Thursday, December 22, 2016

And to All a Good Night!

     Last night, we finally had the time to do a non-rushed Christmas activity. We took the kids driving around to see Christmas lights. I had heard of a place not too far away that had a home set up with lights that danced along to music played to their own Christmas station, so, we headed that way.

     "Dad! Drive faster!" urged George on the way there

     "Are you paying for the speeding ticket I will get?"

     "Sure! I will take Mom's credit card, buy the cops chocolate and tell them 'there ya go.' and we can get away with no ticket."

     Anyhow. We went and saw lights. Which was the only non rushed thing we have been able to do for the last month. We are all looking forward to Christmas break, I think!

     For the past 2+ months, Kaila has had nightly play practice at the school. Compounded by the addition of weekends over the last month. It was amazing, the sacrifices that all the kids in the play made, to pull off a huge production the weekend before Christmas. I think most of them are still recovering from the grueling schedule.
     The play ran Friday and Saturday nights this past weekend. We ran around like mad before the play both days, trying to cram in last minute shopping and groceries and odds and ends that needed to be done.
     Sunday was our Sunday School class's Christmas party, followed by Kaila's Confirmation at one of our sister churches. (Our priest runs 3 churches in the area.)

     Confirmation was attended by:

The Bishop

A Monsignior

4 priests

5 Alter Boys

The Knights of Columbus

A bunch of guys wearing sashes

A Legislator

A photographer.

The photographer gets honorable mention here, because he was absolutely the worst distraction ever, He had a huge camera that had the longest lens I have ever seen. This camera made So. Much. Noise. The photographer bounded all over the church, running up and down the aisles, crossing back and forth in front of the alter, standing in front of the Bishop at the alter, and generally being a nuisance.
This was followed by family of most of  the Confirmants hopping on the photo - op bus, who also began to run around the church, cell phones and cameras in hand. Honestly, I couldn't believe it. Had my strict Catholic mother been in attendance, I could have absolutely pictured a severe dressing down to all involved.
     People cut into the Confirmation lines, to take pictures. People would get into the Communion line just so they could take pictures of their kid getting communion. There were people bounding all over the place.
     Anyhow. It was a beautiful Mass, in a beautiful, recently restored church, and, at the end of the day, Kaila was Confirmed. I did NOT take any pictures during Mass, because, even though I am  nearing 40 years old, my mother scares the daylights out of me, and I know she would have found out and I would have been spoken to, at the very least.

     This week also was the School Christmas Concert. A lot of the kids that were in the school concert were still recovering from the school play. Looking at some of them, you could tell they were just tired. Today, thankfully is a half day of school, and Christmas break starts at 11:30 today! Pretty sure the band and chorus teachers are more than ready, also!

     A few years ago, I despaired of my kids really "getting" Christmas. I think I even mentioned it in a blog.
     Then, Joe decided very independently, that he wanted to do something good, and proceeded to save up a mason jar full of change and donate it to the local food bank.
     It sparked something good. So, we've made it a family tradition. This is the third year running, and, I think the kids deserve mention here, because, I am so so very proud of them.

     This year, we decided to save for a local homeless shelter for women and children. It's located near where I work, and largely unnoticed. It's a beautiful Victorian home, and it's run by a local Nun, I believe.
     My kids collected change, cans and bottles and coats for their cause. We spend a few evenings gathered around the kitchen table rolling change, and George's Cub Scout pack spent a meeting night walking around town collecting cans and bottles to return, to add to the cause.

     All told, we were able to  donate nearly $200., a turkey, and a large bag full of winter coats. The kids came to visit me at work the other day, and we all drove over to the shelter to deliver everything.
     It was an amazing and humbling experience, and I am so glad we were able to have it. We were given a tour of the shelter, and everything was enthusiastically explained by Sister Melissa, the Nun who runs it. I think it really put things into perspective for my kids, and I think they all took something good away from the experience.

     So now, we are only a few days before Christmas. My kids, I think, appreciate a little more, what they have. I took the day off tomorrow, and we plan to spend tonight and tomorrow baking and delivering cookies, and wrapping up the last minute gifts.
     Christmas will probably be spent at home and in our jammies, I imagine.

     This isn't the longest or the most humorous Blog, but, it pretty much sums up our insanely crazy life around here lately!

Merry Christmas and may the New Year be the best yet!