Monday, April 30, 2018

George Joins the FBI. His Teacher Probably Joins Counseling.

     We just had the busiest weekend I can recall in a long time. At the moment, I should be cleaning the aftermath, doing the dishes and catching up on laundry. But I just can't right now. So here we are.
      I was driving home from work about a month ago, when I suddenly realized that George's First Reconciliation and Communion were scheduled for the same weekend as the Annual Maple Fest. I had also promised friends that Lexi could babysit in the middle of it. I nearly drove off the road when it hit me that this was going to be nearly impossible. All of these things were scheduled to take place in different directions, and the logistics were going to be tricky. I explained to the Sunday School people that George had to march in a parade in our town at 11 am the day of First Reconciliation, and that it was going to be tough to get him to church, half hour away, by noon. I said we may be a little late, but that we would be there. I was regretfully told that the dates and times couldn't be changed, but, they were understanding, and I promised I would do my best to get him there in time.
     Friday evening, the insanity began. George had last minute baseball practice. Joe had a friend from Boy Scouts spending the night so we could get him to the parade the next morning. Last minute a friend of mine came over, and we ended up visiting until two in the morning. Since I will probably be pulling a lot of second and third shifts in the very near future with job number two, I figure this was good practice.
     Saturday morning dawned with annual Maple Fest Book Sale. The line cutting old ladies from years past have settled down, so, the initial wait to get in isn't as much fun as it used to be. We all filed into the library in relative peace and began the annual search. I was surprised, as, this was probably the smallest book sale I can recall. I mentioned that to one of the volunteers, and she agreed that it was smaller than usual. There just wasn't as many donations. "Be careful what you wish  for. When I die, you're getting all these back, plus the rest of my collection..." I cautioned. They laughed, but, seriously, I have a lot of books. I can confidently say it would be a pretty big addition to the annual sale. I have recently discovered a love for Mary Higgins Clark. Not sure why I haven't really read her books before, but, I found myself picking up all the Mary Higgins Clark books I could find. And then putting some back, because, what if someone else wanted some too? Then picking them back up. Then putting them back, because, it's not nice to be greedy. So, I only took about half of them, so I wouldn't feel guilty. And now I wish I would have just bought them all anyway. Ah well. Hopefully the rest of them found good homes!
      Back home, it was time to get ready for the annual parade. Where it poured. And poured. And poured. I ended up missing most of it, as, Bearded Man shoved George out of the parade at me, and I took him home to dry him off and haul him to church.
      Somewhere along the way, I began to wonder how I am going to handle the second job. Partly because I have no time to take it on, and partly because I was suddenly I was more exhausted than I could bear. Well. I'm sure I will manage. I always do.
      Sunday, George put his suit on for his First Communion. He added sunglasses to the ensemble and flatly refused to take them off. His Sunday School teacher asked that he at least put them on top of his head for church, but I managed to get them off of him about halfway through Mass. I managed to keep him in line for the entire duration of church. I didn't see a halo over him at any point, but I am sure it was there somewhere
     He wore the entire suit ensemble to school today. It's been a rough year for George's teacher. She graduated from college shortly before getting hired as a Second Grade Teacher this year. ("I was captain of the college cheer squad the whole time I was there!" She gushed the first time I met her.) Not sure who thought it was a good idea to initiate her with George, but, here we are. I think she will be happy to see him move on, truthfully. Anyhow. George informed her today that he was with the FBI. The impression I got was that she was not as excited about it as he and his friends were.
     While we were at church Sunday, Kaila was assisting with the annual SAPS race. She had volunteered Bearded Man's truck and herself to be the 10k water girl. Bearded Man has a big Dodge Ram quad cab 4x4. This truck is a tank, and the first time I drove it was through a raging snow storm (where I was terrified not of crashing, but what Bearded Man would do to me if I crashed his baby...) anyhow, it held up like a champ in the snow, and I feel perfectly safe driving it in crazy weather. Somehow, Kaila managed to get this beast stuck in the mud with two other kids in the truck. Apparently a teacher had to call her husband to come pull the truck out. He allegedly pointed out that his truck was smaller and managed to pull the behemoth out, which certainly chaffed the Bearded owner of the insulted truck. Anyhow, Kaila wasn't sure she would survive if her dad found out, but, mostly we laughed about it, to her relief. She greeted us nervously as we backed in the driveway after church with "I can explain!" and "I promise the truck is FINE!"  Since the truck was fine, she is still among the living.

