Friday, September 5, 2014

Growing (Kids!) Pains

     What a week.

     I discovered this week that, while I am of the firm and sound opinion that surgery is fairly safe these days, and have some experience as a surgical floor nurse, it is absolutely not okay for my own kids.
     Not even the routine stuff.
     At all.

     Tuesday, The George and I made our way to the Pediatric ENT doctor, affiliated with Children's Hospital in Buffalo. I knew what was coming. I knew that George's adenoids were likely coming out.
     The doctor came into the room, requested that George remove himself from the Doctor's stool ("I had to try it out, because I am going to be a doctor." George informed the Doctor. ) and announced that, after looking at George's xrays, that his adenoids were grossly enlarged, the cause of his breathing issues, causing lyringospasms, and needed to come out asap.
     I nodded, and agreed, and set up an appointment to have them out on September 17th, and managed to let all the people I have to let know when I need time off, that, I was going to need more time off. Again. (Thank goodness they all like George. I am known as "George's Mom" in Buffalo anymore.)

     After the appointment, George announced he was starving and thirsty and that the only thing that would make him better was Timbits from Tim Horton's, and an orange juice. I figured he earned it, so, we went in search. At the drive - thru, his window came down, and the following took place:

  George:  "Hello? Hi! Can you hear me?"

  Drive Thru Voice: "Umm, hello?"

  Me:    "GEORGE! Shush! Let me order, okay?"

  George:   "My name's George!"

  Drive Thru Voice: "Ummm. Hi, George?"

   George: "I love you!"

   Drive Thru Voice:  "AWWWWWW!!!!!!!! Extra Timbits for George!!"

On the way home, I decided to go visit my Dad. He hasn't been too well, and there really isn't too much more that can be done for him. He is in and out of the hospital a lot these days.

    My Dad's skin color is gray, he has circles under his eyes, and he really is unable to walk much, due to cardiac problems. He looked at me and said

     "Ri. I'm on my way out. My heart just can't take much more, and there isn't much they can do for me now. Don't know when it will happen, but, I'm ready to go. This is no quality of life."

What do you say to that?

     This week also brought the first day of school. Including the First Day for my Last Kid. Where did all the time go?

     George announced that he probably shouldn't go. His brother and sisters had told him he wouldn't be allowed to go to the gym. "I'm not a baby, and I'm not stupid! Why are they treating me like I am? I should be allowed to go to the gym. This is NOT going to be any fun."
     The morning of the first day dawned, and George really wanted no part of this. "I shouldn't go. The people are going to want me to listen to them, and I don't like to listen to people."
     I assured him it would be fine. His first day didn't start until 10 am, but we drove the rest of the kids to school and walked them in. I was FINE. FINE! All morning, we were fine. I marched them into school like I always do, and we were walking down a hallway, and the kids were calling to long lost friends, and Lexi was completely fuming over the news that Joe's room was directly across from her classroom, and this was NOT acceptable, and suddenly I was getting all weepy. Out of nowhere. Didn't see that coming at all.

     George and I had a few errands to run before Pre-K started, and, on the way to the school, the horrible thought occurred to me that: This was it. The very last time I would have George or any kid alone to myself, while the big kids were at school. This was the last ride I would take with my baby and that  my baby was still  all mine. Once I hit the school, I would have a Big Kid, and have to share him, and there would no longer be any kids at home during the day, or little ones running around the house. Bring on the waterworks. Not gonna lie. I drove around the biggest block I could find, to extend that ride a little. It took the first hour of Pre-K for me to stop getting all teary. He didn't know, of course. On the way in, his hand found mine, and I heard "Mama? Will you carry me in?"
     "No buddy. You can do it, and you are going to be just fine. You can hold my hand though."
Because, sometimes, you just have to let them stand on their own two feet.

     This morning, after hauling him out of bed against his will, and spending 15 minutes snuggling with him to wake him up, it was "Mama? I don't think I should go to Pre-K. I am not old enough. It is for 5 year olds, and I'm only 4. I will go next year. Make Daddy go to work at night again and stay home with me. Or you can stay home, and work at night, and snuggle me. That will be good. Pleeeeaaaassseee Mama?" Lord.

     I am completely aware that he will be fine. He will survive just like the rest of the kids did. I am also aware that I will, as well. But, I feel like this was a pretty big life change, with the realization that there really are no little ones at home anymore. I think too, that worrying about George's breathing problems and surgery and my Dad really added to the whole Moriah Mess.

     I'm ready to be done with this week. I have been too busy and weighed down with all the heavy stuff to go to Zumba, go walking, or even care what I ate.

     Life goes on,  however! And, in all honesty, Religious Ed starts this Sunday, (you know, in 2 days?) and, I am not nearly as prepared as I wanted to be. It was decided that the 8th graders should have Religious Education at one of our Sister Churches, so, my class now consists of 2 kids. Neither belonging to me. Now that my kid is no longer in my class, this has created something of a logistical nightmare. I now have 2 children in Religious Ed, and 2 not in Religious Ed, that will need to be delt with in some manner for an hour and a half for 24 Sundays, almost 20 miles from home. This does NOT include getting home in order to turn around two hours later to drive BACK to our church to get Kaila off to the other church, and then come home again, to to pick her up again in a few more hours. Religious Education has just effectively caused at least 100 miles of driving every Sunday. The first of my children to announce they have decided to become another religion, or, atheist, will probably be beaten soundly.

     That is life in our household this week. I did meet a new neighbor! She came over to introduce herself, after we discovered that her daughter is Kaila's age, and in the same classes as her, and they just moved down the street from us! (The excitement here is HUGE. Kaila really has very few friends, and pickings are pretty slim in our town. She was recently heartbroken when her BFF from out of state would have nothing to do with her on her summer trip to NY. When they DID get together, my poor daughter was regaled with stories of another local girl who hates Kaila, and is the daughter of this child's Uncle's girlfriend. Every rotten thing this other kid had said was repeated for the entire day, and in great, excruciating detail,  before Kaila was informed by her ex bff that they all felt it was better to keep the peace with a possible new cousin, rather than an old friend, thus, she probably wasn't going to be spoken to much anymore, if ever again, soooo, sorry?) The relief that Kaila has found a new friend  was huge. My poor kid really needed someone. The new friend's mother wandered around the house, and announced that she used to be a Home Stager, and that she really liked how I had it decorated. (Score one for a for-once clean house!!!!!) She hesitated and finally said "Do you mind a few pointers about your kitchen...?" And I decided I probably liked her.

     And that is what's going on in the household this week. There was also an ER trip for Bearded Man, who will live, but, still, this was definatly the week for craziness. Back to working out tomorrow. I don't have it in me to be miserable for very long. Have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks mom!!! I am sorry about grandpa though. That was the first I heard of it and I hope he doesn't have a horrable way out. I hope it is peaceful. But I am soooo sad about it. :'-(

  2. Moriah, sorry to hear your dad is not doing well, that must be so hard to deal with on top of everything else in your crazy mom life! Your story about taking George to preschool made me tear up... can't our babies stay babies??
