Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Newbie Committee Person

     Yesterday George had his surgery follow up. We ended up seeing the Doctor's assistant, and the visit went along the lines of:

"We did a test you probably didn't even know we did, while doing your son's surgery."

"Oh really?"

"Oh yes. We were checking for reflux. I see he hasn't been taking his reflux medication."

"No, he hasn't. It tastes horrible, and he had a really hard time recovering the first few weeks. The screaming every morning before school, and the crying, and the trauma was too much. It was just one thing that needed to go. He has never exhibited any signs of reflux. Ever. He seems to have been fine since."

"Well. The tests showed he has no reflux."

"I thought they might reflect that."

"However, I need to educate you about it. I created these handouts. They are in color and everything, so parents can easily follow along."

"But, he has no reflux. You just said so."

"Well, his diet is probably awful. Most American children have a lousy diet."

"Actually, out of all my kids, he seems to be the healthiest eater... he's always digging for fruit and yogurt and veggies and fruit cups and things like that."

"Well, citrus fruit is probably not helping his reflux."

"He doesn't HAVE reflux! And, he doesn't like citrus fruit."

"Well, he probably eats healthy because he knows the other foods will cause pain."

"He's 4. He has no idea. He's never complained of pain, because he DOESN'T HAVE REFLUX!"
"Well, chocolate will do it too."

"He did bring home 5 pounds of candy but - "


"-BUT my HUSBAND took all the kids' chocolate. He really didn't get much. He eats baloney at school, but, just discovered it 2 months ago, so, I KNOW that didn't cause his non existent reflux."

"Well, it's just foods like that, that cause your child pain, colds, ear infections."

"OR, his adenoids, because, since they came out, he's been FINE, because, as you said, he has no reflux."

"His reflux could be in remission."

"I am not going to win this, am I?"

"How is he sleeping? Any snoring?"

"No, he's been sleeping fine since the surgery."

"Actually," pipes up George, "I will probably snore tonight."

"There are pets in the house."


"Did you think this may be the cause of your son's problems?"

"No. He never had a reaction to the dogs or the cat. He was tested for allergies while in surgery. How did that turn out?"

"He has none."

"Then why?.... never mind."

Anyhow. George is fine. Clean bill of health and all that.

     Also in the household is Joe's new campaign. Joe came home from church the other day, and announced he wanted to help hungry kids. I suggested a change jar that we could donate around Thanksgiving. The rest of the kids jumped right on board that idea. Tooth Fairy money was thrown in, babysitting money was thrown in. I was amazed at my kids!
     The school also has a food drive this week. Joe took his favorite soup, that I buy just for him, off the shelf, so he could donate it. He wanted other people to have good foods, and not just what we didn't want that was on the shelf. (Which, to Joe, would pretty much be everything. But, I digress.)

     Also, on our plate currently, is Lexi's Swim Club. Lexi is half fish, and is completely happy when she is in the water. As part of the swim team, parents were informed that it was mandatory to sign up for 3 things related to the swim club to help out. Also posted were mandatory sign ups to help out at 2 out of 3 of the home meets. As a newbie, I took this for gospel, as did only about 5 other presumably new parents. So, according to an email I received yesterday, I am now on 2 committees related to the Swim Club, and signed up to do 50/50 raffles at 2 swim meets.  I have every intention of handing off the 50/50 obligations to Bearded Man and Kaila, truth be told. Because, I now need to plan Hospitality things and make ribbons. With people I only know vaguely. Anyhow, this promises to be entertaining at the very least. 

      Which brings us to the last order of business. I am thinking about going back to school. Next fall. To pursue my nursing degree to the next level. Which would mean no life for the next few years, and then working back up at the VA in Buffalo again. Which would shake up our schedules again, take me away from a lot of these extra curricular activities, and have me working holidays and weekends and overnight 12 hour shifts again. Which, if it was just me, would be completely wonderful. But, at graduation, I would have 3 teenagers, and maybe I should stick a little closer to home. As a friend pointed out: They are only young once! It would be so completely wonderful, if I could go back to school though. I have a few months to make up my mind.

     That's all the excitement around here! Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Mom!! I will most certainly do the 50/50 things. It sounds fun!!!!
