Monday, July 14, 2014

Needing to Explain Alcohol Soaked Documents to the DMV

     I need a new blender. This past weekend, my friend, Wendy informed me via text, that she was sitting in her driveway drinking wine, and the next thing I knew, I was whipping up a pitcher of strawberry daiquiris and headed her way. During the whipping up of the beverage, however, it was discovered that the bottom of my blender pitcher was broken, and it was leaking everywhere. Including my vehicle registration renewal form that I need to turn in with payment. That should be a fun conversation/explanation, when I turn an alcohol soaked registration in to the DMV.

     Since I was not stopped for wandering the neighborhood with an entire pitcher full of alcohol, as I walked down the street and around the corner to Wendy's house, we proceeded to drink it, and have a lovely time. During which I mused that I am pretty sure Joe now belongs to a gang. I have no idea who most of the boys are. I do know, that I came home from work one day last week, and there was an entire pack of little boys circling the road in front of my house, and my son was in the  midst of them. Evidently they spent a few days riding their bikes all over town. When I heard (with no small amount of horror) that they had all ridden down Cemetery Hill, the mom in me had to step in and set up some boundaries. Most of them are off to the local Christian Camp this week, so, Joe will be gang-less for the next 2 weeks, as he is leaving for Scout Camp the day after his gang comes back.
     Bearded Man continues to scrape the house. Evidently it needed to be re-scraped after the rough winter we had. Hopefully it will be all painted for the most part by the end of the week. He started a new job today, so, he will have to fit it in after work. It is in his best interest to finish it as soon as possible, because I am starting to have second thoughts about the trim color again. He has no idea the misery he is in store for, when I start planning the new front porch, as that needs to be replaced within the next year or so. In all honesty, I am not sure which of us makes the other crazier. We will have lots of time to figure it out, now that he will be home every night.

     Zumba continues. And, I am pretty sure I am absolutely awful at it. I THINK I am all keeping up and doing wonderful, until the instructor stops and explains things to me. Again. Not the other lady, who started the same day I did: just me. But that's okay. Because, I am DOING it, and there is the desperate  hope (I'm not sure who's hope is more desperate: mine or the poor instructor's, really.) that I will eventually pick it up. And everyone is seriously so nice. If nothing else, it's at least an  hour that I don't have my phone with me, and not one person is bugging me. It's an entire hour during which I am positive throughout that I will either vomit, die, or otherwise disgrace myself. But it's MY hour! That hour of high energy aloneness is an amazing outlet for stress, too. Also, the Continues to be Creepy Fitbit seems to approve of the Zumba and all the walking of the hills I have been doing. According to it, during the 11 days since I have had it, I have walked 250 miles, and climbed over 1000 stories.That seems to indicate I walk an average of 22 miles a day. Which I do not. The email I recieved this morning told me I have, however, I think maybe it meant steps?... not too shabby!

     Last night, I dug out the laptop computer. Remember when laptops were cool? My kids have the iPad that I bought last summer, and rarely get the chance to touch. Drag out a laptop, and George behaved as if I had dug up dinosaur bones in the front yard. Seeing the long cord used for charging, and the size of it compared to an iPad, he was not impressed. I attempted to do a Blog at home, but, was unable to. The vague thought being that I could upload some pictures it. I may get to it in the near future. With or without George's assistance. Mostly, the it  was aborted because George was covered in mud, having taken advantage of every mud puddle in the neighborhood after a day of rain. I am hoping, in the long run, to do a Before and After blog of the house. After going on and on and on and on about it for the last year, I suppose I could at least post a few pictures.

     Honestly, that's about it. The weekends continue to be packed full of one thing or another. I am contemplating dragging the kids to a local "U-pick" farm this coming weekend and picking berries and peas. I missed strawberry season completely, but am determined to fill the freezer with as many things as we can get in this summer. Need to take advantage of the child labor while I have it!


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