Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Day in the Life of....

     This morning I laid in bed, and thought of all the things I was going to accomplish this morning. Maybe I would even finally break out those new exercise DVD's. Rolled out of bed and threw a load of laundry in first thing.  Told the kids it was damp and cold and looking like rain, so I would take them to school. That was the beginning of the end of my plans for a productive morning.

"Dressed like THAT?"

"Yes. I am wearing my night gown and housecoat. It's not like I'm getting out of the truck."

The fighting over the front seat began immediately.

"I call shotgun!!!"

"No! I call shotgun!"

"I called it first!"

"Mom! I called shotgun, and SHE is sitting in the front seat! Make her move!"

"Both of you get in the back. And, thank you, George, for climbing your muddy feet all over my seat."

Okay. Back home, need tea, need to switch laundry, need to take a shower, need to run to the store...... Walk through the front door and stumble over Kaila's trumpet. ¥£€^%#!!!!! Okay. Throw on clothes, c'mon George, we need to go back.

No! I need to change my coat first!

What? Why?

Because it doesn't match my hat. I need the Transformer coat.

( you know, the one 3 sizes too big? That one.)

Okay, change your coat while I get dressed.

Ar this point I notice a call from the school. Probably Kaila, telling me she forgot her trumpet. Okay, back in the truck we go.

GEORGE!! MUST we climb muddy feet over my seat??!!

Mom! I need to change into my rain boots! It's raining out, go get them.

Not happening kid. Lets go.

But I neeeeeed my rain boots!!!

George. No.

Commence meltdown.

Arrive to school while doing the 'I haven't brushed my teeth yet, do I have morning breath?' Check. Seems okay. Walk into school, and the principal says

Oh! You must have gotten Joe's message that he forgot his book bag!

Of course he did. No. I have Kaila's trumpet. I will be back with the book bag.

Hand the trumpet over to Kaila.

Kaila, give me a call if you need a ride home later.


Do you have your phone?


Okay. Let me know.

Can't. It's dead.


Back home, get the backpack, back to school, drop off the backpack. Back in the truck;

George. Get your muddy shoes OFF my seat!

Back home, and to the realization that, for the last few days, something in the vicinity of the laundry room smells. And it does not seem to be going away. How much do I care about this? In the back of my head, the thought that I work the next 3 days, and it will probably be gone by Monday, when I am home again is there, but, I should probably figure it out, or I will certainly have company today.

After my tea and shower.

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