     Anyhow we survived the weekend and everything got done and I have no idea how we did it. But, we did!
      Mention needs to be made of Joseph here. I know he's set on being a scientist. This year, he joined "Youth Court" and takes the entire process very seriously. Youth Court is where kids preside over actual cases involving kids. Joe memorized most of the law book they were given, and, uses it frequently in every day life. This has made me realize that Joe has a definite knack for law. Recently one of his sisters got in trouble. I was lost as to how to deal with it, until Joe stepped in. " Make her write a very long essay about the potential consequences of her actions on herself and others." he advised matter of factly. So, calling her from her bedroom, I announced the punishment, and then added Joe's spark of brilliance to it. She was told she has to write an essay, the terms and subject matter were given, as well as the timeline. "Make sure she includes resources and web links, Mom." interrupted Joe. "Yes. That too." I agreed, while his sister scowled at him in a way that left no doubt as to her future intentions to beat the daylights of him as soon as we were out of earshot.
     That pretty much wraps up the current craziness. It's been so busy, I haven't had two seconds to do these blogs. This morning I reminded Kaila that we are going to go see The Phantom of the Opera this week. (Biggest fan ever over here! I think this will be at least the eighth time I've seen it now?) Kaila didn't display an adequate amount of excitement at this announcement, and, even though it's part one of her 17th birthday present (part two is "Love Never Dies, the Phantom Returns") She was informed that she had better step up the enthusiasm for this show, or forfeit it - nothing personal. I was once again informed of my insanity, and she left to get ready for school. So, I guess I will probably still take her.

     One more thing: I have a lot of landscaping bricks and concrete garden boarders I need to utilize, that are stacked next to my house. Mostly, George has been using them for whatever creations he can come up with to destroy my side lawn (you can have a nice lawn, or you can have kids. You cannot have both.) I have decided to put them to use this year, and have all sorts of plans for my gardens. Springtime: when the optimism of gardening is fresh and the amnesia of the neglect they had during the previous years sets in. Once again, I have lots of plans, will spend lots of money, and, invest lots of time initially, and then, two jobs and motherhood will remind me I don't have the time or energy for this and the guilt of the neglect will hit me every time I look at my unweeded flower beds.
     The good intentions are there though! I can't bear to see a neglected plant. Yesterday, I was walking past the high school on the way home from the Maple Fest, and I stopped in front of the ag room greenhouse. I looked in horror at all the wilted and dying vegetable plants in the window. Right in the middle of the massacre, was a watering can. "Kaila! What kind of person plants these things and then neglects them this badly???" I demanded in outrage. "I don't know. It's the ag people." "LOOK at that!!!!!! There's a watering can RIGHT THERE! It's like some sick horror movie, where you die a long and miserable death, while the only thing that can save you is right out of reach!" "Mom! Really?" "I mean, LOOK! This is terrible. Those poor plants!" "I think we should cross the road mom." anyway. I have good intentions. Just like the monster in the ag room.

     Okay. I really need to get to bed. I am sure I will think of thirteen other things I should have added to this as soon as I hit the publish button, but, I've had three phone calls, two different Facebook private messages, sent four kids to bed, and promised someone I would make sure I check out the full moon before I go to bed. Therefore; this is choppy and probably a mess.

