Tuesday, June 14, 2016

PS: Another Hurried Blog, to go with Yesterday's Hurried Blog

     After yesterday's hurried Blog (Well. In all fairness, they all are. Thus the dreadful mistakes I always find and then cringe at.) I remembered all the things I had meant to mention. So, today; another (hurried) Blog.

     Last and this  week were termed "Hell Week" mostly because we are nearing the end of the school year and baseball season. Pretty much, we have something going on all the time right now. Kids are going in every single direction. It's insanity.

     Anyhow I took two days off last week, to accommodate a field trip to Niagara Falls, a Kindergarten Graduation, a Sixth Grade Moving up Celebration (For those not familier with our schools in Franklinville, Pre-K thru 6th grade is in one school, and 7-12 is in the big school across the road. Lexi is heading into the big school in September.) and a mishmash of other things.

      In the middle of the recent craziness, there was a trip to the local ER with Kaila. Kaila has been complaining of bone and joint pain for some time now. The pediatrician really has not done much about it. While at school recently, she was walking along, and suddenly had mega bone pain in her lower legs. She slowed down, and the kid next to her turned around to comment about it, and ended up yelling "HOLY SHIT, KAILA! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE??!!!!" because, Kaila's nose suddenly erupted and blood was pouring out both nostrils. A trip to the nurse's office found that the blood would just not stop. So, off to the ER we went. Where, they managed to stop the bleeding, and sent her home again.
     In addition to the bone pain, Kaila has found that the palms of her hands will suddenly become unbearably hot. When we walk together, and are up in the local cemetery, she will stop and put her hands on the granite, to try to cool them off.
     Some research suggested (what I have been saying all along!!!) that, there are some rheumatoid issues here.
     Other research indicated that she is probably a witch, and needs to learn to harness the powers of her burning hands for healing purposes.
     Because of this, I have advised her to please stop touching the grave stones with her burning hands. Possibly, she should just stay out of the cemetery altogether, actually.  Also, every time I have a headache, I have been instructing her to please touch my head with her burning hands. It hasn't worked yet, but, I think she just needs to work on it.
     Meanwhile, on the off chance that she is not a witch, I should probably find another doctor for her.

      Lexi's 6th Grade Moving Up Celebration has come and gone. The afternoon of the Celebration, one of Lexi's friends wandered over.

     "Hi, Mrs. Dick." she said miserably.

     "Well hello! What's up?"

     "I am escaping my mother."

     "Oh no! What's going on?"

     "She wants me to wear a polo shirt tonight. It's always polo shirts! All the time! I hate polo shirts, and I don't want to wear one to the dance after the moving up thing!"

At this, Lexi was beside herself.

     "WHAT????  This is unacceptable! And not okay! You are a twelve year old! How does your mother ever expect you to become an independent woman, if she is still trying to dress you when you are TWELVE?! You are an intelligent person, who is capable of deciding what to wear to your own dance! If you don't want to wear a polo shirt, then, you should NOT. you need to tell her you will wear a shirt that YOU pick out! I cannot believe this!!!!!"

     "Lexi." I cut in to the tirade, "What do you plan to wear tonight?"

     "I don't know yet. I will think of something."

     Twenty minutes before it was time to go, Lexi began to work on her outfit. She took an old dress and cut off the bodice, added buttons to the back, making it into a full skirt, threw on a coordinating t-shirt, whipped up a matching bow for her hair, and was ready to go.
     No one will ever have the same outfit as Lexi. She looked amazing.

     Joe has managed to survive a crazy baseball season/scout season/school winding down, and, the class field trip to Niagara Falls. Along with a recent scout camp out for a weekend (during which it rained the entire time, and they spent most of the time trying to keep the campfire going) and several sleepovers with a friend of his.
     Next week, after his Scout moving up, at which time  he will be a Boy Scout and no longer a Weeblo, Joe will have a break. School is nearly over, baseball is nearly over, and, except for a week at Boy Scout Camp in July, Scouts will be over until school begins again. I think he needs the break. He hasn't had the time or energy to correct anything, ask questions, or obsess over any particular subject. Except  telescopes. It is all he wants for his upcoming Birthday. He has certain requirements for his telescope, and has researched them exhaustively. I suppose this weekend, Joe, me, and Amazon will have to get together and order him a telescope. Also, he wants a lemon cake, shaped like the sun, with lemon cupcakes making sun rays for his birthday. Because, when you stop and think about it, The Boy Wonder is only going to be 11.

     George. George is still George is still George. This year, he hasn't spent as much time on his bike as most years. I mentioned it the other day and his response was "Well. I decided that I would do the bike every other year, so you don't have to keep being scared all the time. This year is my safe year." While that sounds sweet, this was coming from the kid who wandered home last night with a nasty scrape across his face (something about a tree and the way home from school. I don't even know.) He has scrapes and bruises all over his legs, from his many adventures, and his hair has already lightened to blonde for the summer.
     He graduated from Kindergarten last week. "Mom. I watched you. You are supposed to be happy for me. Why were you crying through the whole thing?"

     "Yeah, Mom" piped in Lexi "What the heck is up with Moms who cry over this stuff? I don't understand these things."

     "I don't either, Lex."

     Anyhow, I have no idea what I am going to write about, once all the craziness that is our lives currently, slows down.

     Till next time!

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