Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Mom Strikes Again

     About a week and a half ago, Kaila came home from school, and made vague mention of her leg hurting.

And then went on with life in general. Occassionaly she would limp, esp in the evening, and sometimes tell me it hurt when she was in gym, or running. Questioning her went as such:

Where does it hurt?

I'm not all the way sure.

Okay, which PART of the leg?

Weeeeeelllll, here-ish. Maybe here. Sometimes there. I really don't know.

Front? Back? Side?

Ummm, well, right now, nowhere. Sometimes, it's the back. No. The front. I don't know.

Does it hurt all the time, or just some of the time?

I'm not really sure..... I mean, it doesn't hurt NOW, but it hurt earlier, and probably will again. I will just lay on the couch and read or something.

Kaila. POINT EXACTLY where this leg is bothering you.

Well, I think it's here. Maybe.


So, I figured maybe she pulled a muscle. She would be active throughout the day, and begin limping in the evening. I had to pull her out of a softball game, as she was in evident distress. And, kept her home for the last game, as well. Maybe she needed to rest the leg. She was still pretty vague about this pain. Sometimes she would run around the back yard, and then an hour or two later, barely able to climb the stairs. She was treated with pain relievers and ice packs.

Finaly, watching her limp the other evening, I decided maybe she needed an X Ray. And then, it occured to me, that any Doctor questioning this kid was going to begin grilling the parent (Bearded Man.... he absolutely does not look like a shady character AT ALL.) as to why we waited almost 2 weeks to seek medical treatment for a possible broken leg.

And my next thought was "Oh Lord. The kids' rooms are absolutely not up to a CPS inspection." Which made me think about the boys' room, and recall that every single stitch of clothing George owns is on the floor. Partly because he loves to dress himself, and must find the PERFECT outfit (sometimes several times a day/evening.) and partly to create a nice bed for the extremely fluffy shedding doggie who is more than happy to snuggle into it at night. Which reminded me that my next day off needs to be spent washing all of George's clothes. Again.

Kaila did go to the pediatritian, who sent her for Xrays, which showed a bruised bone. She was prescribed ibuprofen and lots of rest for the leg for a week. Thankfuly the MD was pretty understanding. I am suuuuuch a good nurse and Mama.

I left work early yesterday, to accomodate the bruised child, and Jasin's work schedule, and the lack of babysitter for half the day, and the possibility of a broken bone to deal with. On my way home, I recieve this call.

Hon, when you get home, can you go see the guy next door? Something happened to his leg, and he wants you to look at it. I told him it looks like he has a blood clot.

Sure. I did such a stellar job on Kaila. Why not?

Arrive at the neighbor's.

So, can you tell me what happened?

I don't know.

Do you take blood thinners?

I'm not sure.

Lord. It's all contageous, obviously. Anyway, you have a hellofa bruise, caused by your cardiac meds. You will live. You do not have a blod clot.

I have the next 5 days off. It will be spent cleaning bedrooms. And, I will probably be aggravated about it. And I will probably yell. And they will probably cry. And then they will have to do all the laundry that I pull out of the cesspit they consider a bedroom, and they will probably cry some more. Along with argue with each other. And then they will try to just throw it aimlessly through their doorway, instead of putting it away, and I will yell some more, and they will cry some more, and declare this the worst summer vacation EVER, and Kaila will argue that her leg is hurt, and this is sure to be abuse. At which point, I will look up the child abuse hotline number, and hand her my phone. Their  rooms will pass CPS inspection now.

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