     Ah well. Till nex time!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Scared of My Hairdresser, so, Going for the Hippy Look Now

     I am supposed to be grocery shopping right now. But, I just don't feel like spending lots of money on food every single person in the household will hate at the moment, so, here we are. I have been advised that corndogs would be an acceptable item to buy, and, alerted that we need strawberry jam. But, otherwise, nothing else is even remotely appetizing to my children anymore.

      Last night was the First Annual Cub Scout All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner and Mini Gun Raffle. The Bearded Man was a little nervous about this. It's his first year running things to some extent, and, lots of other leaders seemed to think it would be something of a failure and the Scouts would lose money on this venture. After scheduling it, they learned that several other gun raffles were happening in the area at the same time. The turn out ended up exceeding expectations, and, ended up being the best fund raiser the Cub Scouts have had as long as my kids have been part of Scouting. I had left to go pick Kaila up at work, and, when I arrived at the venue, I walked in and was shocked at how packed the building was. I think plans are in the works to do it again next year, too! This couldn't have happened without the combined efforts of all the Cub leaders, including Bearded Man's friend since high school, Josh, and his wife Michelle. Josh and Michelle put a lot of work into the raffle and really made it work. At the end of the night, we invited them over to celebrate the success of the fund raiser. Josh and I have the same affinity for Captain Morgan, so, I stopped off to grab a bottle on my way home. Standing in the local liquor store pondering the bottle sizes, I decided to splurge for the big bottle, and, headed home.
       A disclaimer needs to happen here. As much as I talk about drinking, I rarely do. I think the last time I had a Captain Morgan and cola, was on Thanksgiving, truthfully. That being said, I came home and poured myself a drink, and remembered how very much I love Captain Morgan, and decided it was worth the money to spring for the bigger bottle. An hour and a half and five Captain Morgans later, I was counting pretty strongly on a pending ice storm to hit, and cancel Sunday School today. The more I thought about it, the more I thought that it was almost inevitable that the doom of the weather reports and the urgent email from the electric company nearly guaranteed that there would be no foreseeable way that we would be able to get half hour away to church. So, in my deliciously buzzed state, I reasoned mentally that all this Captain Morgan being dumped on a system that really rarely drinks anymore, would not be an issue at all. If I can't be in church due to weather, then, the Good Lord wouldn't mind at all that I would potentially be in no shape to teach Sunday School. And poured another one.
      The Good Lord wasn't having it, apparently, because, the roads were fine this morning, and, we had to go to church. And teach Sunday School. Which ended up just fine, because, there were no residual effects of Captain Morgan except ridiculously reddened eyes, as evidenced by all the snap chat filters Kaila tested on me first thing this morning.
      Not that we're counting, but, there's only 4 Sunday School Days left until we break till September.

     I should mention that Bearded Man's shed in the driveway is now to be known as the "In Law Quarters." Last night, I ran into some people I knew, while we waiting for the Fund Raiser to start. One guy mentioned that he's happiest in his garage. When he dies, he'd be perfectly happy going to his garage, instead of heaven. Which reminded me of a story I had heard one time about someone who had sold their house. The new owners were a little horrified when the previous home owners sheepishly knocked on the door some time after the new owners moved in, and, asked if they could get Grandma out of the garage. It seems Grandma's ashes were left behind during the move. I mused that I would probably resort to breaking and entering for that one, because I don't know that I could knock on the door and explain I had left grandma in the garage.
      The conversation continued, but, I was thinking about it this morning. In shock, I called Bearded Man. "Jasin! Where is your mother????"
      "I think my sister has her."
      "NO! I mean, your part of your mom???" (He has a vial of her ashes.)
      "Oh. Out in my shed."

      Before we get all outraged: he loves his shed. It's not like his mother was thrown in with the garden tools for lack of better place. Anyhow. I figure, it will make it better if we call the shed the Mother in Law quarters now, so it's not quite so bad.

