Thursday, May 17, 2018

Shopping With Joe

     Last night I had to make a last minute run to Wal-Mart. Impulsively I took Joe along with me. I needed to get several odds and ends, and, a new purse. The purse I recently spent an hour trying to choose, is already falling apart. I seem to have no end of problems with purses.

     As we hustled through the store, grabbing what we needed, Joe kept reminding me to not forget a purse. Eventually I had managed to trek the entire super center (and still forgot to get laundry soap.) and it was time to go find a purse. With Joe.

     "What, precisely are you looking for in a purse?"

     "Well, it has to be well made. I mean, this is cute" I said, picking up a purse "but, it is made out of what looks like plastic, and it's going to fall apart in no time."

     "Fair point. What else?"

     "It needs to have a zipper. I always worry that just a snap closure is asking for someone to reach in and rob a person as soon as they aren't looking. And, things tend to fall out and get lost with purses like that."

     "Got it." said Joe in all seriousness. And, he began to search. "Mom. How about this one? It is professional appearing and black, so it will go with everything."

     "Hmmm. Not quite it."

     "This one has the security features you are looking for. It also has several pockets with zippers, so you can store all of your things safely. It even has a place for you to slide your phone into for easy access."

     "Let's keep looking. I am not feeling that one."

     "This one is professional.".... "this one has good security."... "Have you possibly considered a tote bag?"... "I notice that many women have been wearing backpacks. You can store and carry lots of things in a back pack."...."This style has both long and short handles. When your hands are full, you can carry it on your shoulder, or, across your body for added security."..."Do not even look at that one. It makes you appear like a farmer's wife. And you are not a farmer's wife."..."No. That one is not professional looking. You are not fourteen. You should not have pink."..."Not the flowers, Just. No. Also, it is too small for your needs."... "Have you looked at this model?"

     I ended up with a purse that seemed to satisfy Joe and myself and meet the basic requirements. Pleased with the purse shopping, Joe began to launch into the pros and cons of self driving autos, and whether Tesla was on to the wave of the future, or, too many people were afraid of progress and would try to block it because of the unknown. This was a discussion that lasted for some time, before we debated the different genres of science and the benefits and complexity of each and how for some reason, lots of kids just don't "get" it. Or math. Which is perplexing, because they are both so easy. Which launched us into a discussion regarding History, most of which I cannot recall. I do know, however, that it is so fascinating that, I didn't know until recently, he has been taking his school history text book to bed to read, and finished it some time ago.

     I cannot get enough of conversations with Joe. He is headed off to a weekend Scout Camp tomorrow. I think roughing it is good for him. Maybe it gives his brains a break for a few days. Or, at least a different avenue of things to think about.

     This week, I received a call from the school that George had an accident in gym, and that I should probably come get him.
     It turns out he had a concussion which got him sent home from school again the next day, and, I kept him out of school yesterday. This has not endeared him to his teacher, and, I was advised in a note today that exceptions may not be made, and she will not reward his lack of focus even if there was head trauma, nor will she tolerate talking in class. School is almost over. School is almost over. School is almost over. Not even sure how to handle this. I have a strongly worded response to that snarky note, just waiting to send into school. Or, do I ignore this? Talk to the principal? Let it go? Light a candle? Douse her with holy water? I don't even know.

     On to other things. This weekend, I think, is my last weekend before my side job kicks in. I suspect most weekends are going to be spent as an agency nurse again. A few years ago, I worked for this agency, and, they asked me to come back. The paperwork is done, and everything is ready to go. So, I am hoping to spend as much of this weekend as possible in my gardens. I have amassed thus far, seven flats of flowers, with more to come. If I can keep up - my gardens will be wonderful this year. I just need to plant them all.

     Awhile back, I mentioned we had gotten new neighbors. We hadn't actually seen anyone move in, so, we naturally assumed they were probably Sorcerers. It turns out that one of the other neighbors did see signs of them moving, so, I figured they probably  aren't Sorcerers. As handy has it would be to have one as a neighbor, we don't. But, they have been pretty nice so far, and, the kids love their dogs, so, I suppose that works, too. They did wonder why so many people have moved out of their house over the years. My brother in law happened to be present during that conversation, and he said it was probably because of us. They've been there a few months now, and we haven't seen a "For Sale" sign go up yet. However, nicer weather is upon us, and, the kids are outside more now...
     Tonight, the new neighbors put dinner on their grill. Which means nothing to nobody, except, we were in our backyard, when George mentioned there was a lot more smoke then there had been. Looking over, I gasped as I saw flames shooting out of the grill, which was clearly on fire. This brought back an immediate flashback of the day we were all headed to the funeral home for Bearded Man's father's wake, and his next door neighbor's house caught fire and burned to the ground, because of a grill fire.
     I ran around the house and pounded on their front door, and told their teen daughter their grill was on fire, and, Bearded Man jumped over the fence between our back yards and turned off the propane and the burners.
     I kid you not, after we had watched that much fire pour out of that grill, the neighbor wandered outside calm as could be a few minutes later with a glass of water, and delicately poured it on the remaining flames. Completely calm. Calm all over the place. I don't know whether to be absolutely impressed by that level of relaxation, or if I should wonder about our own level of panic there. In retrospect, this sort of reignites the Sorcerer angle. Either way, I am not sure if they were able to save their dinner or not, because we had to get George to his baseball game.

