Sunday, March 4, 2018

Falling House Watch

     The last week or so was rough. I honestly was beginning to question the possibility of much good in the world. News headlines screamed terrible things. I watched and listened to people treat others and myself in ways that, not long ago would have been unacceptable and subject to immediate rebuke. These days, it's a way of life. Honestly, the over saturation of the "bad" tends to overshadow the "good" sometimes. I was talking to a friend about it recently, and we both agreed it's hard to not become cynical and uncaring as a defense mechanism.

      Anyhow, I think possibly the last few days showed hope for humanity. Thursday night and into Friday, we were hit by a crazy storm, that, within a matter of hours changed our melted landscape to a few feet of wet heavy snow. It took down trees and electric lines and made travel nearly impossible in places.
     In the middle of this, one street over from us, the home of some friends burned. They lost everything, including their two dogs.
     The news spread around town before the fire was even put out. As soon as everyone heard, not only were the usual heartfelt prayers sent up for the family, but, those prayers were backed up with offers of help, donations, a pay pal account, a Go Fund Me account, a meal train, an assessment of immediate needs, and an entire town rallied together to help these people out, as they watched their home burn down in the driving snow. When I mean the whole town, I mean, the whole town. Including the Town Supervisor, and the Principal of the Elementary school. Friends, neighbors, and even people who didn't even know this family all helped in some way, or even shared the Go Fund Me page, to help them out.

     Friday morning, as people stumbled out of their homes to survey the snow and the damage, once again, neighbors rallied together. Help was given moving downed branches, cars were dug out. Assistance was given with stuck cars, strangers helped shovel, plow, and snow blow driveways and sidewalks, with no expectation of money or recognition. Just people being decent. Offers of a warm place to stay and shower were given by those with electricity, to those without. All over town, people helped where they saw a need, and relief efforts for the family who lost their home continued as well.

      Faith in humanity restored. In the spirit of things, I signed up to take dinner to them. I threw my name in the first available date, clicked "accept" and then about five minutes later, realized I had just signed up to take them dinner on the same day as "Root Canal Part Two" you know, when my face will be numb, and completely paralyzed on the left side. Why not go visiting people with food, when your face is temporarily deformed?

     Today, the roads are all cleared and electricity has been restored to most of those affected, and the cleanup effort continues where needed. Also: our two week hiatus from Sunday School was over. Off to church I drove, kids in tow. I am not kidding, when I write that last night I dreamt that I had drunk large amounts of liquor in preparation for class today. I figured it was an omen. I dread this class anymore.
     Class had hardly begun, when the usual shenanigans began. "I am going to need you to put your phone away, please." I said to one student.
     "I need to look at the time!"
     "Once again, I would like to direct your attention to  the very large clock on the wall, literally a few feet in front of your face..." I said.
     "I shouldn't have to read one of those old kind of clocks!" she wailed.
     "Can you really not read a clock?"
     "I can read it, but I shouldn't have to read it." she pouted.
     "I can't believe I am hearing this." I mumbled.

     It continued this way for awhile. I am not even sure what finally made me set my teacher's book down in frustration and say "I am not even kidding. I seriously had a dream last night that I had to drink LOTS of alcohol to deal with teaching this class last night!" to their open mouthed shock.
     "You will have to excuse my mother." apologized Joe "She is one of the older style models of moms."
     Only eight more classes to go this year. I counted.

     Over dinner tonight, I asked George if he had learned anything in Sunday School today. His First Communion is coming up next month, so I knew they've been working on that in his class.
     "We talked about the "Our Father" prayer." said George. "What does the trespassing part mean, exactly?"
     "Oh! You mean 'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us'? That part?"
     "Yeah. Because I have done a lot of trespassing in my life, mom."
     "HAHA! No, not, trespassing on other people's property - we'll chat about that later - but, it means kind of like 'forgive us for anything wrong we've done, and help us forgive other people who might have done something wrong to us.' does that make more sense?"
     "About that. I've done a lot of that kind of trespassing too, mom."
     I am sure the Good Lord will understand. Meanwhile, super teacher over here, is probably not the best influence on the current Sunday School class, and I am sure I have a lot of explaining to do upon my departure from this world. Not sure if the insanity plea will work. I've been informed by two of my kids this past week "Mom. Sometimes I think you're crazy. The rest of the time though, I know you are." and "You are the cutest little crazy person ever." so, there's that. Possibly it will be taken into consideration.

     On to other things. I was asked to start up another work place health challenge again this year. For the most part, all the participants haven't done a whole lot of participating. In the spirit of things though, yesterday I found an exercise bike on clearance at the grocery store, and brought it home to put it together. The kids have found that "mom putting things together" is the most amazing entertainment in the whole entire world, and they gathered around in eager anticipation to watch the latest installment, while Bearded Man impatiently demanded I step away from the bike and just let him do it. "She is a strong and independent woman!!!!!!" Kaila laughed, but, somehow, while I was looking for hex something or others, bolts and washers, and screwing pedals on with George, Bearded Man managed to put the majority of it together. And then banished it to the bedroom. Where one of his hats was settled onto it. Thus, when I entered my bedroom at bedtime, and was confronted by a large hat wearing object staring at me in the dark, I nearly died of heart failure on the spot, and only remembered the sleeping children after the startled screaming.
     Meanwhile, I am not entirely sure why we keep starting fitness challenges at work. I didn't realize how terrible the willpower is at my office, until I recently had to go to another VA Clinic for the day. I reported back to my regular clinic with "They have a WHOLE three pound box of chocolates in their break room from  CHRISTMAS, that they haven't even opened yet!!!" as my boss sent me pictures of the muffins, pastries and candies that had appeared in our break room that same morning. They were all gone before I was back at my usual clinic the next work day. I can send all the inspirational emails in the world. They are no match for our absolute lack of willpower.

    Also of note: Most of the time I have the most easy going kids in the entire world. Except recently.  Lexi had been pretty grouchy lately, and has been in the worst mood ever. Which has thankfully been spent by putting herself in her bedroom and away from her poor siblings, because it does not take much to set her off lately. No one is safe from Lexi's wrath when she is in a bad mood. I discovered the hard way that it is not okay to ask "And, are we a good witch, or a bad witch?" when she walks down the stairs. We will all be relieved when she decides to go back to her usual "Good Witch" status. Which is the most happy go lucky cheerful child ever. Not sure where "Bad Witch" came from but, if she doesn't snap out of it soon, we will all have to start watching for falling houses...

     Disclaimer: I did ask permission to write that last paragraph. "You can keep it. You need it - your blogs have been lacking lately." I was informed by the resident Bad Witch.

     I think that's it for tonight. This Blog has been written in choppy bursts around various interruptions and Lexi is likely not too far off the mark as to the content. Ah well.  Till next time!