Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Quick Update

     Boy, has it been awhile! Mostly, I have been working through my lunch breaks, but, being a holiday week, things are a little slower at work, and I can quick knock out an update.

     Since we last caught up, I have gained yet another minivan. On the way to work one day last month, I had an unavoidable collision with a nine point buck that effectively killed both the van and the buck. I was okay. My first thought when I saw the inevitable happening was: "I am not going to make it to work." Followed by "OMG, I have nineteen patients scheduled today." so, I called my boss first and let her know. Priorities and stuff.
     Anyhow, we were already in the middle of buying Bearded Man a new truck, and the dealership was delighted to add another vehicle sale to the mix, and, two days after I totaled my last van, I drove home a newer model of the exact same thing.
     I tried. I looked at a few SUVs, but, realistically - they wouldn't have worked. So, it looks like my minivan days are to continue for a few more years.
     The kids were more than happy to name the new van for me: We now have "Felicia", so the kids can yell "BYE FELICIA" at me, every time I leave.

     On to other things. For most of September and October, our lives were pretty much ruled by the school play. It was rough toward the end, but, it was a successful play. Honestly, the last two weeks of practice were intense for the entire family. It was during this, that the van was totaled, and, we had to haul George all over Western New York three days in a row, way past bed time, to deal with cleaning the old van out, picking up the rental, going to the dealership to look at new vans, and then going back there the next night to pick it up. (The new van wasn't actually at the dealership the night I picked it out. I literally looked at the online picture, the carfax and, the mileage, and the color of it, and decided on that one. I didn't even see it before I bought it, let alone drive it...)
     Now that the play is over, we are somewhat back to normal again - meaning - the time changed, and it's dark shortly after I get home from work, and George, who is not an indoor child by any means, is driving us all to distraction with his pent up energy with very little outlet. Don't even start sending me suggestions. We've done it all. The extended bathtimes. The legos. The dancing. Work outs. Games. Painting. Scouts. Go outside and play in the dark. (That one is kind of scary, because, we have a hard enough time keeping track of him in the daylight....) I am thinking about contacting a relatively new karate place in town, and seeing what it would cost to put the child in marial arts a few evenings a week. On the other hand: that would just give him new ways to torment his brother.... we'll think of something, I imagine.

     With the holidays approaching, we have spend the last week baking and getting things done around the house. Normally, it's not that big of an issue. I can knock out a meal large enough to feed a crowd without even thinking about it. (One of the perks of growing up in a large family. Some day, I will not have a crowd to cook for, and am going to be seriously confused as to how to cook small portions of anything.)
     With all the craziness though, possibly my subconcious was wondering how I was going to get things done this year, because, I had a dream that I announced to a rather large crowd of people that Thanksgiving Dinner was ready, and then realized that: I had only cooked a turkey and some peas. And that I hadn't even cleared the dinner table off. We've been baking all week though, so, there will be a regular dinner on the table tomorrow.
     This year, the older kids have wanted to help out, so, it's been a group effort, getting things done. I even learned how to use a power drill the other day, as the kids and I put together a new storge unit for the laundry room. I absolutely had to You Tube how to get the bit in, and I am still not convinced that I had it in correctly, but, whatever I did to it seemed to make it work for the most part, so, we put it together. Nevermind that I stripped a few screws. We just used the hammer and pounded them in the rest of the way... It was a learning experienc for all of us.
     A few months ago, I cleaned out the refrigerator and was absolutely aggravated by the wasted produce I was throwing away. So, I began the "Produce Chopped Challenge" for the kids. The latest challenge was Dragon Fruit, which netted three very different smoothies. It took off in an unexpected way though - the kids are really utilizing everything in the kitchen, and have come up with some pretty interesting dishes. Joe being Joe - has whipped up some pretty incredible stuff - but conitnues to refuse to eat any of it. He will taste what he's working with enough to figure out what he wants to do with it, but, that's about it. Still! I can't believe the kitchen skills this really has taught.

     Honestly, I can't think of a single thing to write. It's been so hectic between work and the school play, that, until a few weeks ago, I hardly ever saw the kids. The night before the play, they didn't have any practice, and we took them all out to dinner. It was so so nice to have everyone in one spot again! It occured to me - three of the kids will be graduated within the next 6 years. The days of a house full of kids are dwindling faster than I am okay with. While going through all the Holiday prep lately, I've thought about what life will be like when the kids begin heading out on their own, and starting their own families. I suppose we greet each stage as it comes, but, the older they get, the faster time flies.

     I know this is fairly short and not terribly exciting - hopefully next time around I can whip up something a little more fun! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!


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