       Alrighty. I need to get up extra early to take George to the doctor to clear him for gym again. It doesn't matter. He sat out of gym today, and managed to get hit by a tire swing during recess today anyway.

     Till next time!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bearded Man Does Paint Night

     I write this, as I watch George play in a mud puddle, with the Tupperware he bought himself during the Maple Fest last weekend. I feel like the sales lady who sold it to him would have refused the sale, had she known what he planned for it. 

     This past weekend brought the Opening Ceremony for Little League baseball in our town. Every parent I know, had pictures of their children plastered all over Facebook. Super Mom here did not get even one picture of George in his uniform, nor even one part of the game. I figure I have lots of games coming up, I'm sure I will remember to take a picture eventually. While I did not manage to grab a photo of my kid, I did manage to get a few of the deer. All games at the field came to a standstill, as a deer wandered through to check things out. I've heard about this deer. Some say it's sick. Others say it's just domesticated. It lives in the village, and pretty much wanders around town socializing. I really don't know if it's healthy or not, but, the kids thought it was a fun addition to the games. 

     We really didn't have much time after the game, before we headed over to some friends house for a couple's paint night. Bearded Man's friend since school, Josh, and his wife Michelle hosted the paint night. Michelle is a very talented painter, and led the paint night for the rest of us. I should have known, when Bearded Man made a side stop for beer on the way, that it was going to be an interesting night. 
     It was the first time Bearded Man had ever attempted to paint anything that required using paint that didn't need to be mixed up at the paint counter of the Home Depot. Beer in hand, he gamely tucked in to attempt this unknown territory. He was the only person in attendance who hadn't yet done a paint night. At some point, it was decided by the men present, that every time the term "wispy" was used, a drink needed to be taken. There was a lot of wispy in our paintings. The more he drank, the louder he became. "Jasin! You are getting pretty loud..." I said, and I was informed that the only reason he seemed loud, was because I was sober. 
    Several times, everyone stopped to take breaks. And then got to talking and forgot to start back up again. I believe, all told, the paintings took approximately three and a half hours. Even though the men had taken entirely too many "wispy" related drinks, the paintings turned out pretty good. I was a little worried though, because today was the last day of Sunday School, and Bearded Man was an integral part of the plans. 
      The year that I played "Blue's Brothers" for the Last Day of Sunday School party has continued to haunt me as one of the most talked about memories in the household. Looking at my bored and unimpressed class a few weeks ago, I decided to talk about the last day party. Since I honestly have no VHS tapes that any 7th or 8th grader wants to sit through (It's Disney or Blue's Brothers around here. There's really nothing in between.) I hit on a stroke of inspiration, and asked them if they would like to do a hot dog roast outside in the church parking lot and gardens this year. I offered to bring our badminton net and racquets and a volley ball and all sorts of outdoor things to play with. It was the most enthused I've seen them all year. So, it was decided to plan an outdoor picnic. And then within ten minutes, it spread through the other Sunday School classes, and, we included all of them in the plans. 
      In addition to the badminton set, we brought a volley ball, basket ball, cones to make an obstacle course, piles of sidewalk chalk and stencils, a bubble machine, jump ropes, hula hoops and hot dogs, rolls and condiments. The other teachers brought food to add to the picnic, and we waited to see how it would go. Bubbles were floating through the festivities, and the kids arrived, walked past the teachers, and had the best day of Sunday School this year. They were spread all over the church grounds, engaged and content for the entire duration of the party. I did have to ask Kaila to please cover up the Illuminati symbol someone had drawn right in the middle of the rectory driveway, very nicely for the pastor to see. And, I also asked a group of boys to please cover up and/or erase the anatomically correct drawing of a male (monster? I don't even know. It was creepy)that was apparently urinating over a toilet. I decided to pick my battles, and let another drawing of a monster stay. Otherwise there were pictures of rainbows and flowers and such. 

   Jasin and Josh were texting each other first thing this morning to inquire as to the recovery of the wispy drinking. Neither of them drink more than the occasional libation normally, but, they both claimed to be in tip top shape this morning. I had been concerned that he wouldn't be functional for the Sunday School party today, but, he seemed okay. I had privately thought that possibly if he wasn't high functioning, I would finally be able to relinquish my "Blue's Brothers" notoriety. He seemed fine, if not quieter than usual, and managed to grill hot dogs and transport everything I needed him to with minimal complaint. 
     One more thing of note: Lexi has discovered Harry Potter. She's reading through the series faster then the library opens for her to get the next one. I am not even kidding when I say that she has been curled up in whatever quiet place she can find, reading those books, while wearing a tiara. A tiara because she is Lexi, and we expect nothing less from her. 
      Not sure if Joe will get into Harry Potter, or not. He's currently into mythology. I literally had to pause writing this to order the latest book in the current series he's working on. 
      Both of them sold flowers for the annual school 7th and 8th grade flower sale. The orders were turned in last week, and everything all set, when Bearded Man pointed out I will be out of town when they come in, and he has exactly no idea what the difference is between "Salmon" and "Pink" geraniums are. Nor does he know what  "blue pearl" vs "lipstick" impatiens are. This could be problematic, as, we sold lots of flowers. I think the best I can  do is have him bring them home, and water them occasionally until I can distribute them after I get back.

     One more update regarding the library book sale Mary Higgins Clark dilemma mentioned in the last Blog: I went back a few days later and bought them all. Every last one. 

     I am sure this could have been more exciting, but, this is the busiest time of year for us. I don't expect things to settle down again until school is out for the summer. Till next time!