do, too. I had all sorts of nifty ideas. ("Mom! Some of my friends said that, if it isn't going to be a sleepover party then they don't want to come!" "Lexi. you need different friends. Just saying.")
     Anyhow, while walking through the mall over the weekend, Lexi thought that maybe her amazing party could wait till NEXT year, when she turns 13, and this year, she could just get some money so she could have a day spent shopping at the mall. The deal was immediately accepted. Hopefully by next year, her friends will have come to terms with a non sleepover birthday party. Goodness sakes.

     An update on Joe's frog. Or toad. Honestly, I have no idea which it is. The amphibian eats crickets.
     Joe cannot absolutely not deal with that. He cannot make himself pick one up. He cannot make himself pick up the frog/toad. He just can't. Usually he can get Kaila or Bearded Man to pick up the crickets and feed the frog/toad, if he can't shake one into the amphibian habitat. The other night, he couldn't find anyone to do it for him, so, he looked at George and said "George. Want to go execute a cricket?" I feel nothing but pity for Joe and his frog/toad. Jasin offered to sell it to a local pet store for snake food, but, I wouldn't let him.

     Also of note is: The Food Network. My kids have become slightly addicted to "Chopped" as well as several other cooking shows. This has taken the nightly negative critique of dinner to an entirely new level of hell for Mama here.
     It occurred to me over the weekend though, that "Chopped" is NOT, indeed, a novel idea. I thought of this, as I gazed with glazed over eyes, at a paper from the school that I found under the coffee table. It indicated that our school is doing yet another "Spirit Week". Roll your eyes. I don't care. I hate Spirit Week. It is just like chopped. In that, you get a note that you probably will not see or remember until your children mention it last minute. You will then have a ridiculously limited amount of time to try and scrounge up whatever items or clothing colors that  must be worn (X's multiple children). Or attempt to figure out on the fly how to make buzz cuts look like crazy hair. Or find hats. Or the school colors. Or whatever. Evidently I am miserable and completely unspirited. I apologize. It just adds an entirely new level of stress to the morning routine. On the off chance that we remember these things the night before, it still doesn't help. Chances are, the children will all change their minds about whatever we prepared the night before, by morning. Anyhow. I am sure that the "Chopped" concept was thought up by a Spirit Week parent, who, after going through the aggravation of sending her multiple children off to school as directed by the spirit calendar, opened her refrigerator to try and figure out dinner. Which, I imagine, was probably accomplished with ketchup, carrots and macaroni and cheese.

     Anyhow. That is the excitement in our household lately. I wish I could say it's been more thrilling, but, honestly, the biggest thing to happen in our parts has been the Shark Mop. Evidently myself and nearly every other housewife in the area received them for Christmas this year. All local stores are on back order for Shark Mops and Shark Mop cleaner. I am not even exaggerating, when I mention that Bearded Man has been stalking Wal Mart for Shark Mop floor cleaner. Apparently they received a shipment last week. He grabbed the last three bottles, as several women were charging down the aisle for them. It sounds like it was this side of a riot. Which is the type of thing that happens when Bearded Man is laid off for the season. We argue with housewives over floor cleaner in the household appliance aisles at the local Wal Mart.

     Till next time! Stay warm!




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