Monday, December 11, 2017

Memories and Stuff

     Another Sugar Cookie Day has come and gone. It wasn't quite the mess it usually is. Mostly because there was limited participation by the seven children involved. Mostly, they spent the day arguing or looking at various electronics. Usually, we confiscate the iPads that the school sends home, (which have become the bane of my existence) for the weekend, but, I forgot this weekend, and, they were out in full force.
     Occasionally a child would come into the kitchen to assist. One of my nieces fashioned a sugar cookie head stone for my sister, because, "Smoking kills, Aunt Bri."
     Mostly they argued all day. About who got which sprinkle color. (Next year, I am just going to have everyone just bring their own. This was traumatic.) About who got which frosting color. About this kid not playing with that kid. This kid said something mean to that kid, so, that kid said something mean back, and now this kid is crying, and everybody is mean. Mostly we told them to get out of the kitchen and stop interrupting. Because we were in the kitchen, we apparently missed fights over who got to sit in my recliner, who got to play video games next door, and, the very best: who got to play with legos in the boys room.
     Bearded Man was out hunting most of the day. He was pretty exhausted by it all, so, he came home and took a nice long refreshing nap, to recover from a day in the woods. He missed most of the fighting happening right outside the bedroom door. He must have been very tired.

      Just getting to Sugar Cookie Day was traumatic. The day before, when I should have been happily whipping up nine batches of sugar cookie dough, I was battling a horrific 2 week long migraine. (Today is 17 days and counting. It happens.) and a ridiculously painful toothache. Like, seriously, I was in tears over a toothache. It was awful. Anyhow. I also learned last minute, that Lexi's flute needed to be fixed, and, it needed to be repaired soon, as, she needed it for the school concert and to practice for upcoming solo fest. So, home from work I went, Lexi and her flute hopped into the van, and 30 minutes right back to the same area I work, we went. We dropped off the flute, which took less than 5 minutes, and headed the half hour back home. Where, I commenced cookie dough making.
     During the mixing of the first batch, my hand held mixer, with me for at least the last 3 or 4 years, seized up and died.
     Bearded Man offered to run to one of the local Dollar stores and pick up a cheap mixer to get me through the rest of the dough.
     I hooked it up and plugged it in, and the kids all stood around watching. I had it for less than three minutes before I tiredly said "Jasin. I think it's on fire." Everyone stood there in horror, as, smoke billowed out of the mixer, and the smell of burning plastic took over the sugar and vanilla scents previously perfuming my kitchen.
     "I am returning this! It lasted less than five minutes! I want my ten dollars back! Save the beaters, because I am taking it back."

     "While it's on fire??? Get it OUT of the house!"

     "Seriously! Lasting less than a few minutes is ridiculous! I am not swallowing the cost of this! I am taking it back!" He yelled in outrage, waving the smoking appliance around


     "Seriously! Ten dollars could buy - "


     "Make sure you save the receipt!"

     "Get. It. Out."

     "Get your coat on. We are going to Wal Mart and getting you one a stand mixer. I am not playing around with this anymore."

     Not one to let an opportunity for a new kitchen appliance go to waste, me and my headache and toothache tugged on boots and threw on a coat and hopped in his truck.

     We are now the happy owners of a red stand mixer, and my cookie dough was made in short order.

     The day after Cookie Day was another Sunday School Day. I nearly dread them anymore. Anyhow, this week's lesson was the 4th and 5th Commandments. We had gotten to number 5 - "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and, as soon as I read that off, Kaila, who was sitting in the corner, reading, looked up and sighed "Well, great. There goes my weekend plans." and it went downhill from there. During this lesson, the discussion came up that talked about how violence begets violence etc, and, how a calm reaction can stop a violent outcome, or something along those lines. Respect and all that...

     "For instance" I began "I have a coworker that I love to itty bits. But, she's a smoker, and, when she comes in from smoking, she sprays fabreeze, or whatever, all over the place. It causes terrible headaches, and, sometimes, it's really hard to deal with it. I've talked to her about it, but, she gets a little touchy about it, and really doesn't stop. How do you think I could deal with this in a kind way, to try and get someone I really do like, to stop this? Can any of you think of a solution?"

     "You tried being nice. That didn't work. You really need to get mean at this point." One student began.

     "Take one of those aerosol cans of room spray, and, right before you leave for the day, tie a zip tie around the trigger handle so it won't stop spraying, and throw it in her room and run out of the building!" advised another.

     "Write her up!"

     "Turn her in to the boss!"

     "Steal it while she's outside smoking!"

     "You guys!!!!!!" I gasped in horror, "Did you learn NOTHING today?????"

     "Nice guys finish last!"

     "Wear a face mask."

    "Get a new job?"

     "Okay. Your homework this week, is to come up with a KIND and PEACEFUL solution to this problem, that will not cost me my job or a friendship!"

     Anyhow. Next week is the Christmas party. That shouldn't be too traumatic. I plan to fill them up with junk food, and park them in front of Charlie Brown and Rudolf. Merry Christmas to me!!!!!

    I am going to go down in history as the worst Sunday School teacher ever.

    Alrighty. Breaks over. Till next time!


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