     For Easter, as usual, my little sister came for dinner. One year we went to Florida, and, I am still hearing about the trauma of Brianna not spending Easter at my house. While she was over for dinner, we talked about how her picture had somehow become viral on Facebook. It was shared all over the world, and she was receiving declarations of love and devotion, as well as marriage proposals from pretty much everywhere. I tried to explain to her that most of the men she was talking about were not even real, but, she was sure that a few of them were the real deal. There was one in particular from Egypt. He was highly offended that we were having ham for Easter, and urged her quite emphatically to give up all pork products. It would be a deal breaker for their future together. It was all I could do, not to tag her in a picture of the ham, fresh out of the oven. Anyhow, during the visit at our house, Egypt guy asked for a picture of her with me. Bearded Man happened to talk through the kitchen at that point, and happily grinned next to my sister. Beard and trucker hat and flannel and everything. Off the picture went: My sister and Bearded Man. Which received the response of a "thumbs up" symbol. Anyhow. I think we convinced her he was probably not a good idea.
      I do have a dilemma though. My sister does my hair, and the kids' hair. We all need our hair done, but, she's been pretty busy lately. I am forbidden to go to anyone else for hair needs (She tags me in the "Cheating on your barber" You Tube video with regularity) So, now my generally frizzy and unmanageable hair has an alarming amount of grays that I am terrified to mention to her. Or color myself. Or go anywhere else. So, there's a good chance that, since I am pretty much scared of my little sister, I may need to adopt the hippy/natural look.

     Oh. Since I have mentioned that I rarely drink, this next part will make me look like I have a problem. The Franklinville Book Club recently had a meeting that began at a local winery with a wine tasting. I sipped through several wines, before I landed on Red Raspberry wine. It was so good, that I brought a bottle home. And then, I went back last week, and bought another one. I gushed about it so much, that the lady who was working at the winery offered to drive some to my house whenever I needed more. I figured that would tip me right into alcoholic status, so, I regretfully declined. I invited a friend over to try it. She said she doesn't drink wine anymore, because it didn't settle well with her last time she drank wine. And then we proceeded to split the bottle with no ill effects. So, now I need another one.

     Speaking of problems, I think I blame my job in some part for the sudden uptake in alcohol. I arrived home one day last week stressed beyond all measure, and in a very snappy mood. I just couldn't shake this mood, and was trying desperately not to take it out on my kids. I threw together dinner while Kaila talked about a First Aid/CPR course she is taking at school. One of the scenarios she mentioned was about a lady who is in the kitchen cutting something up for dinner or whatever, and, a knife falls on her arm, cutting across the inner forearm and there's blood everywhere and she's going into shock. I swear, I slammed down a cooking utensil right then and snapped, "Well, after she gets stabilized, she's probably going on suicide watch, and is looking at some time in psych, because she just slit her damn wrist, and if she tells you otherwise, she's a dirty liar, and nobody treating her is not going to think she just tried to kill herself, and out of the LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF WAYS A PERSON CAN HURT THEMSELVES IN A KITCHEN, THIS IS THE BEST EXAMPLE THEY CAN COME UP WITH????!!!!!!" To my poor kid's shock. "Seriously!!! Nobody "drops" a knife across their radial artery. Knives don't just "fall" across your radial artery. You don't miss the vegetables and "accidently" cut yourself eight inches away from the counter!" I raged on in aggravation, before catching myself and trying not to continue. "Anyhow." I took a deep breath "I do hope that your takeaway from the lesson was to put pressure on the wound and all that."
     "You are such a cute little crazy person." said Kaila. "And, yeah, we put pressure on the wound and keep her warm since she's in shock, and call 911."
     On that note, I am one pre-employment drug screening test away from another job. I should be cleared to start within the next week or so. This could adversely effect the weekend schedules around here indefinitely, but, it is what it is. On the "up" side, it should keep me busy enough that that bottle of Captain Morgan lasts a good long time. And, the Red Raspberry wine will remain too far away for me to have time to buy it. So, it's an overall good thing for my liver and moral constitution and all that.
      Till next time!