Thursday, July 23, 2015

No Bible For You!

     As all things in my poor Little Sister's life, nothing is without complications. Purchasing a vehicle was not complication free. To be fair; is purchasing a vehicle EVER complication free?

     Anyhow, as per the last post, my sister's vehicle was totaled in an auto accident on her way to my house, and she was in need of a new one.
     Our brother, Ben, aided Brianna in her quest, taking her to a small local dealership that advertises "SoandSo's Used Autos and Bible Counseling" where Bri acquired a used Nissan Rogue. Which may or may not be brown, grey, or, purple, depending on which light it is viewed in.
     Ben had utilized this dealership several times over the years, and had always had good interactions with no issues with either the dealership or the vehicles he purchased.
     Last evening, I went to visit my sister. The following conversation took place, as we sat in her garage staring at the new vehicle, before dropping it off at the dealership for yet MORE work on it:

Bri: "You know what Ben told me?"

Me: "What?"

Bri;  " He said that everyone who buys a car from the "Used Auto Dealership and Bible Counseling" place, gets a bible in the glove box."

Me:  "WHAT?"

Bri  "No! Really!"

Me  "I didn't know that."

Bri  "Well. I didn't get a bible. And, I had the WORST experience. They wouldn't even do the car registration paperwork. They handed it to me and were really rude and told me to take all the papers to the DMV and do it myself!"


Bri: "NO! And, they said that they had worked on the brakes and done an oil change and all this stuff - and they DIDN'T! AND, I didn't get a bible! Why didn't I get a bible?"

Me: "I don't know."

Bri:  "When I took the car there for an oil change, I heard 'Everybody should read the bible!!!!!' and then everybody dropped everything, whipped out bibles, and started reading and discussing their bibles! I was over here like 'ummmm, could we maybe wait till AFTER my oil is changed...?'"

Me: "WAIT. WHAT??? They just stopped and read their bibles?!"

Bri: "YES! Like, all random! EVERYBODY in the whole place that worked there!"

Me:  "I've never heard anything like it."

Bri:  "Ben had a theory, when I told him there was no bible. Oh! I didn't get an owner's manual, either. So, now I have to Google everything I need to know about my car... Anyway, Ben had a theory."

Me:  "Oh boy. What?"

Bri  "He said that I came to the dealer ship dressed all in black, because that's what I have to wear for work, wearing makeup and my piercings, and my hair dyed, and they probably figured I was too far gone to need  a bible."

Me:  "HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Well. Actually, that makes THEM bad, not you. Why would you only give bibles to people that seem like they are decent. If anything, if a person is judging another person on how they present, and figures them too far gone, when, if they are all judgy to begin with, then, THOSE are the people that need them the MOST, then, that makes THEM bad, not you."

Bri: "Well. I don't know. I would have been pretty happy if I just could have gotten an owner's manual."

Me: "HAHAHAHA!!!! No bible for YOU!"

Bri: "Maybe they just ran out, or don't give them out anymore?"

Anyhow, my poor (bible-less) sister is without her vehicle once again, as it is off getting fixed again.

Speaking of all things holy and not: The neighbor kid and George have discovered a "Monster Cat" the neighbor kid, Carter, demonstrates Monster Cat every time he talks about it, by twisting his head as far around as possible. Because, apparently, Monster Cat has creepy eyes, and can spin it's head all the way around. Monster Cat simultaneously terrifies and fascinates both George and his buddy, Carter.

Also, Sunday School begins in just over a month. I have yet to form one single lesson plan. Also, it will consist of 7th AND 8th grades this year.

Back to George for a moment here: He is in his glory while Joe is away at Scout Camp. Only last night, George and his buddy Carter were on the porch having a snack.

"I think I will sleep in Joe's bed again tonight. He's gonna be SO. MAD. when he comes back and finds out I slept in his bed all week!"

"He's still gone, George? Let's go upstairs and jump on it!!!!"


"Maybe we can get him to stay at Scouts for one extra sleep!"

"Mom? Can you leave him there longer?"

"No, George."

Also this summer, my five year old, in addition to the ability to jump his bike over ramps for the last 2 years, is now able to coast while standing on the cross bar, is able to coast while standing on one peddle, to the side of the bike with both feet, and, is currently learning how to ride with no hands. Further: It is almost impossible for anyone in the family to keep up with him on a bike.

I would also like to mention that: it is nearing the end of July, and I have yet to can or freeze one single item. Not one. It isn't looking hopeful, either.

I haven't received any phone calls to the otherwise, so, presumably Joe has survived Scout Camp yet again. We get to go pick him up tonight. I can't wait to hear the stories!

Back to work! Till next time!

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